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No character class swap


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Any possiblity of making it so that when players select their second combat style the can have the option of merging the two styles rather than either swapping between one or the other or just stick to the one style? Cause honestly when i read about the whole choosing a class such as the sith warrior and giving him access to light side abilities i thought it was going to be a merge of the two classes not musical chair of combat style. If we must swap atleast give us a keybind to change class on the fly mid combat.

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22 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

You'd be basically creating new classes at that point, a whole new set of math to support the combined classes. Would make for very convoluted skill trees indeed to mix a jedi consular with a sin tank.

More to the point, to mix a *Sage* with a sin tank.

6 hours ago, Alorus_Wolf said:

Cause honestly when i read about the whole choosing a class such as the sith warrior and giving him access to light side abilities i thought it was going to be a merge of the two classes not musical chair of combat style.

Not sure why you thought that.  What they said was *very* clearly not what you thought.

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I was actually thinking about this the other day, and I think this would be an awesome idea. To be able to combine the two classes you pink into one by choosing and customizing it the way you want it to be. 

I know it would require an immense effort from the developers but I think it would be a wonderful idea

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7 hours ago, felleto said:

I was actually thinking about this the other day, and I think this would be an awesome idea. To be able to combine the two classes you pink into one by choosing and customizing it the way you want it to be. 

I know it would require an immense effort from the developers but I think it would be a wonderful idea

It would be beyond merely "immense", and would have an ongoing cost that they rejected in a fairly definitive fashion with the release of Disciplines in 3.0.  Specifically, I'm talking about the ongoing cost of rebalancing weird hybrid builds, except in spadish spades.

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I mean all the skills are already there. They just need to figure out a way to make we choose which skill we want for our character. 

Let's suppose my character was first a jedi guardian that then fell to the dark side and now is a juggernaut. The skills these classes posses are extremely similar, we would just need an interface that would let us customize what skills from which class we get allowed to pick. For instance, force stasis or force choke. It's just a matter of cosmetic choice at a certain point. Also, every skill fits a certain utility: Stuns, aoes, knockbacks etc. 

I would love to see this achieved some day because it would bring a new level of uniqueness and customization to each character. Also, if we could mix tech users and force users that would be awesome too haha


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On 1/4/2023 at 4:22 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

Specifically, I'm talking about the ongoing cost of rebalancing weird hybrid builds

Considering how much people complain about the balance across classes that we have now, I can just imagine the uproar when someone takes this build-a-bear approach to creating a class and comes up with a killer unbeatable combination and traipses into a PvP warzone with it.

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21 hours ago, felleto said:

I mean all the skills are already there. They just need to figure out a way to make we choose which skill we want for our character. 

And how to balance the unholy mess of weird combinations that outfight everything else.

21 hours ago, felleto said:

Let's suppose my character was first a jedi guardian that then fell to the dark side and now is a juggernaut. The skills these classes posses are extremely similar, we would just need an interface that would let us customize what skills from which class we get allowed to pick. For instance, force stasis or force choke. It's just a matter of cosmetic choice at a certain point.

OK, that's more interesting.  An option to choose which side each ability of a general style is from, but without editing the basic list.

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