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Thanks Bioware for your effort


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The thing is, small market games CAN be very successful. EVE Online has been a thing for twenty years now. It's never been a big product. But CCP has (largely) run a tight ship, and kept their core playerbase via regular small updates and graphical improvements that have kept the game viable. People at that company have made entire careers out of keeping that product spritely and engaging.

And then, in contrast, you have a title like SWTOR, with an amazing license, and potentially - STILL - enormous draw, graphics that remain at least decent, and a playerbase that, while it sees an enormous amount of overturn, is probably comparable to EVE... and yet this game sees the most barebones and pathetic development cycle amongst similarly-sized offerings. And the reason? Because it didn't eat WoW's lunch at the height of Warcraft's popularity, so it HAS TO BE condemned to mediocrity.

No - sorry. No 'thank you's offered. We live in an era when FFXIV - a game that LITERALLY HAD TO BE RELAUNCHED; that is hamstrung by the industry's WORST combat engine - commands chief marketshare because the competition is on its hands and knees, and MMORPG development is a wasteland. SWTOR has every opportunity - even today - to crawl back into the conversation, and yet has made a conscious choice not to. Why should I thank these people for that?

Edited by AJediKnight
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Well, we did just get a big under-the-hood upgrade, one that most people never honestly expected to see in a game in "maintenance mode".... so that would kinda suggest they haven't given up. Hopefully, content patches start to reflect that now.

Edited by aeterno
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The upgrade to 64 bits was overall an major improvement.  I can see most players being happy with it.

Bioware just mucked up a few things.  Poorly implement QT costs (no one would notice a 10 credit cost on tython.  1000 creds?  yeah, that they notice.)

They also turned off the **** lights by taking away my beloved 'very low' setting for shaders. 

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5 hours ago, Marcinkoo said:

I have been a long time player of this fantastic game and the most recent update has improved my gaming experience considerably.  I appreciate the effort you put into the game.




Umm...ok...what did it do to improve the gaming experience? I can't tell. I'm stuck at the server selection screen with no servers to select from, and no way to fix it that I can tell. 

All I can see they've done with this update is add more reasons for loyal customers to turn their backs on them. This has been happening since 4.0 for me. I've given them chance after chance after chance and I'm getting fed up with them NOT listening to the players. 


We don't want to WATCH the game, we want to PLAY it, yet they continue to put those ridiculously long and irrelevant to our character's immediate knowledge "cutscenes" in that take up valuable resources rather than focusing on what our characters are actually involved with directly. 4.0 did that so much it was beyond annoying. Taking us to the throne room to watch Emperor Daddy and his brats argue and whine about everything was purely filler. BW couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that we're playing a character in a MMO that doesn't have access to the throne room so neither should the player be viewing this stuff. They've continued with this shoddy storytelling for years.

Then they've removed features or changed others that we were perfectly happy with, but no, in the interest of "improving" the game, they break it every single time. And now with this new update they implement the QT tax. QT is a feature many of us PAID REAL MONEY to buy the Cartel Coins used for opening up this feature which would allow us to forego the time and credit cost of the taxis. Why tax us on this??? It makes zero sense! Why not put a higher tax on transactions on the GTN? Why not increase the cost of sending items to other players through the mail system??? Why not increase the cost of taxi travel itself? Nope, it's better to anger the customers who paid real money to use a feature than to do something that might make a real difference to those who are actually exploiting in the game. SMH... 

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4 hours ago, CarpeSangrea said:

*laughs hysterically*

"Oh wait, you're serious...let me laugh even harder"


Hey, it's no joke, at least Jackie likes the post!

If only more forum posts said nice things about the devs and what a swell job they're doing, no criticism, not asking for anything (for example, fixing the economy), just basking in contentment, I bet we'd all rack up lots of likes from the community manager. :rak_01:

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