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Jedi Consular - What Happens to The First Blade?


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The other three Force classes, their Lightsabers are either their own creation (Knight) or given by their Master (Inquisitor and Warrior), but the Consular's is different. During the Consular Origin story on Tython, they retrieve the hilt of The First Blade from Kaleth; then with the help of Rajivari's Force Apparition they convert the hilt into their Lightsaber...

Now, disregarding any arguments regarding disrespecting a piece of Jedi and Tython history and a priceless relic by that conversion, it can be somewhat implied that - while gameplay wise it's replaced by various other Lightsabers - story-wise the Consular potentially has the First Blade-Lightsaber until Odessen when they create their new anti-Arcann Lightsaber. That leaves the question of what happens to it after that; do they stick it on a shelf in their quarters somewhere? Return it to whatever's left of the Jedi Order as part of its history? Pass it on to Nadia when she returns for being their former-Padawan? Even just take it back to Tython and put it back in Kaleth under droid guard again?


I mean, like I said, it's a piece of history - several pieces, created by the Weaponmaster, used by Rajivari to hide the Fount, made into the Barsen'thor's Lightsaber - so it's not exactly a normal Lightsaber to be simply forgotten about, correct?



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I'd quibble about the Warrior's sabre being given by the Warrior's master (the Warrior retrieves it from a tomb, although it's easy to see how Blobular might have planted it there), but yes, that's a good point about the Consular's sabre.  Maybe (in lore terms) the character uses some parts (e.g. the hilt of the First Blade) from the existing weapon to make the new one, as in this bit of sub-quality pseudo-fan-fic I wrote here a few years ago:

On 5/18/2016 at 3:58 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

My only character who got that far is a Commando, so she has the HBG special weapon, and I think it looks pretty good. It's a three-barrel Gatling-type gun with assorted fins on it, and a sort of arcane-magic squiggly pattern around the part you actually hold. I head-canonned the changes I made like this (apologies for the lame-fanfic style - the situation seemed to call for it):

Kylath took the parts she had gathered, and swung her battered and combat-worn assault cannon off her back, setting it gently on the ancient workbench. Inspired by the words of both Grandmaster Satele and Darth Marr, she carefully dismantled the old weapon because the components from Odessen would not be enough to make a working cannon. She took her main power core and used it as a base around which to assemble a new weapon.

Gradually, the new weapon took form. The old weapon provided a power core, a drive motor, and targeting systems. The parts from the Odessen jungle provided three barrels and a frame to hold them, an ornately-decorated case for the old cannon's parts, and two elegant handles for supporting and directing the weapon. She swore under her breath, as the gunsmithing courses at the Academy had never covered building a weapon from scavenged scrap on a repurposed stone altar in the open air on a remote jungle-covered planet.

Finally, she tightened the last bolts and buffed the last corner of the case. The new weapon gleamed softly in the dim light of the Odessen night, and a smile crossed Kylath's lips as she picked it up and aimed it at a distant rock formation. As her fingers caressed the grips, her thumb bore down on the trigger. The drive motor's soft hum was lost as the new cannon spoke in a harsh, destructive voice, almost a scream, and the rock dissolved into a spray of shards and chips.

I don't think I should give up the day job to be a professional writer, but I think I may have captured the lame-fanfic style reasonably well.

So, I just destroyed the magical lightsaber - Page 2 - Story and Lore - SWTOR | Forums

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For all my characters I always keep my first weapon in my Cargo hold upon first upgrade. Your first weapon means something. For Story I would do the same thing. I keep my first as a memento. As Consular the First Blade is safely on display in my quarters. Sure, it would have been nice to have a cinematic where you place your original weapon somewhere special on Odessen. They didn't, so head canon one.


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It would be nice if they included an option to give it back at some point, or even just sent a space email from the Jedi equivalent of the reclamation service asking for it back. Ideally they could have added a little scene when you go to Nul the second time and Talos can ask force using classes about their lightsabers and you can respond with 

Top: Class flavour text

Middle: Throwaway Exposition

Bottom: Who are you to question me, worm? 

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