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Galactic Seasons saved SWTOR


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After 7.0 I, like many others, was very disappointed in the changes made to the game and even thinking it might be time for me to stop playing SWTOR. However, now with the Galactic (and PVP) Seasons and other recent improvements I find myself enjoying the game once more. I still wish the game got story updates more frequently.... But free stuff is always good and the weekly objectives have made me play certain parts of the game I haven't felt like playing in a long time like Starfighter and the new Manaan daily area. Same goes for PVP Seasons.

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GS took what should have been improvements to Conquest, and forced it into a new system to monetize it.

While the objectives can be fun, it's a horrible fall toward mobile: a monetized grind with a timer, gear upgrade mats for sale, companion leveling for sale, and desirable cosmetics locked behind levels that have to be ground or paid down in sequence.

It's an ugly omen of what's to come.

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3 hours ago, FlatTax said:

GS took what should have been improvements to Conquest, and forced it into a new system to monetize it.

While the objectives can be fun, it's a horrible fall toward mobile: a monetized grind with a timer, gear upgrade mats for sale, companion leveling for sale, and desirable cosmetics locked behind levels that have to be ground or paid down in sequence.

It's an ugly omen of what's to come.

Yeah.....Damn man. You really hit the nail on the head. If it was a progression track that never expired like what Halo does with its seasons it would be one thing....but FOMO with Monetized progression is dangerous. :jawa_frown:

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I like getting free cartel coins, armor sets, and weapon sets, but I do get tired of weeklies. I've been pretty bored of Season 3 since about week 10 and am just doing it for the rewards and achievements now. Everyone will have different preferences, but for me, I would like there to be three Galactic Seasons per year lasting 10 weeks each. Space them evenly throughout the year with roughly 7-8 weeks off in between.

Also, don't start a new season at the same time as new story or item levels are added. When new item levels are available, I just want to focus on gearing up for a few weeks (a month max). I don't want a few days each week tied up doing season weeklies when I could be using that time for gearing. This is also better for the game because the content lasts longer.

One thing you could do is turn Galactic Seasons into something like a DLC. For example, If you get to level 10 in a season, you could unlock that season and have infinite weeks to finish it, no time deadline. I know that's probably not Bioware's goal for it, but I always prefer maximum flexibility.

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GS is nice, give me opportunity to actually finish some achievement (the mount that requires killing nightmare pilgrim hello).

As long as they keep it cosmetic, I'm more than ok with it.

They do need to change the collection unlock fees back to 10cc. It's.... nicer to the playrs who actually give a dime to participate and finish it.

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On 1/13/2023 at 5:42 AM, Chryptyk said:

seasons is just something to distract us from actual content.  if it actually meant something, the cheevos wouldn't be zero points.

I guess BW follows the strategy to only reward achievement points for achievements one can still obtain, which I guess makes some kind of sense (I recall heated discussions about the PVP-acievements involving the Makeb Party Jawa).

As far as the general concept goes, I actually like it in general, except for it being time-bound. I‘d like it better in some rotationary setup like the events, or with a more elaborate catch-up system. If you are not able to meet the required numbers mathematically, there is no point in grinding, kind of defeating the single purpose of it.

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IMO, seasons is much like the Ossus days where they gave us objectives just to make their metrics look good for certain activities.  A shiny grind is not new content.  The new content cycle in swtor is way too long.  It's just busy work to keep us preoccupied until something new actually comes out.

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On 1/12/2023 at 5:00 PM, FlatTax said:

GS took what should have been improvements to Conquest, and forced it into a new system to monetize it.

While the objectives can be fun, it's a horrible fall toward mobile: a monetized grind with a timer, gear upgrade mats for sale, companion leveling for sale, and desirable cosmetics locked behind levels that have to be ground or paid down in sequence.

It's an ugly omen of what's to come.

Are u not a subscriber? If that's the case I can see why you might say this. Otherwise as a regular subscriber who would be doing pvp/conquest anyways, the addition of seasons without having to do much different from conquest (because they actually have tried to align the objectives which wasn't the case in season 1) is fantastic. You won't see me complaining about a game system that pays me to play the game lol. Not sure how ur equating this to a mobile pay to play type game, unless if course ur not a sub. But then again mmos have been charging a sub fee for 20 plus years now...

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19 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

Galactic seasons gives reason to log in and do stuff you wouldn't normally do. 


Does it really?

I have just come back to SWTOR after a year's break, and all I am doing in getting my toons through the new Story Content.

Once all my toons are up to date the chances of me engaging with GS is about the same as me winning a lottery I have never entered.


GS means nothing to me because I see it for what it is - rinse/repeat old content so they don't have to invest in new content.

Problem is that strategy only fools some of the people, and every time it is done and repeated again it fools less and less people.

Throw in the monetisation of it and it becomes even less palatable - for crying out loud if someone else were to monetise a way to obtain stuff easier it would be called hacking, and Bioware would justifiably stamp it out real quick; but when they do it does it become OK?

No to me it doesn't, it is the same thing a paid for hack to short-circuit increasingly boring rinse/repeat content most of us grew tired of a half-decade ago.


If a game want to a) retain and grow its player base, and b) monetise that so it can continue to do so in the future it needs to do JUST ONE THING = release regular new content of such quality players are willing to pay for it.  ESO manages it (and there are so many things I actually dislike about ESO that I really don't like having to give them credit for anything) 


Remember, this is Star Wars - it is, in effect, a license to print money as long as minimum standards of quality are maintained.


All The Best

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after i'm done catching up on story, my go-to rinse/repeat is conquest.  i was very disappointed with how conquest was changed from 6 to 7.  it didn't stop me from doing it, but it has slowed me down a lot.  7 has just sucked the fun out of the game, in general.  grind for everything!  6 was perfect in that no matter what you did, it didn't seem grindy.  i still do things, but i'm not really having a good time.  the only reason i keep playing it is because it is SW and there's not a viable alternative for me. 

i know a lot of people that went to WoW and FF14, but i just don't have an interest in those games.  however, those games actually have regular new content, actual big expansions at release, instead of things being released piecemeal.  content updates are fine, but a new expansion should be a huge thing, full of new content that will take us a while to consume, not regurgitating old content for farming purposes.

Let's take a look at 7 and see what we got that was actually new.  At 7, we got combat styles, a FP,  and like an hour of story.  at 7.1, we got the manaan daily area and the new op.  7.2 we got the new story (which thankfully was longer than an hour, well if you include the supplemental anways) and another daily area.  combat styles was not new content, it was just a revamp we needed to get used to.  Seasons (pvp or regular) is not new content, it's just busy work.  Putting weapons into the outfit designer is not new content, it's just a QOL improvement.

IF 7.1 stuff had come out with 7.0, i think people would have been fine with that being called an expansion.



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On 1/15/2023 at 1:27 PM, GeneralGyro said:

Galactic seasons gives reason to log in and do stuff you wouldn't normally do. 


Just wish the rewards in 3 were like season 1. 4000 cartel coins, and better weapon design. And let us equip the weapons that are reserved for the companions.

When GSF first came out I was excited, then I noticed how much of a money grab it was and abandoned it. Customizations were not account wide, unlocks were per character which is fine but Bioware made it grindy and added in two upgrade currencies to try and get players to spend CC to covert for faster upgrading.

Galactic Season 1 released and had GSF goals so I gave GSF another chance and love it. It is my favorite game mode when teams are even matches. I still think GSF is a failed money grab but without Galactic Season 1 I would have never given it a second thought.

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