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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

are there plans to replace the Renown system all?


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since that there have remove the Renown system in the 7.0 expension the reason to keep playing the max level chars have become boring more.

and playing then to farm credits has also become pointless since there is still a big credits problem in this game.


since removing the renown system in 7.0 was something there not have to be do at all in the first place since it give the max level chars a reason to keep playing then in the first place.

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The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

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2 hours ago, Whykara said:

The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

I disliked Renown intensely, but the command XP system that preceded it was pretty good except for using it to gear your character (i.e its main purpose). But getting the gifts, decos and armor / weapon shells was nice. And I think they could combine that system with GS easily, every level you get a 5 point rep item for the current season plus blue, purple and gold comp gifts. It was one of the things I looked forward to with subscribing, and when they got rid of it I lost a big motivation because I wasn't gaining levels anymore. 

They could also probably turn it into a credit sink, maybe even combine it with amplifiers. 

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6 hours ago, Whykara said:

The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

It also added to the excess credits being generated in the game. Which was contributing to inflation.

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11 hours ago, Whykara said:

The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

the renown system has notting to do with the Galectic seasons since there have remove the renown on februari from this year with the 7.0 expension update.

and we are now on season 4 from the galectic seasons so it it has run at the same time with the galactice seasons since season 1.


it was not a good system at all but its still good to farm some junk parts you get from destroying it from the stuff you got from it.

the thing is more that the renown and the Galactic Command systems are both extra progression systems when you reach max level what a good idea was to have a second progression system after you reach max level with a char to have a second progression system to keep it more fun to play on the max level chars.

now there are no extra progression system anymore when you char reach the max level.

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I would like to see a system like this return, the renown system gave a sense of progression even when there was none, you don't need to reward credits give a few tech frags each level a notification you leveled up throw some titles to the mix and it would be better than feeling that your work on the game right now is worthless.

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6 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

It also added to the excess credits being generated in the game. Which was contributing to inflation.

the reason we have a inflation problem in this game is all thanks to a few expensions update's back since there have buff the credit rewards back then from all the missions with a lot.

and now a lot off other things give also credits like the Alliance Crates give also credits and bonus missions.

if there nerf the credits rewards from completing missions is what and remove the credits reward from the Alliance Crates and bonus missions then you fix the problem what better.

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23 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

the reason we have a inflation problem in this game is all thanks to a few expensions update's back since there have buff the credit rewards back then from all the missions with a lot.

and now a lot off other things give also credits like the Alliance Crates give also credits and bonus missions.

if there nerf the credits rewards from completing missions is what and remove the credits reward from the Alliance Crates and bonus missions then you fix the problem what better.

That’s an over simplification of the situation.

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8 hours ago, Spikanor said:

the reason we have a inflation problem in this game is all thanks to a few expensions update's back since there have buff the credit rewards back then from all the missions with a lot.

and now a lot off other things give also credits like the Alliance Crates give also credits and bonus missions.

if there nerf the credits rewards from completing missions is what and remove the credits reward from the Alliance Crates and bonus missions then you fix the problem what better.

Definitely oversimplifying the truth.
The issue is that there is *nothing* in the game that has actual value except the cartel items and end-game items (augments consumables) due to a f-up by Bioware. They wanted peoples to take absurd amounts of time gearing up, so they made end-game crafts extra complicated for nothing, which contributed to raising their values to an absurd level, meaning that they are also a reason for this stupid inflation.

The most important issue however is that credits actually serve nothing right now. Apart from the Specialty goods vendors on vanilla planets, there is *nothing* you can buy from the game with credits. No cosmetics, no fancy decorations, no weapon tunings, no fancy crystals, no cool mounts. Nothing. This means that the only value an item has is based on its cartel market price.

As an issue, it's a pretty big one. A huge one in fact. Because it means that : most players will earn massive amounts of credits by just doing... Things, and have *nowhere* to spend them except on real-money laundering with the cartel market. As long as the primary source of cosmetics and just "Imma buy this because its cool" items remains tied to a real-world currency, peoples will *not* lower their prices, because obviously the marketboards monkeys want to earn *tons* of credits with their real life money. Not less.


Lowering ways to earn credits *is* a good thing. But you also need something for peoples to actually want to get rid of their absurd amount of money. As long as even a hundred players will have more than 100b credits, the inflation *will* stay the same, because they'll be the one driving the economy by buying and selling things at an absurd price *just because they can*.

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23 hours ago, Whykara said:

The renown system was a low effort grind wheel designed to keep you playing despite there not being anything to do. It's been replaced by seasons, which is a step up because at least you get some nice rewards and have incentives to do something new every week. 

Agreed. It may not be anything super great, but it does give you incentive to do content you might not otherwise do, have people try content they never have before (and who knows, maybe they end up liking it, and than you have a new Raider or PVPer in the mix you wouldn't otherwise have.) and incentive to do content you've done ad nauseam.

Sometimes some of the things you can get from it ain't half bad, especially the free cartel coins, which are always nice.

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On 5/10/2023 at 8:22 PM, cach-x said:

It kinda rubs be the wrong way to play a character that has already done their weekly 100,000

It feels like wasted effort.

This is why I rarely play toons that have already completed all the existing story after they get their conquest.  I roll them out for the couple hours it takes to get their cq, then they sit until the next week's reset.

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On 5/11/2023 at 5:04 PM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Agreed. It may not be anything super great, but it does give you incentive to do content you might not otherwise do, have people try content they never have before (and who knows, maybe they end up liking it, and than you have a new Raider or PVPer in the mix you wouldn't otherwise have.) and incentive to do content you've done ad nauseam.

Sometimes some of the things you can get from it ain't half bad, especially the free cartel coins, which are always nice.

This is not true at all. All the renown system did was encourage EV Farm for the rank achievements, or spamming Hammer Station. 


The renown system was simply horrible and gave you nothing valuable. You still had to farm tech frags for all of your set pieces as well as tacticals. So the system itself had no meaningful progression at all, just a wasted gearing system that needed to be removed.

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 No cosmetics, no fancy decorations, no weapon tunings, no fancy crystals, no cool mounts. 

This is not true. There are many decorations/mounts available for credits plus reputation on various planets. 

Oricon,  Onderon, Yavin4, stuff that drops from  flashpoints and OPs- I use these as much as cartel market decorations for my strongholds. For crystals, you can make decent ones with Artifice crafting. For tunings this is true, but those are once and done.  For mounts there are perfectly usable ones available for credits and thru quests. And sometimes events (Nar Shaddaa Nightlife for example).

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On 5/17/2023 at 11:02 PM, Toraak said:

The renown system was simply horrible and gave you nothing valuable. You still had to farm tech frags for all of your set pieces as well as tacticals. So the system itself had no meaningful progression at all, just a wasted gearing system that needed to be removed.

the rewards you get from it was not that good at all and thats something a lot off people can agree on and i agree also on that part.

but still that part can still be fix to make the rewards what better then there are to give some usefull rewards in return.

but the system it self was a good usefull one it self.

and like i told before on this thread a lot off MMORPG game's have a second progression systems now a day's that if there reach the max level a second progression is going to start.

also the good side to have a second progression system is to make sure the max level players not get bored to fast and the renown system was a good one to have since a lot of max level players back then have not get bored to keep playing the max level chars at all.

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I recently came back to the game I last played when renown existed. I am missing it a lot, once you reach level 80 things like planetary missions just feel pointless to even do because you get basically nothing for them at least when renown existed I got experience and levels with rewards but now at best you get like 10k credits so essentially nothing and a piece of 80 rated gear that can't even be deconstructed into scrap.  It also means double XP is basically only for leveling alts now and as someone with 28 characters I couldn't care less about that.

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Maybe give some daily/op/fp/pvp tokens for every "renown" level?

It will be good for people who are new to game, got their new lv80, and want to focus on gearing up their main character.

Or people who don't have/want many alts. If you don't need the token, you can always exchange those into tech frag. Just a little reward for playing the game.

PS: off topic but speaking of cool stuffs to buy from the vendors. Some of them require obscure or multiple tokens that's simply too annoying/impossible to get. BW should update those vendors.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

Maybe give some daily/op/fp/pvp tokens for every "renown" level?

It will be good for people who are new to game, got their new lv80, and want to focus on gearing up their main character.

Or people who don't have/want many alts. If you don't need the token, you can always exchange those into tech frag. Just a little reward for playing the game.

its a good idea but i think that the effect's from this idea as reward is only going to hurt the PVP/FP and op runs you now need to get then and is not a good thing.

i think the reward needs to be the 3 jawa scrap materials and Tech frag's.

that after each 10 or 20 levels the rewards become little more.

we all know that each crafter needs the 3 jawa scrap materials to buy craft materials from the vendors so why not use that as a reward and make the tech fragments also as reward since in the old renown system we all destory the crap armor stuff for tech fragments and the 3 jawa scrap materials.

so why not make the 3 jawa scrap materials and tech fragments as level up reward then you have a good reward also for a good system.

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On 5/18/2023 at 4:31 AM, Shayddow said:

This is not true. There are many decorations/mounts available for credits plus reputation on various planets. 

Oricon,  Onderon, Yavin4, stuff that drops from  flashpoints and OPs- I use these as much as cartel market decorations for my strongholds. For crystals, you can make decent ones with Artifice crafting. For tunings this is true, but those are once and done.  For mounts there are perfectly usable ones available for credits and thru quests. And sometimes events (Nar Shaddaa Nightlife for example).

And the Ruhnuk ones, don't forget about those.

What bothers me is the limit of item that can be purchased, for example just 50 Stone Torches, just 50 male/female Clan Vizla npcs and so on. Why not let us buy 999 of them if we have the credits? 


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1 hour ago, WraithAssassin said:

Waiting for the Renown replacement?

What about the DvL replacement? The tokens? The bosses?

so far there have told in the 7.0 expension patch note's is that there remove the Dark VS lLight system for some time and that its become something new again but when that is going to happing nobody knows.

and i think BW also not know about it at all what the new Dark VS light system most look  like.

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I would like to a system like Galactic Command come back as legacy? Dark Vs. Light kinda way, but each time you reach a certain number you are rewarded with some new Flairs like Galactic Command , like 1,!!, !!!, !V,V kinda. and some boxes from each level up of different stuff weapons, armors, pets, mounts, reputation things, that was a fun system to be apart of. and reward the players with some good legacy names for reaching all the classes to the same max amount, and one of your classes reaching the max amount like lvl 999 like what renown did. that will help keep the players active during Each Galactic Seasons , PVP seasons. and there needs to be some weapons on that reward list for PVP Seasons. like come on Devs. just armors alone? shrugs. oh which Crystals are worth getting? gold Outlined? or FrogDogs Gold Crystals? i wished they would make the Victorius Weapons in the PVP Seasons vendor gold instead of White. 

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