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(Question) Making Revan in swtor


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I have always liked the character of Revan. Lately I have been thinking about leveling a character that would follow (more or less) his decision making process and abilities, including his descent to the dark side and eventual redemption. 

The story arc that he would follow would be the Jedi Knight. Ok check.

As for his combat style that's when my question arises - I'm doubtful between creating a consular or Jedi knight. I like the stance of the Jedi knight I think it's more Revan like. However, Revan is known for having strong telekinesis and throwing objects around. That would make him a Consular (Kinetic combat)

After his descent into the dark side once again another doubt arises. Would Revan be more of a sorcerer or Juggernaut. I would say jug. because of force choke. 

So the options are Consular (telekinetic combat - stance is ugly but ok) and Jug. 
Jedi knight (guardian Idk - for the stance, no telekinetic powers) and Jug. 

What do you guys think? Would love to hear some insight. Thank you 😁


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3 hours ago, felleto said:

As for his combat style that's when my question arises - I'm doubtful between creating a consular or Jedi knight. I like the stance of the Jedi knight I think it's more Revan like. However, Revan is known for having strong telekinesis and throwing objects around. That would make him a Consular (Kinetic combat)

No.  It would make him a *Shadow* without regard to questions of Jedi Knight versus Jedi Consular.  Or, indeed, if you've done enough of the right things in the game, Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor.

Caveat: Patch 7.0 disconnected fighting classes (more properly called "Combat Styles") from story classes (more properly called "Origins").

3 hours ago, felleto said:

So the options are Consular (telekinetic combat - stance is ugly but ok) and Jug. 

TK is not the same thing ***at***all** as Kinetic Combat.  TK is a Sage discipline, while KC is a Shadow discipline.

3 hours ago, felleto said:

What do you guys think? Would love to hear some insight. Thank you 😁

Mostly, I think that you should consider choosing your combat styles (you can have two) and your origin story independently, so long as you've already cranked through at least one origin story on a different character.

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Maybe I didn't phrase my question correctly.

What I mean is if you would create a character that was supposed to mimic revan's abilities what 2 combat styles would you pick for this character. (Lore wise)

I was thinking sage for Jedi knight revan and jug for Darth revan. I know that revan never wielded a lightstaff so no shadow or assassin. And neither has he wielded two lightsabers at the same time. Which leaves (lore wise), Jedi knight revan being either a Jedi knight or sage and Darth revan a jug or sorcerer. 

How would you create your Darth revan in swtor meaning what combat styles would you pick to make him/her as close as possible to the original character.


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31 minutes ago, felleto said:

How would you create your Darth revan in swtor meaning what combat styles would you pick to make him/her as close as possible to the original character.

It seems logical (but not necessarily lore-compatible) that **Darth** Revan should be a **Sith** style, but in the end, I haven't played enough of either of the KOTOR games to offer any insight other than to clear up some epic SWTOR-terminology confusion.

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It can vary depending on how a person played KOTOR how 'their' Revan fought, but canonically Revan was supposed to be highly agile in combat, with a blend of Lightsaber skills and Force techniques including push/pull and (later on) Choke and Lightning. Agile, to me, says Ataru, which translates into SWTOR as a 'Combat Sentinel' specialisation since that's where Ataru Form is found as a passive, with a 'Lightning Sorceror' secondary Combat Style to represent his addition of Force Lightning after turning to (and returning from) the Dark Side.

Of course, as the saying goes, 'Your Mileage May Vary'.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/20/2023 at 5:22 PM, felleto said:

And neither has he wielded two lightsabers at the same time. 


This is actually incorrect. About half the depictions we see of Revan he is wielding two lightsabers at once. Famously, during the vision sequence in KOTOR 2, he wields a red lightsaber and a purple lightsaber. Likely symbolizing that he is one part Sith and one part Jedi.


That other half of the depictions of him, we see him wielding a single lightsaber: Purple as a Jedi, red as a Sith. Once he even used a green lightsaber.


For that reason, I would strongly recommend replacing the Sith Juggernaut choice with a Sith Marauder. During your Jedi Combat Style, I believe you really cannot go wrong with Guardian or Sage. Revan was an expert duelist, but he was also incredibly adept with Force Powers. I'm actually leaning toward Guardian, but for the sake of "fun" I say pick Sage, that way you can play two very different playstyles between your first and second Combat Styles. Plus... the Sage starts with a green lightsaber, as is befitting a Consular, so that would tie in nicely to that one time Revan used a green lightsaber.

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Thank you so much for these lovely insights. Just saving those 3.800 cartel coins for the redeemed revan lightsaber now (damn why so expensive). Has anyone of you bought this lightsaber? Apart from the unique design (not so unique because I know there is another with the same model) is there anything that stands out with this lightsaber from the CM? Sound effects maybe?

What about Revan's Morals? I never played KOTOR nor KOTOR 2 and the info I know come from videos I watch (if they remaster it I would definately play it but I'm a graphics baby sorry, I like my pretty pixels). Revan was against the weakness that the Jedi displayed in order to go full on war with the mandalorians. That whole path of peace and innaction was a no-no for him. Was this that ultimately drove him to the dark side? I wonder. 

I really like to try to understand the moral code of the character I'm playing :D

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On 1/20/2023 at 9:26 PM, turbomagnus said:

It can vary depending on how a person played KOTOR how 'their' Revan fought, but canonically Revan was supposed to be highly agile in combat, with a blend of Lightsaber skills and Force techniques including push/pull and (later on) Choke and Lightning. Agile, to me, says Ataru, which translates into SWTOR as a 'Combat Sentinel' specialisation since that's where Ataru Form is found as a passive, with a 'Lightning Sorceror' secondary Combat Style to represent his addition of Force Lightning after turning to (and returning from) the Dark Side.

Of course, as the saying goes, 'Your Mileage May Vary'.

I love these lore discussions, thank you for engaging with me! The choke and lightning part is the problem. I though he only had force choke not lightning. Again the experience I have come from swtor and some KOTOR videos. I guess the guardian stance is more beffiting for Revan and Darth Revan (with the lightsaber up close to his face) - Revan wouldn't be defense. He would be either vigilance or focus. His affinity with the force  would make him more focus, but the savagery of the strikes with vigilance is also appealing.

I could also go guardian (focus) then sorcerer I guess and use force stun as a force choke of sorts (not really ahaha)

2 hours ago, Anysao said:

For that reason, I would strongly recommend replacing the Sith Juggernaut choice with a Sith Marauder. During your Jedi Combat Style, I believe you really cannot go wrong with Guardian or Sage. Revan was an expert duelist, but he was also incredibly adept with Force Powers. I'm actually leaning toward Guardian, but for the sake of "fun" I say pick Sage, that way you can play two very different playstyles between your first and second Combat Styles. Plus... the Sage starts with a green lightsaber, as is befitting a Consular, so that would tie in nicely to that one time Revan used a green lightsaber.

I know Revan can be seem depicted as wielding both lightsabers. Maybe you are right. Marauder and sage does sound good. As for the specs would Revan be what kind of marauder? Sage I suppose he would be telekinetics. I would miss the guardian stance. T-T

PS. This little experiment just goes to show how limiting classes are in SWTOR. Why can't I substitute the appearance Electructe (sorc stun) for the appearance of force choke, let's say if my character is both a jugg and a sorc. Or force stun with force choke if I am both a guardian and juggernaut. Pebbles flying or force lightning if I'm sorc and sage. Let me change the APPEARANCE of some of the skills and keep them working the same (same range, same damage) just an aesthetic change, no rebalancing necessary. This reaaaally frustrates me! 

When combat styles came out I really thought I would be able to mix and match some sage skills and guardian skills maybe even the stance (I'm sorry but the sage and sorc stance doesn't work for me) 

Edited by felleto
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  • 7 months later...

Wow. This post has existed for a long time. After some digging I saw that revan (in KOTOR1 and 2) never double wielded the two lightsabers. 

So I'm going with Guardian for light and sorcerer lightning for the dark. I think no force choke but force paralysis is basically the same. 

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On 2/27/2023 at 6:59 PM, felleto said:

Thank you so much for these lovely insights. Just saving those 3.800 cartel coins for the redeemed revan lightsaber now (damn why so expensive). Has anyone of you bought this lightsaber? Apart from the unique design (not so unique because I know there is another with the same model) is there anything that stands out with this lightsaber from the CM? Sound effects maybe?

What about Revan's Morals? I never played KOTOR nor KOTOR 2 and the info I know come from videos I watch (if they remaster it I would definately play it but I'm a graphics baby sorry, I like my pretty pixels). Revan was against the weakness that the Jedi displayed in order to go full on war with the mandalorians. That whole path of peace and innaction was a no-no for him. Was this that ultimately drove him to the dark side? I wonder. 

I really like to try to understand the moral code of the character I'm playing :D

Revan saw people suffering and wanted to help them . the jedi council suspected the true threat had not yet shown and held back. he lead the younger jedi against the mandos and then discovered evidence of the Empereor. when he and his friend went against  the emperoer they were overwelmed and corrupted. returning to the known universe they tried to conqueor it until malack bretrayed him and the Jedi purged him. that leads to KotOR where you control him and decide his morals  

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  • 7 months later...

I actually thought about this.  Here's my breakdown.  And I'm sorry about being late, I just saw this.  But, anyone else who wants this, here you go.


Start as Jedi Sentinel.  He used two Lightsabers, and was (in)famous for it.  Purple and Red at peak.

Add Sith Sorcerer.  After becoming a Sith, he did what no one else could even dream of, and mastered the Light Side, AND Dark Side at once.  And there's not really a better comparison.

Jedi with Saber Combat, Sith with Force Combat.  Fits him very well.  Make sure you've got a few of the Class Storylines finished already too, Sith Warrior and so on, so you get things like Legacy Force Choke, via Heroic Moment.  This won't be an all the time thing, but it will help with flavor.  Legacy Force Choke for bursts of Fury, Legacy Orbital Bombardment for those military strikes he would have access to.  Legacy Project for his Jedi Force Training.  Legacy Flamethrower for his remaining influence from the Mandalorians.  This is flavor, but that's the joy.


Early Life: Revan started idealistic, and wanted to make the masters proud, and honor them.  Start the idealistic Jedi, believing simply in Light And Dark.  Good and Evil.  But, seeing the failings of the Jedi Council, such as Kalikori Village, tests that slightly.  He comes to forgive them, believing in their tenets.  "They must have a reason, they know better than me."

Personality: Kind, understanding.  Reasonable and polite.

Early Tests: When he faces those who have suffered, like the Final Boss of Tython, he has to actively calm himself, because he's getting mad on Orgus's behalf.

Personality: Kind, understanding.  Reasonable, and mostly polite.

Rising Star: When you leave Coruscant, try and do Planet Storylines, it would fit him.  He couldn't see injustice and do nothing.  If he saw evil, he had to act, and he had to find evil to act.  Remember, he searched for ten years for evidence of the Cathar Genocide, which everyone said, "There's no proof, just accept it."  He was stubborn enough to follow what was deemed a dead end for a literal decade.  You can let your character get more connected to the Common Man than the Jedi.  "We protect the People, not ourselves!"  That was why he left the Jedi Order, they were avoiding the Mandalorians Wars, while planets got razed.

Personality: To the Common Man, polite, friendly, and respectful.  Shows them courtesy.  To the Jedi, curt, quick, and almost annoyed.  Appreciates those who do their jobs, but doesn't have, or make, good first impressions.

The Climax: The 2nd Chapter has you face a dangerous Foe, who bests you.  You fall, and go to the Dark Side.  This is where you either take, or activate your 2nd Fighting Style, Sorcerer.  Once you escape them, consider lingering influence.  Darkness taints you, and you either strive to Weaponize it, or Resist it.  Resist because you're a Jedi.  Weaponize, because the Jedi failed.  Remember, you were bested once, after doing so much that was deemed impossible for them, and they just went, "Oops, guess they're dead?"  That hurts.  But your Character is hurt more by the person who /used/ you.  Made you a Weapon.  And now, you'll aim that newfound weapon, at /them/.  The rest of this, is you either trying to return to your Inner Peace, or becoming a Merciless Destroyer of your enemies.

Personality 1: Merciful, but strained.  Goes through all he can to help others, throwing self headfirst at problems with no regard for own safety.  Still uses strategy, but will not risk another life.

Personality 2:  Brutal and Aggressive.  Ends everyone in his way, alongside allies.  Death is all but a certainty for his enemies.  Strategies are terrifying and effective.


Sentinel: Get up close and personal, bounce around enemies, jump around, even if it's unnecessary, it represents the Sentinel's overwhelming speed.  If you can't see the person attacking you, how can you defend?  Several styles are options.  Mixture of weak and heavy hits, designed to shatter any guard.  Or using just enough Focus Building attacks to hammer down heavy Strikes repeatedly.

Sorcerer: Revan would be any of them.  Lightning, because he would overwhelm his opponents with raw power, applied intricately and with great detail.  Madness, because it's a slow and insidious killer, so his enemies can't fight it effectively.  And Corruption, because your allies can't help you fight if they're corpses.


Honestly... way to many of these could work.

Biochem: Your soldiers can't fight if they don't have meds and food to keep them healthy.  Add in that the associated Skills are Diplomacy and Investigation, and he's a great fit.  He was a determined investigator.  He searched for proof that the entire galaxy couldn't find, and found it. (Cathar Genocide.)  He had a masterful way with words. (Convinced a decent chunk of the Jedi to leave the Order, to protect the Republic.  He effectively caused a massive Rebellion in the Jedi Order, and the Jedi Council said, "Alright we'll punish him, later.")

Armormech: Your soldiers can't fight if they die in one shot.  Also, the associated Skills are Scavenging and Underworld Trading.  Scavenging would let Revan use the remains on battlefields to replenish that he lost in battles.  Necessity later in war.  Underworld trading is very useful, basically a necessity.  Hell, the Republic works with the Hutts, the physical embodiment of Slaving Worms, simply because they're good businessmen.  "You've got slaves, and we outlawed that.  But, you've got money, so we'll work with you."

Armstech: If your soldiers don't have good weapons, any fighting they do will be a failure.  If you need ten shots to do what your enemy needs just one for?  This one's Crew Skills are interesting too.  Scavenging, Slicing, Investigation.  As it has three, you would need an ally, or other Character to help, which FITS Revan well.  He was a team player.  I've stated Scavenging and Investigation already, but Slicing fits.  It would let him find out what his enemies are planning via their computers, and with the In Game Use, he could secure funds.

Artifice: Jedi joined him.  Probably the only Jedi he didn't actively feel were embarrassing the Order?  But, they need Lightsabers, and weapons.  So Revan would use this one.  The associated Crew Skills are Archeology, and Treasure Hunting.  Archeology fits, because Revan was a scholar as much as a warrior.  He found an ancient weapon that the Republic had forgotten centuries ago.  The Star Forge.  Treasure Hunting for the same reason.  He found this by examining old ruins and treasures of old temples.

Synthweaving: In the same vein as Artifice, Revan had Jedi under his command.  They didn't just use weapons, they had their own Armor.  That would be this.  The Crew Skills are Archeology and Underworld Trading.  His Jedi would make their own Lightsabers in this case, so he'd make their weapons.

Cybertech: Revan knew you'd have to fight dirty at some point. *Cough* Malachor Five. *Cough* So he made weapons.  Unconventional Weapons.  He would be the type to give his people grenades, and tell them to throw them in an enclosed space.  The Crew Skills are Scavenging and Underworld Trading.

The cool thing is, whatever Crew Skill you choose, you can add as flavor.  Cybertech?  Well now you're hucking grenades at enemies as an opener.  Armormech?  Well now you've got your Soldier Allies in high quality armor.  Sythweaving?  Armormech but for the Jedi.


If you managed to read all this... thank you.

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  • 5 weeks later...

This thread reminded me of something I asked way back in the day:

  ( https://forums.swtor.com/topic/726240-are-our-characters-slowly-becoming-the-new-revan )

On 4/14/2015 at 12:11 AM, DAWUSS said:

I don't quite know what subforum to fit this in, as it's more of a "characters" thing than anything else. but this is something I've slowly started to wonder about after a little bit of time with a wandering mind. The primary character in question (for me and my list of characters anyway) is my Darth Imperius. The two seem to have quite a bit in common:


They've visited many of the same locations - Korriban, Manaan, Yavin, Taris, Tatooine, Lehon...


HK-series assassin droid - HK-47 vs. HK-51


Made out with someone possessing the last name of Shan: Bastila vs. Theron


Used Rakata technology on multiple occasions


Battled Sith Lords to the death on space stations prior to their destruction - Darth Malak on the Star Forge vs. Darth Malgus on the Emperor's Space Station


I know some of those are optional, and some probably left out (and some may even be a stretch), but there is a curious list of similarities...

But for a Revan *build*? He dual wields, he shoots Force Lightning, he can hurl rocks and other debris, used a blaster rifle... You would probably be relying on heroic moments' legacy abilities where you can do things like shoot lightning or lob a grenade. He's not exactly bound/limited to any one class in terms of abilites both in SWTOR and overall (KOTOR has more character freedom than SWTOR). Lightsaber colors you have red, purple, cyan, green(? I think), and maybe orange.

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