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Are our characters slowly becoming the new Revan?


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I don't quite know what subforum to fit this in, as it's more of a "characters" thing than anything else. but this is something I've slowly started to wonder about after a little bit of time with a wandering mind. The primary character in question (for me and my list of characters anyway) is my Darth Imperius. The two seem to have quite a bit in common:


They've visited many of the same locations - Korriban, Manaan, Yavin, Taris, Tatooine, Lehon...


HK-series assassin droid - HK-47 vs. HK-51


Made out with someone possessing the last name of Shan: Bastila vs. Theron


Used Rakata technology on multiple occasions


Battled Sith Lords to the death on space stations prior to their destruction - Darth Malak on the Star Forge vs. Darth Malgus on the Emperor's Space Station


I know some of those are optional, and some probably left out (and some may even be a stretch), but there is a curious list of similarities...

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Well, Revan himself (or his spirit at least) charges the player character with 'finishing what he could not'. However, in a large way, the Hero of Tython is really the 'next' Revan, given that he is the one who is foreseen in Lord Scourge's vision that kills the Emperor and finishes Revan's mission... kind of. The Hero of Tython is pretty much given what amounts to the story of KOTOR 3, had it been made.


What's more interesting to me is that Revan states somewhere that the name 'Revan' was never his real one - it was a title adopted from the Revanchist movement. That doesn't necessarily mean that the player characters will literally take his name and become the new Revan - just that at this point in the now Vitiate-centered story they are his spiritual successors.


So TL;DR, yes, the TOR player characters are Revan's spiritual successors at this point in the story.

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I haven't once used Flurry 48 times in a row in this game, so no, we're not the new Revan.


And don't forget plopping down about 20 mines and kiting the AI!


I just think it's somewhat interesting considering the fact that we're trying to get Revan to "Exit Stage Left" while promoting what could be another Revan - or more accurately, promoting another What Revan Was When He Was Popular.

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As someone said above revan is not his name. If you played Kotor 2 ( by far the one with best story) Kreya will tell you that she was Revan's teacher at some point and that revan wasn t his name.




Also, Revan is the one who claims Revan was never his real name, after the Maelstrom Prison, during the Jedi Prisoner story arc.

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Also, Revan is the one who claims Revan was never his real name, after the Maelstrom Prison, during the Jedi Prisoner story arc.



as for anything Kreia says I'd take it with a grain or ten of salt. why so many people take what she says as undisputed truth shocks me.

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