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Vigilance or Focus ?


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Vigilance is great for AOE . Nothing beats it. Mob killer supreme.

Focus is pretty good AOE too, You can go all smash monkey with it 5 times in a row, but its shines single target. It's a very cool spec.

If there's lots of adds, Vigilance will probably pull better numbers, but it's all fluff. DOTs.

Focus hits hard, strong burst.


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I've been getting noticeably better damage with Vigilance.

I find Focus too focus-starved. I've been using Mark Biggs & Draemn's  builds from YouTube, and I don't know if something changed between when they made their videos and 7.2, but I just don't have enough focus. Every now & then I have to throw in Strike as a filler to generate a couple extra focus otherwise I'll run out and can't do the rotation.

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