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Why is the crafting interface so broken?


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  1. Material quantity doesn't update/refresh.
  2. Grade level pull down menu doesn't work properly.

I don't know if these problems are unique to each discipline, but for Bio, it's a nightmare.  Redundant clicks and re-clicks just to correctly get the information/process you want.

Grade 11 missions are sometimes accidentally fired off when you want a Grade 10 because the system defaults to Grade 11 but the pull down menu stays saying "Grade 10" for example.

Material quantity doesn't refresh as you use or add mats. (A simple refresh button would fix this if you don't want to bother fixing the automation).

Why is crafting so bad?

Also, would it be so difficult to be able to click on a material item you can manufacture and have the interface pop you to that material making menu?

I want to make Item "Z" but it take Item "A" and "B" to make.  So under the item "Z" menu I click on item "A" or "B" and it takes me to the "A" or "B" manufacturing menu (if I have unlocked making it).

GW2 has this down pat.  Why is it so difficult for SWTOR?

Lastly, the crew window should be wide with a 4x2 selection of crew (4 on the left and 4 on the right) along with the scroll bar.  The most you can run is 8 crew at a time, so why have me scrolling to see if the other 4 have completed their missions? It would be more efficient this way.


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I have noticed from the get go, if you select one gathering mission for one companion, then switch to a different one, the window reverts back to the 1st one you chose.  That can be aggravating at times.

I agree with being able to select which subcomponent you need (grrr Invasion Force)

The crew skill companions are listed by Influence level, so yeah would be nice to show the ones crafting/gathering up top.

Allow us to be able to send out 10 or more companions

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I'm a returning player and the UI seems generally pretty buggy and lacking, The crafting window design flaws/bugs are not the only ones, as it seems. Choosing abilities for your bar is horrible if you have lots of them but don't have them already on your bar. There is no possibility to filter for active/passive ones, for example. This shouldn't be an issue at all and they should have a capable lua coder for this if they don't want to expose basic functions to the public (ie addon support).

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:37 PM, Bar-Da-Voya said:

Because there has been no love given to crafting in years. The devs hate crafters it seems. Everything in crafting is from 6.0 or earlier. Nothing even added in 7.0 and since.

Do we honestly really need yet another tier of augments?


However, I agree that the interface has been buggy for a really long time, and could use a fix

Edited by Aries_cz
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