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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW please fix the massive amount of lag on all of the normal live servers.


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I've been testing on all of the live servers and the average server lag is 400+ ms, and on the last test was 16,000. I'm not sure if the new test server is having any affect on the no0rmal 5 live servers, but this lag is way out of hand.


US servers I'm usually around 15-25 ms

EU servers I'm usually around 110-150 ms.



Tulok Horde: 380-450 ms

Leviathon: 450-600 ms

Darth Malgus: 16,660-25,000 ms

SS: 380-450 ms

SF 380-450 ms


This is a big difference from what I'm used to seeing, and no I'm not downloading games or updates.

Edited by Toraak
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1. Be sure you don't have Windows Update surreptitiously running in the background

2. Ditto virus checkers running scans

3. Download PingPlotter and use the free version to isolate where along the IP hopping you're stuck. It maps it out fairly well.

4. Wait

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This sounds more like you have an internet or pc problem then anything bioware can change. 

If the lag was that bad for everyone then the forums would be exploding.

I've been on 4 servers today and was getting my pings. 


*and yeah, check task manager, see if windows is forcing another update on you.  Either the regular windows update, or a microsoft edge one.

Edited by LD_Little_Dragon
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18 hours ago, Toraak said:

I shut the PC off for a few hours. My lag seems to be back to normal now. (shrug).

Hopefully you learned that just because you experience poor game performance it does not necessarily mean it is BioWare's fault.  This is not to say that it's never BioWare's fault, just that players should refrain from placing blame until the failure point is actually determined.

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2 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

Hopefully you learned that just because you experience poor game performance it does not necessarily mean it is BioWare's fault.  This is not to say that it's never BioWare's fault, just that players should refrain from placing blame until the failure point is actually determined.

I don't know what the reason was for it. It could be anything. Just because it disappeared after I shut the PC off, doesn't mean it was my internet or connection. While that is a possibility, it doesn't prove it was on my end just because it disappeared. 


I was having no other internet issues at the time either.

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On 4/6/2023 at 7:34 AM, Toraak said:

I don't know what the reason was for it. It could be anything. Just because it disappeared after I shut the PC off, doesn't mean it was my internet or connection. While that is a possibility, it doesn't prove it was on my end just because it disappeared. 


I was having no other internet issues at the time either.

Lag to swtor can often be attributed to your personal routing to the server. And because it’s swtor specific, you probably wont have any other issues with your internet connection to other games or websites. That doesn’t mean it’s Biowares fault. 

A good way to tell if it’s your routing or the actual game having issues is to run a tracert or use an app like pingplotter to see if there are routing issues between you & the server. The further away you are or the more hops you have to go through will increase the likelihood that you can run into issues. Ie, I have 18 hops from Australia to the US servers. Sometimes it’s 30 hops if the ISP is having issues.

This is my guide on how to see your route to the servers and watch the data live while you play 


Download Pingplotter at www.pingplotter.com

Install it so you can look at the hops to the server

To find out the server IP (it changes everytime you log in now) you need start swtor and then go back to your Windows desktop.

Now run command prompt in Administrator mode

(Depending on which Windows you have, there are different ways to run it in Administrator mode, so do a quick Google search on how too for your windows version)


Type this command into the command shell after you have opened it.

Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more 


(I usually have the netstat command saved in a txt file for notepad and just copy and paste it into the command prompt)


It will show you the 2 swtor connections to the server IP


It usually has an ip like this - or

But because it changes each time you login it will be different.. Ie it could be -

This is why you have to run this each time if you want to get an accurate read on the server ping.


Once you have that ip, open pingplotter. You can then enter the swtor server ip you are connected to and it will run a live trace route, showing all the connection hops along the way.

You'll be able to see live statistics and information on what is happening.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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