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What do you think of the "New" Star Wars timeline?

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Dawn of the Jedi- 25,000 years before the battle of Yavin. This period covers the Tho Yor and the Rakatans. Notable planet is Tython, which is inhabited by force sensitives who become the first Jedi. Special reference to the Bogan and Ashla.

The Old Republic- Around 4,000 BBY. This period covers Kotor and Swtor. Famous figures: Revan, Malak, The Shans, Malgus, and Vitiate.

The High Republic- Roughly 500-100 BBY.  Final period of the Old Republic. This is the height of the Galactic Republic. Newly created by Disney to fill in the gap between The Old Republic and the Prequels.  The Acolyte show is supposed to take place in this time.

The Fall of the Jedi-Basically the Prequels, TCW, The fall of Anakin Skywalker and order 66.

Reign of the Empire-End of ROTS until ANH. Bad Batch, Solo, Kenobi, Andor, Rebels, Rogue One.

Age of the Rebellion-Original Trilogy.

The New Republic-End of ROTJ until the reveal of the First Order. The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, Thrawn ("Heir to the Empire") aka Filoniverse.

Rise of the First Order- Sequel Trilogy.

The New Jedi Order- 15 years after Epi 9 where Rey rebuilds the Jedi.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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  • TonyTricicolo changed the title to What do think of the "New" Star Wars timeline?

Personally, I love the period from The Fall of the Jedi to the end of the Reign of the Empire.  My boy Uncle Palps did the Keyser Soze and pulled a fast one on everyone. Hands down the best villain in cinema history! 

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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  • TonyTricicolo changed the title to What do you think of the "New" Star Wars timeline?

lol I was actually planning to start a thread about this, although I was going to call it I hate the new Star Wars canon :rak_01:

It's funny to me that whereas the purpose of the original EU was mostly to tell new stories about the original trilogy characters and their descendants, the purpose of the new canon is mostly to explain how all the dumb stuff from the prequels and sequels actually makes sense. TCW did a great job making the prequels not suck as much, and Mandalorian is now doing the same heavy lifting for the sequels to explain the rise of the first order and "somehow...Palpatine returned."

It's mystifying that of all the EU, what they chose to save was this game era (apparently? I thought this had been ruled as Legends ages ago smh) and the Dawn of the Jedi era. I read Tim Lebbon's book a long time ago and, although it wasn't very good, was sufficiently curious from wookieepedia articles to check out the comic. The comic is really bad! I'm thankful that I can still play through Tython on Jedi characters without thinking about all the dumb stuff about Tython from that era. I'm so glad the original writers never came out and directly explained the flesh raiders, there's not a lot of linkage between the Tython lore and that era which is a blessing. They didn't include stuff like Force Storms or hey where did those gigantic floating pyramids go? Nope let's just forget all that happened.

I find most of the new canon books, including High Republic, very dull, and I'd rather just reread Brian Daley's A. C. Crispin's Han Solo Trilogy, Timothy Zahn, Matt Stover, Aaron Allston, Karen Traviss etc. Of all the new canon stuff, Bad Batch comes closest to Traviss' characterization of the clones; there's a weird disconnect when I watch stuff like Rebels and can't get over old Rex saluting Kanan and Ezra, I keep thinking "they're Jedi! They enslaved you! You should resent them!" Bad Batch also shows the Kaminoans much closer to how they're depicted in Traviss' books as a culture of unfeeling mad scientists who treat the clones as products. 

To be fair, I also hated Revan and all the Old Republic books that were written before EU became Legends. I'd say at least 50% of Legends was shlocky garbage. I've been reading Dark Empire and the Star Wars Legacy comic for the first time, and the best thing I can say about them is that they would have been marginally better sequels compared to the ones we got, but compared to like, Fate of the Jedi or even the Legacy novel series they were dreadful.    

Edited by Ardrossan
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2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

, Timothy Zahn,

i still think his ^ original  trilogy ( 'Heir To The Empire' , 'Dark Force Rising' , 'The Last Command' ) would've been far more interesting & layered  than what we eventually got with  Ep. 7-9

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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

i still think his ^ original  trilogy ( 'Heir To The Empire' , 'Dark Force Rising' , 'The Last Command' ) would've been far more interesting & layered  than what we eventually got with  Ep. 7-9

Well I think the reason why they didn't use Heir or even Dark Empire is that the actors are all too old. If they had made the sequels first instead of the prequels, it might have worked...let's see, TPM came out in 1999. Carrie Fisher was 43, Mark Hamill was 48, Harrison Ford was 57...Lucas would still be in control, but they would have needed to move the dates a bit: Heir takes place five years after Endor, so maybe 10-20 years instead? He might have felt they needed a Shia Leboeuf / Natalie Portman spunky kid to appeal to younger generations, maybe giving more importance to Jacen / Jaina. It probably would have resembled a weird hybrid of Heir and the sequels we got...but it might have worked. And at least the prequels wouldn't exist. 

Watching the digitally de-aged Mark Hamill show up in Mandalorian and BoBF I had this sudden thought of a parallel universe where RotJ was so popular that they continued making live action star wars tv/movies all through the 80s and 90s. That might have been really great! Or possibly it would have been like those awful ewok movies. 


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10 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

i still think his ^ original  trilogy ( 'Heir To The Empire' , 'Dark Force Rising' , 'The Last Command' ) would've been far more interesting & layered  than what we eventually got with  Ep. 7-9

It kinda looks like Dave Filoni is taking some inspiration from "Heir of the Empire" for his "Filoniverse" as I get the feeling that his movie will culminate the shows (The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, BoBF) in this period (The New Republic) with Thrawn as the "Big Baddie."   Okay, hear me out...my theory is that Palpatine's contingency plan if he died was the First Order. He wanted to build it way out in the unknown regions of space so that no one would notice it. The Chiss Ascendancy controls the unknown regions of space. Thrawn, wanting to improve his status with the ascendancy, brokers a deal on behalf of the Chiss to allow Palpatine to build in the region. Palpatine is so impressed with Thrawn that not only does he allow him, an alien, to join the Empire, he also makes him a high ranking official. Years go on, Palpatine and the Empire collapse and Thrawn becomes the "de facto" leader because everyone else above him is dead. 

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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5 hours ago, TonyTricicolo said:

It kinda looks like Dave Filoni is taking some inspiration from "Heir of the Empire" for his "Filoniverse" as I get the feeling that his movie will culminate the shows (The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, BoBF) in this period (The New Republic) with Thrawn as the "Big Baddie."   Okay, hear me out...my theory is that Palpatine's contingency plan if he died was the First Order. He wanted to build it way out in the unknown regions of space so that no one would notice it. The Chiss Ascendancy controls the unknown regions of space. Thrawn, wanting to improve his status with the ascendancy, brokers a deal on behalf of the Chiss to allow Palpatine to build in the region. Palpatine is so impressed with Thrawn that not only does he allow him, an alien, to join the Empire, he also makes him a high ranking official. Years go on, Palpatine and the Empire collapse and Thrawn becomes the "de facto" leader because everyone else above him is dead. 

What's great about Thrawn in the EU is that his motive for joining Palpatine was very realpolitik, he thought that the Empire had the best chance of warding off external threats that the Old Republic couldn't agree to deal with and the Chiss had too many moral checks and balances preventing action. Later this was retconned into a fear of the Yuuzhan Vong but I think Zahn's original characterization worked fine. 

The problem is that if there isn't this other motivation then his reason for joining the Empire doesn't make much sense, especially stuff like the Contingency which is just an extremely dumb concept no matter how much writers try to rationalize it. The 'Contingency' in the EU was basically the setup for Dark Empire, Byss / Exegol and cloned bodies and fleets of superweapon star destroyers. They didn't also need to tack on this contrived, silly plotline that they had to spend all this time and effort training officers who could 'take revenge' on the Empire and dismantle it, the rebellion could just do that themselves. What is Thrawn doing working with these dummies?

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For me, the Time line  is:

B.Y. 25,793- Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void (Book)

B.Y. 5000-3000 Lost tribe of the Sith(Book), The old Republic (Game), Revan(Game), KOTOR, SWTOR (Game)

BY 1032- Darth Bane (Books), High Republic (Disney content - as yet unknown)

BY 67 Darth Plagueis (Book), 

BY  22-19 Phantom Menace (Movie) ,Clone Wars (Movie & Cartoon Series-Filoni)

BY  19 Revenge of the Sith (Movie)

BY 10 Han solo trilogies(Books), Andor (Disney)

AY  0-5  Original Trilogy, The Truce at Bakura (Book)

AY 5-25  Beginning of New republic: Thrawn Trilogy (Books), X-Wing Stories (Books), Courtship of Princess Leia (Book), Jedi academy Trilogy(Books), Corellian Trilogy (Books),

               Mandalorian (Disney TV)

AY 35 The Dark Nest Trilogy (Books)

AY 40 Legacy of the Force (Books)  Crucible (Books), The New Jedi Order (Books)

Guess what's not in there? The SEQUELS.  To me, they should retcon it to "happening in an alternative universe".

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