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7.2.1 update, 35 gig download?


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2 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Umm, why? 

Because it's changing to a 64 Bit, so we're basically downloading the entire game. Don't worry the download goes fast, unless you have terrible internet

Edited by Toraak
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Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out... and I have a guess.  You are downloading EVERYTHING all over again because all checksums probably got changed with the 64 bit change.

And who knows... maybe they did some PST updates as well so people who were trying that won't have to re download 8 GB EVERYTIME they attempted to launch the game.

So you might we well say Seasons week 1 is screwed, and people who are on download caps are royally screwed.  Is this any surprise?  Nope, game companies have always acted in this fashion which is very annoying.  Sadly this isn't a fault of the developers, it is the fault of their management and designers.  Developers only have the power to fix what they are told to fix, nothing more.  They go past that and they could be out of a job.

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34 minutes ago, Toraak said:

Because it's changing to a 64 Bit, so we're basically downloading the entire game. Don't worry the download goes fast, unless you have terrible internet

Well, I'm now a little over an hour in and sits at 32.1GB remaining, the speed fluctuates between 800KB/s to 2MB/s... not the fastest internet out there but decent enough IMO, still looking at 10 more hours of waiting. There goes my playing day. 

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36 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Well, I'm now a little over an hour in and sits at 32.1GB remaining, the speed fluctuates between 800KB/s to 2MB/s... not the fastest internet out there but decent enough IMO, still looking at 10 more hours of waiting. There goes my playing day. 

Each person's download speed will very depending on how fast the internet provider is. Some will be slower, others quick. 

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1 hour ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Well, I'm now a little over an hour in and sits at 32.1GB remaining, the speed fluctuates between 800KB/s to 2MB/s... not the fastest internet out there but decent enough IMO, still looking at 10 more hours of waiting. There goes my playing day. 

That's terrible internet, I'm sorry. Mine was done in less than 10 mins.

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25 minutes ago, Amodin said:

It wasn't a secret, the devs posted what it would be and why, and it's in the patch notes.

This is a major change for the game.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the launcher, all the patch notes said under the highlight section was "The new 64-bit will be available to all players". Do take note that it said "available" instead of "mandatory", nitpicking perhaps but choice of words are actually important in order to convey accurate information.

It is only if you clicked on "details" in the launcher's top left and then "Patch notes will be posted on March 27th here" will you find the following line; "We did want to point out that this game update contains the 64-bit client, so please expect a larger download than normal. Players should expect a 35g download for 7.2.1". Do tell me which link players tend to click on more often when they start the game launcher and see an update in progress. There's obviously an inconsistency or omission in communication here. 

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8 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

That's terrible internet, I'm sorry. Mine was done in less than 10 mins.

Maybe it's because I'm overseas at the moment. Excuse for me actually needing to leave the US to broaden my horizons from time to time, only to be hit with an unexpected re-downloading of the entire game, all for a supposed "available" update. Why wasn't it called mandatory then? A elementary school student would know the difference in meaning between the two words.

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10 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but in the launcher, all the patch notes said under the highlight section was "The new 64-bit will be available to all players". Do take note that it said "available" instead of "mandatory", nitpicking perhaps but choice of words are actually important in order to convey accurate information.

It is only if you clicked on "details" in the launcher's top left and then "Patch notes will be posted on March 27th here" will you find the following line; "We did want to point out that this game update contains the 64-bit client, so please expect a larger download than normal. Players should expect a 35g download for 7.2.1". Do tell me which link players tend to click on more often when they start the game launcher and see an update in progress. There's obviously an inconsistency or omission in communication here. 

The announcement about the patch: Game Update 7.2.1 coming March 28th! - Page 2 - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

Posted on 24 MAR.

Patch notes: Patch Notes | Star Wars: The Old Republic (swtor.com)

Posted yesterday, 27 MAR.

The game launcher is not communication, the forums are, reddit may be (laff), and news announcements on the website.  It's no secret that these forums have been their official communication channel for posting information about the game - not a game launcher.  Now, I do tend to wish they would post more information than just promoting the Cartel Market items in the launcher all the time, but over the past 10 years, they haven't changed.  There's no reason given to us that anything I just mentioned would change either.

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1 minute ago, Amodin said:

The announcement about the patch: Game Update 7.2.1 coming March 28th! - Page 2 - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

Posted on 24 MAR.

Patch notes: Patch Notes | Star Wars: The Old Republic (swtor.com)

Posted yesterday, 27 MAR.

The game launcher is not communication, the forums are, reddit may be (laff), and news announcements on the website.  It's no secret that these forums have been their official communication channel for posting information about the game - not a game launcher.  Now, I do tend to wish they would post more information than just promoting the Cartel Market items in the launcher all the time, but over the past 10 years, they haven't changed.  There's no reason given to us that anything I just mentioned would change either.

Whether it is SWTOR or any other online game, the vast majority of players don't bother with forums. This has been true since the days of Ultima Online and Everquest. And I would disagree that game launcher "patch notes" is not an official game communication channel, considering the "patch notes: game update X.X.X" is a straight up line-by-line carbon copy of the forum/website patch notes with the exception for that one line. Why the discrepancy? 

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6 minutes ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

It only took me about 8 minutes to download.  It all depends on your internet speed.

There are only so many trans-pacific fiber optic cables and since it is the middle of the workday in the US and with me having to connect to a US server for the update, yeah, I'm f*****.

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Just now, Oneirophrenia said:

There are only so many trans-pacific fiber optic cables and since it is the middle of the workday in the US and with me having to connect to a US server for the update, yeah, I'm f*****.

So you can't play for a day. go outside and broaden your horizons some more - touch some grass or something and let the game download.

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6 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Whether it is SWTOR or any other online game, the vast majority of players don't bother with forums. This has been true since the days of Ultima Online and Everquest. And I would disagree that game launcher "patch notes" is not an official game communication channel, considering the "patch notes: game update X.X.X" is a straight up line-by-line carbon copy of the forum/website patch notes with the exception for that one line. Why the discrepancy? 

All I can do is point you to my last line.  They haven't changed in communication, I don't (nor should anyone else) expect them to communicate any differently than they have been doing so (poorly) over the past 10 years.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing that the launcher carries lackluster information and notice about things.  But, they haven't done it any differently.  Just because other games are more responsible with this, doesn't mean EA would be, lol.

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1 minute ago, Amodin said:

All I can do is point you to my last line.  They haven't changed in communication, I don't (nor should anyone else) expect them to communicate any differently than they have been doing so (poorly) over the past 10 years.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing that the launcher carries lackluster information and notice about things.  But, they haven't done it any differently.  Just because other games are more responsible with this, doesn't mean EA would be, lol.

Yeah, EA is at least consistent in that. It just surprises me that they don't even know the difference between "available" and "mandatory". If the 64-bit client were truly an optional update that "available" seems to suggest (but strongly encouraged or becomes mandatory by a later date), I would of held off the update for now and let it download another time, say when I'm out at work or something. 

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10 minutes ago, BladedDingo said:

So you can't play for a day. go outside and broaden your horizons some more - touch some grass or something and let the game download.

It's the middle of the night where I am, I'm sure going outside to watch the moon and stars here would be a lot different than watching them from back home in the US, really broadening my horizons. 

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5 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

Yeah, EA is at least consistent in that. It just surprises me that they don't even know the difference between "available" and "mandatory". If the 64-bit client were truly an optional update that "available" seems to suggest (but strongly encouraged or becomes mandatory by a later date), I would of held off the update for now and let it download another time, say when I'm out at work or something. 

Yeah I caught that too, but quite honestly - this should have happened ages ago.  If anyone is still running a 32-bit OS with the same hardware, they frankly deserve not to be able to run the game.  64-bit has been available in the consumer end for over 20 years, and enterprise even longer than that.  32-bit is just another dodo.

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15 minutes ago, Oneirophrenia said:

It's the middle of the night where I am, I'm sure going outside to watch the moon and stars here would be a lot different than watching them from back home in the US, really broadening my horizons. 

You're the one that said you were overseas to broaden your horizons - maybe go play another game or watch a movie or just go to bed early - it's not that earth shattering to have to download an update and miss an evening of gaming.

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6 minutes ago, Amodin said:

Yeah I caught that too, but quite honestly - this should have happened ages ago.  If anyone is still running a 32-bit OS with the same hardware, they frankly deserve not to be able to run the game.  64-bit has been available in the consumer end for over 20 years, and enterprise even longer than that.  32-bit is just another dodo.

I started the game as a founder, quit for like 9 years and came back last year. I'm honestly surprised it is still around after seeing only 5 servers, I think it originally started out with 20 or something? I'm guessing the delay in 64-bit implementation is like everything else lately, lack of manpower budget. Quite frankly, I think EA/BW is at this point just forcing the game to chug along in the hopes of Disney may eventually pay up for the TOR IP, with the Andor series "Belsavis" easter egg the latest example of Disney's possible future direction. The fact that the game is still around could be used as a bargaining chip to drive up the price. Just a conjecture but who knows, might be true.

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1 minute ago, Oneirophrenia said:

I started the game as a founder, quit for like 9 years and came back last year. I'm honestly surprised it is still around after seeing only 5 servers, I think it originally started out with 20 or something? I'm guessing the delay in 64-bit implementation is like everything else lately, lack of manpower budget. Quite frankly, I think EA/BW is at this point just forcing the game to chug along in the hopes of Disney may eventually pay up for the TOR IP, with the Andor series "Belsavis" easter egg the latest example of Disney's possible future direction. The fact that the game is still around could be used as a bargaining chip to drive up the price. Just a conjecture but who knows, might be true.

Well I've lost my original name three times due to their stupid ass name merge, even though I was active, I still lost my Assassin name I've had since beta.  But, then I go to make a new character and low and behold - I could pick my name.  Totally sus there to make me pay for a name change.  I'm bitter about a lot of stupidity in this game, all from their stupid decisions and suspected foulness like the name thing.  

The 64-bit change is a big deal - and I wouldn't be surprised to see them trying to invest more money because of the big Disney series that are being pumped out like a cut femoral artery, and I suspect it's also because they lose the exclusivity licensing at the end of this year.  

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3 minutes ago, Amodin said:

Well I've lost my original name three times due to their stupid ass name merge, even though I was active, I still lost my Assassin name I've had since beta.  But, then I go to make a new character and low and behold - I could pick my name.  Totally sus there to make me pay for a name change.  I'm bitter about a lot of stupidity in this game, all from their stupid decisions and suspected foulness like the name thing.  

The 64-bit change is a big deal - and I wouldn't be surprised to see them trying to invest more money because of the big Disney series that are being pumped out like a cut femoral artery, and I suspect it's also because they lose the exclusivity licensing at the end of this year.  

Yeah, if EA is truly interested in bringing about a SWTOR revival, then the conversion to 64-bit is a must. But that's really just cosmetics. With the game economy the way it is, the wonky end game gearing progression system, and crafting being essentially neutered, they have a long, long, long way to go before making this game attractive to the mass market. 

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44 minutes ago, Amodin said:

Yeah I caught that too, but quite honestly - this should have happened ages ago.  If anyone is still running a 32-bit OS with the same hardware, they frankly deserve not to be able to run the game.  64-bit has been available in the consumer end for over 20 years, and enterprise even longer than that.  32-bit is just another dodo.

You'd be amazed at how many dodos are actually running your country's infrastructure.

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