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PR Nightmare


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were complaining that a few people get 7 days, a few people get five days, and it looks like a few will get 1 or 2 days, dont play dumb. The servers are up and its pissing off everyone that didnt get in.


I'm sure I knew before hand that early access would be staggered, didn't you? Don't try playing coy now, we all knew about it quite well.

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The only PR Disaster I see is the lack of maturity in the "Players" on the forum. I would venture to say that most of the complaints being levied are from either straight up Trolls, or beings too young to know the value of anything in life. I'll be waiting patiently for my invitation. While I would enjoy getting in sooner, I think I've got enough bud, good music, and Skyrim to see me through till I get in.



Damn player-base, you scary! :(

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You know, originally we were getting 5 days, if we had only 5 days to do EGA it would have been much more stressful on the servers and much harder on everyone. By Thur., most everyone will be in, by Fri. I'm betting everyone will be in because by then the bulk will be long gone.


I have a really hard time understanding why ppl will be so upset at getting the full 5 days, and only a very small minority will get 4 days. I call that very successful, in beta do you know how hard it was to kill mobs that took a while to respawn, or how frustrating it was to kill mobs while someone stole what you needed? Only to have the same thing happen again because the mobs spawned and then someone ran and ganked the same item.


I'd greatly prefer to avoid that nonsense and not spend a ridiculous amount of time in queues. This way is far more manageable and much better for the servers and pop. balance on the servers. This is much different than what you did for you CEO, in addition all of this was stated last week, I didn't see ppl whining then, they're only whining now because they're acting like children who can't reach the cookie jar. To top that off it's not even the 15th yet.


It would be pointless for them to send us an email and tell us we can get on this date, only to have a hiccup and then retract that promise and tell us we can't get in which would be worse. By Fri. everyone will be in, that's equivalent to the 18th when it was only 5 days of EGA. You post is well stated but I still completely disagree with it.


There's only a small minority that's freaking out, most are very happy that they'll get 4-5 days of full access.

Edited by Yowfatto
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Unfortunately, at the end of the day, Bioware/EA has dropped the ball in a big way and this has resulted in a customer relations/public relations nightmare. Regardless of the debate on who should/shouldn't get in early, it being 7 days instead of 5 the failure of communications to the customer base on progress of early access has been massive.


I understand they may not have wanted to release what day has been invited or how many people this constituted. The people number would have been economically sensitive. However some simple metrics such as "x" % of pre-orders have received invites would have gone a long way. Now everyone is bent out of shape comparing pre-order dates and saying thing like "I know someone who bought the game last month and got access..." and "my servers empty why did Bioware go home early..." . The depth of anger of the forums is amazing. I lived through so many EQ1 expansion crashes and sudden patches waiting on the forums but the complaining was never like this.


This whole dragged out and uncommunicative process has sensitized people to the point that every in game issue is going to a game breaker/deal breaker. At the end of the day this will impact on their subscriber base. I know my brief experience with customer service was less than stellar. I downloaded the game client and got the error message about not having an active subscription. I sent a polite email to customer service asking if I was supposed to be seeing this and how to subscribe and was actually told to go read the forum.


I spent 30 years as an environmental manager in the oil industry. I had the happy job of answering environmental complaints. You don't tell someone to go to the internet and look. That's for troll chat... You answer their question as well as you can and if it's common enough, you have a ready to go answer. I helped write these for our CEO.


Hopefully they'll have a debrief tonight and get on their A game tomorrow. Alienating your subscriber base before the public release date (it's semantics... if people are playing and it's not beta, the game has launched...) is not good business sense.


Totally agree.

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Unfortunately, at the end of the day, Bioware/EA has dropped the ball in a big way and this has resulted in a customer relations/public relations nightmare. Regardless of the debate on who should/shouldn't get in early, it being 7 days instead of 5 the failure of communications to the customer base on progress of early access has been massive.


I understand they may not have wanted to release what day has been invited or how many people this constituted. The people number would have been economically sensitive. However some simple metrics such as "x" % of pre-orders have received invites would have gone a long way. Now everyone is bent out of shape comparing pre-order dates and saying thing like "I know someone who bought the game last month and got access..." and "my servers empty why did Bioware go home early..." . The depth of anger of the forums is amazing. I lived through so many EQ1 expansion crashes and sudden patches waiting on the forums but the complaining was never like this.


This whole dragged out and uncommunicative process has sensitized people to the point that every in game issue is going to a game breaker/deal breaker. At the end of the day this will impact on their subscriber base. I know my brief experience with customer service was less than stellar. I downloaded the game client and got the error message about not having an active subscription. I sent a polite email to customer service asking if I was supposed to be seeing this and how to subscribe and was actually told to go read the forum.


I spent 30 years as an environmental manager in the oil industry. I had the happy job of answering environmental complaints. You don't tell someone to go to the internet and look. That's for troll chat... You answer their question as well as you can and if it's common enough, you have a ready to go answer. I helped write these for our CEO.


Hopefully they'll have a debrief tonight and get on their A game tomorrow. Alienating your subscriber base before the public release date (it's semantics... if people are playing and it's not beta, the game has launched...) is not good business sense.


But if you got in today everything would have been ok?? Your just pissed because you didnt get an invite today!! I understood everything they have said and done!!

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The real PR nightmare is how whiny and impatient BioWare's customers are. How can the Ray's show their face among other gaming execs again?




Folks this was all discussed months ago. there was not communications failure on BioWare's end. The people that pre-ordered need to go back and read what it says. They are doing what they said.


So everyone, calm down, chill, play another game, somthing...just stop all the QQing.

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everybody is just frustrated that they can't play.


while this is a bad thing in the short run. its a good thing in the long run. WE ALL WANT TO PLAY. AND WE WANT TO PLAY NAO!!!


however not all of us can so we wait. and complain in the meantime. see you at launch.

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all they needed was a simple ticket system. I should have a ticket number and be able to monitor it getting closer to my number. Thats all they had to do! I cant believe how simple it is to avoid all the drama, a 5th grader could have figured out a simple ticket system.....
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Really? I think Bioware has just set the new standard of how to launch an MMO.


You cough up the ponies early, you get to play earlier then everyone else. So just because you hummed and hahed and finally paid some coin in November you get in with those that commited in July?




Game. Set. Match. Bioware.


And no I'm not playing yet.

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i personally don't mind the wait or what not, but i think it should be communicated better, the main reason that people are pissed off is because they paid the same money as evryone else did, yeh ok so they paid erlier big deal ( i got to find out abt this game way after beta and got hooked to it) that dosent make it so that some people get 7 extra days and some get 1 days, and who knows maybe they are planning to invite evryone by thursday....all im saying is BW needs to communicate and give an exact number and status so people can be assured that they wont have "early access" a day before the game actually comes out
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all they needed was a simple ticket system. I should have a ticket number and be able to monitor it getting closer to my number. Thats all they had to do! I cant believe how simple it is to avoid all the drama, a 5th grader could have figured out a simple ticket system.....


Uh.. your registered code date is your ticket. They are up to July 27 from what I understand. After tomorrow's wave, we'll know what ticket number they are through which will give you an idea as to how fast the line is moving.

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Uh.. your registered code date is your ticket. They are up to July 27 from what I understand. After tomorrow's wave, we'll know what ticket number they are through which will give you an idea as to how fast the line is moving.

going to go look for mine~!

There should be a sticky on this updated for everyone to look. your number and the number they are currently on should be very open for any and everyone to see without even trying.

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the best thing of all is when you got your preacces code there was a massage whit it saying redem your code bla bla and so on and it said UP TO 5 DAYS...

unless your dyslectik like me it sould have been clear as day..


whit the up to 5 days for anyone whit just some common sense would think "so up to 5 days that must meen first come first served"

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I wouldn't complain about early access being 2 days early, thats a reward not a punishment.


What I would complain about is that unless you read the forums like a madman you wouldn't have known that you needed to preorder in july to be first in line for early access. Granted it said up to 5 days early that did raise questions about how early you actually had to preorder.


The biggest complaint is they didn't let us know in an email that we needed to redeem that preorder code on their site for us to actually get in that line. On top of the fact that we had to pay 5 dollars more for the preorder and the fact that many, many, MANY people had issues with not getting a preorder code or it being used really sets you further back in the line.

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Bioware does something nice, and gives people two extra days, and people hat them for it.


I swear, is there no pleasing you people?


If everyone got in today, people would be complaining that this is the worst launch ever because everyone is camping the same mobs and there's too many people on and the que's are too long, and the server crashed.

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Bioware does something nice, and gives people two extra days, and people hat them for it.


I swear, is there no pleasing you people?


If everyone got in today, people would be complaining that this is the worst launch ever because everyone is camping the same mobs and there's too many people on and the que's are too long, and the server crashed.


It will be interesting to see how many people get less than the 5 days and how they feel about the 2 extra days. but hey its a gift right?

Edited by Rheannae
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