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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP. NO.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


for the rest I agree... but the PvP is far from balanced... in fact it's quite broken and weird. you don't really fight as much as you actually knockback your opponents if you want to seriously use legitimate strategies during WarZones... and since some Knockbacks are just more powerful than some others... same for Crowd Control... it creates weird roles no one respects.


however, as a Story-Driven RPG fan, I do agree with everything else. this game is fusing what makes a good MMO like Everquest or more recently RIFT to the BioWare receipe I love.

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TOR is an mmo designed for the lazy



So what you are saying is... TOR is designed for people who want to relax after a long day's work and have fun? You know, the way games were meant to be once upon a time before they became some kind of chore for the jobless.




TOR is fun from quest 1, and 15 levels later I am still clamored to the story, eager to see what happens next. I actually care about my character, and actually feel like I am my character progressing through a SW story, unlike other MMO's where I look at my character and feel nothing but cold sadness of wasted time.


When I log off, I am actually happy about the time I spent ingame rather than depleted from pointless grinding and nothing to show for it but digits.


The environments so far are immersive. Small, yes, but neccessarily so. I don't mind it, seeing it as more of an experience.


Side quests were made to be 50 times funner than any quest in any MMO I've ever played. Story-centric quests are superb so far, and I look forward to experiencing the rest of mine, the the others.


Companion is useful, and has an interesting story as well, similar to KOTOR.


And oh my God the pace of the game! There is absolutely no reason to rush leveling. The fun is to be had at all levels - it's the journey for real this time. Armor doesn't look like pure and utter crapola at lower levels - so you can look fairly cool without feeling like you need to rush to cap for cooler sets.


Anyone that is bashing the game for not having good PVP or AH are needlessly nitpicking out of overall dissatisfaction due to their unfounded expectations. Most likely this game isn't for them. TOR is for people who think it's fun to play. If WoW is your game and it brings you butterflies, go for it. TOR just isn't that kind of game.


Even if I become bored with the game, I commend BW for creating a real experience worth playing through. One I will remember if the game dies, lives, or I leave it. They provided a real themepark, living up the the definition.


And this is a guy coming from SWG Pre-CU.


Over and out.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


This fellow old-time gamer (think Neverwinter Nights on AOL lol) agrees with all except for the pvp part...but that's because I'm not a pvper and so I don't have enough experience to gauge it :o


I get my hardcore fix raiding in WoW 3 times a week and I totally enjoy the change of pace that this game gives me on the other nights.

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for the rest I agree... but the PvP is far from balanced... in fact it's quite broken and weird. you don't really fight as much as you actually knockback your opponents if you want to seriously use legitimate strategies during WarZones... and since some Knockbacks are just more powerful than some others... same for Crowd Control... it creates weird roles no one respects.


however, as a Story-Driven RPG fan, I do agree with everything else. this game is fusing what makes a good MMO like Everquest or more recently RIFT to the BioWare receipe I love.


While I'm not going to say it's perfect, I'll tell you this: PvP was designed with a group in mind. It was not designed for dualing.


Are there issues, sure.


Will they be fixed. Not to everyone's liking....ever. And that is not a failing on BW's part, it's just a fact that there are those that will cry because they were beaten. Such is the nature of PvP.

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PvP is fine in this game.


I've been PvPing for 15 years on PC. I know how to win, and this game gave me the tools to do that. Nothing else really matters in my eyes. Teamwork, strategy, and execution trump all minor balance issues. Nothing is ever really balanced perfectly. Variety just adds another layer to the player vs player aspect.

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Good on the RPG no doubt.


People confuse story that matters with the way it's delivered. The voice acting makes it much more engaging than reading quest text (which most people don't). So ofc you are more immersed into the story. Other Mmo's have good story also but it's unfair to compare what is probably the most world wide known story told by 6 movies and countless series, plus books and whatever else with another mmo that offers quest text.. It's not just unfair it's stupid argumentation. If Bioware failed at story telling then probably tomorrow the sun would not rise.


Balanced PvP made me laugh.. Like that is even possible in a new game. It's just stupid to say that. The system implemented to boost stats is very flawed although clever to avoid long queues. You cannot at level 20 expect to beat a level 50 or 40 for a truck load of reasons including lack of spells among others. However I like the resolve bar and combat style.


Worst AH ever .. FFS Fix this and fire the person that made it.


Combat is good and spells are stylish.


Graphics to be honest in a new game engine I expected more but then again probably many people would not play the game due to lack of a good computer. There is a economic crisis and new computers are not probably on people's prio list.


End game content, nothing really amazing tbh.. Average at best. Which is to expect from a new mmo, more content and better to follow im sure


Talent trees - same old thing, copied from 10 other mmo's out there


Cool Companion system, we have seen this before however still great.


Space combat on rails - no thank you.. It's bad.


Respec and char flexibility - I won't comment this or I will nerd rage. It just surprises me how incredibly backwards this system is. If someone writes choices that matter you can go ram your head against a train. What matters is that I'm able to enjoy a game to the fullest of what it has to offer me.. That matters.


So far and because im leveling (so im still at the good part) ill go with a 7/10. Let's see if it's enough for me to stick around come end game.

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PvP is fine in this game.


I've been PvPing for 15 years on PC. I know how to win, and this game gave me the tools to do that. Nothing else really matters in my eyes. Teamwork, strategy, and execution trump all minor balance issues. Nothing is ever really balanced perfectly. Variety just adds another layer to the player vs player aspect.


8v8 max, ability delay, poor fps/graphical optimization, bad warzone design, and a bland flavor of PvP break PvP in this game.

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8v8 max, ability delay, poor fps/graphical optimization, bad warzone design, and a bland flavor of PvP break PvP in this game.


PvP has been bland in modern games for over 10 years. Ability delay hasn't stopped me from getting 50+ kills in Warzones. I have no FPS issues.

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Variety just adds another layer to the player vs player aspect.


When you say variety, do you mean when you activate your abilities and they don't work, that's it's just another obstacle that you have to overcome? If so, this game is definitely for you.

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PvP has been bland in modern games for over 10 years. Ability delay hasn't stopped me from getting 50+ kills in Warzones. I have no FPS issues.


BF3, Halo 2 and 3, and WoW have great PvP. Don't bring down the entire PvP sphere of gaming just because Bioware didn't deliver with SW:TOR.

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BF3, Halo 2 and 3, and WoW have great PvP. Don't bring down the entire PvP sphere of gaming just because Bioware didn't deliver with SW:TOR.


well as far as i know BF3, halo2 and 3 are not MMO's. WoW has terrible pvp it is all a matter of gear score and lvl. There is no skill required at all it is all just who can press their macro button faster.

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well as far as i know BF3, halo2 and 3 are not MMO's. WoW has terrible pvp it is all a matter of gear score and lvl. There is no skill required at all it is all just who can press their macro button faster.


As far as I know SWTOR is not an MMO. Just because you charge a monthly fee and CALL it a MMO, doesn't make it an MMO.


I have a cat, and even thought I would like her to be an elephant, she's still just a cat, even if I call her an elephant.

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As far as I know SWTOR is not an MMO. Just because you charge a monthly fee and CALL it a MMO, doesn't make it an MMO.


I have a cat, and even thought I would like her to be an elephant, she's still just a cat, even if I call her an elephant.


Fits the definition, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can redefine it. Just say you don't like it.

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Accomplishing something in a game means **** all in the real world. So rather than waste my life with endless time sinks, I prefer a game that offers something more. If that makes me lazy, so be it.


You may... be looking for a long time. :)


OP: I'm with you right now.

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While I'm not going to say it's perfect, I'll tell you this: PvP was designed with a group in mind. It was not designed for dualing.


Are there issues, sure.


Will they be fixed. Not to everyone's liking....ever. And that is not a failing on BW's part, it's just a fact that there are those that will cry because they were beaten. Such is the nature of PvP.


I would tend to agree with this. Can certain classes dominate certain other classes yes. Each class has at least 1 other class they can dominate. The trick is to work as a team. You see that more and more in the wz even with pugs.

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well as far as i know BF3, halo2 and 3 are not MMO's. WoW has terrible pvp it is all a matter of gear score and lvl. There is no skill required at all it is all just who can press their macro button faster.


You clearly haven´t played any competetive Arena yet, so dont talk about it

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As far as I know SWTOR is not an MMO. Just because you charge a monthly fee and CALL it a MMO, doesn't make it an MMO.


I have a cat, and even thought I would like her to be an elephant, she's still just a cat, even if I call her an elephant.


Um is it massive? 1.5 million subs last count says yes

Is it multiplayers ? Yes

It is online? Yes


Thus is it a MMO? Yes


it might not be what you want an MMO to be but an MMO it is.


Outside of wow the other games i was responding to tend to be classified as FPS.

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BF3, Halo 2 and 3, and WoW have great PvP. Don't bring down the entire PvP sphere of gaming just because Bioware didn't deliver with SW:TOR.


I find riskless PVP bland. I want real penalties for losing. You don't know about my type of PvP though. The games I play are brutal, not kid stuff.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.

Totally agree. having a blast:D

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You clearly haven´t played any competetive Arena yet, so dont talk about it


Actually, I have and i did enjoy them. but since SWTOR does not have arena we can not offer a truly quantitative evaluation. What we can compare is open world and BX v WZ. We can though make a reasonable assumption on a comparison of WoW arena to what SWTOR would be in a similar set up. Thus we can make postulate that since SWTOR requires more skill in its form of combat both solo and in groups that in an arena form of team combat it would require more skill. Now since i judge the skill requirement as an important feature of pvp i can offer my opinion that SWOTR pvp is better than WoW's. Of course you could have a different theory on what the biases is for good pvp and thus a different opinion. However, I think most people would agree that comparing FPS pvp to MMO pvp is not a fair evaluation.

Edited by Baaddare
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