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I just came here to say.. BRAVO.. 7.2 is a breath of fresh air IMO. Well done devs!


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Been having a blast with this patch and I notice the positivity has been growing from the amount chatter I see in game. PVP is fun again, people are actually playing objectives to win medals instead of constant dps farming. I also thought premades would be a problem but I only went against one and yeah we held our own for about 5 mins until they massacred us, but mostly everyone has been so positive and encouraging other players instead of toxic. Now I cannot vouch for 4v4 because I just finished my pvp weeklies on two characters and haven't played but two 4v4 matches.

I had a blast with the new story although short it was well written and fun to play. The new world seemed massive and I have yet to fully explore it. Also the weekly objectives for galatic conquest have been fun grouping with other players and watching some interesting events like a whole raid full of just dps without a single tank or heals without even knowing it, we all had a good laugh as we wiped.

No matter what people say, to me I think you have turned things around for this game, it is a more rewarding experience now and more social interactions which I love. I hope people stick around and we can build a bigger population together and maybe bioware will decide to add more content at a faster pace.

You may not hear it often, but well done on the direction of your game no matter all the negative feedback you received you still gave it a chance to blossom.


Edited by SaerethDL
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19 hours ago, FlameYOL said:

Probably the best patch the game has received in years.

I wouldn't go that far... since we still have the absolutely horrible 7.x gear system and a lot of obvious grind. It is, however, the best update in the 7.x cycle.

It's definitely a solid update that I enjoyed for the most part. A lot of work went into the update and it shows.

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4 hours ago, Kendaric said:

I wouldn't go that far... since we still have the absolutely horrible 7.x gear system and a lot of obvious grind. It is, however, the best update in the 7.x cycle.

It's definitely a solid update that I enjoyed for the most part. A lot of work went into the update and it shows.

On the other hand, ...  IMO IF THEY get the gearing system ironed out a bit ...WOW !! 

As it stands now, this is without question one of the more successful updates in a long, long time.   And I honestly hope that someone far enough up the food chain of BW / EA takes note of it.  

Are we there yet?  Wellll ...  not 100%.  BUT oh my, 7.2 is such a welcomed step in the right direction.  Their hard work and efforts paid off!

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Mandalorian Civil War. It's Star Wars alright. Peace in the galaxy is not the point. 🙂

It's nice to have a Story that's not Force related, yet. Malgus has a connection. There's no Star Wars without some Force involvement, but it is a good change for it not to be the focus. I also like that it's not personal to your character. You're helping a friend and ally. That wouldn't work for the entirety of a game, but for this one Story arc it works to have something a bit different. For this one instance it's not about you.

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19 hours ago, Kendaric said:

I wouldn't go that far... since we still have the absolutely horrible 7.x gear system and a lot of obvious grind. It is, however, the best update in the 7.x cycle.

It's definitely a solid update that I enjoyed for the most part. A lot of work went into the update and it shows.

What grind? I got to 336 the day the patch launched. Honestly upgrading your gear is even quicker than in the 6.0 cycle, more convoluted yes but even quicker to the point where I find it ridiculous I got to 336 the day the patch launched!

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i unlocked the 336s on patch day as well.  we had been maxed on mats for quite some time.  so for people like that, it was easy.  however, people who are newer or were not already at 330 or hadn't been maxed on mats for months, still have to grind their way up.

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I would love to add that I really like Ruhnuk.

While (like most of the more recent planets) its not that big, it looks quite nice and i've been having fun exploring it. Visually I like the design with the dust plains on top and the water/plant areas in the ccanyons, and areas like the excavation site or the water treatment plant interior looked really nice. I also love how all the areas are connected by various tunnels.

The story was pretty cool, and I love that it has a story that continues after the main story is done (like manaan did), so far some interesting side quests with the relic quests too. And some decent rewards too, got some nice decorations as random drops from enemies, and that Mando armor set on the reputation vendor is probably one of the nicest reputation armors in the game.


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Yeah, 7.2 is real gamechanger. Game feels so alive, especially on Ruhnuk - teams for world bosses and  heroics are assembling in the matter of minutes, PvP skirmishes going on, people running around doing dailies and story... PvP changes are also rocking, it seems like more players care about objectives.

With a new planet, PvP revamp, Life Day event (with few new rewards), Galactic seasons and PvP season, it feels like so much is going on. I wish that we could get updates this big more often. 

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I was reserving judgment on 7.2 and commenting in this thread until I saw today's patch notes for 7.2a set to be deployed tomorrow.

TL;DR: 7.2 exceeded expectations and for the first time since December 2020 (6.2 Echoes of Oblivion / Spirit of Vengeance), I feel I can recommend the game again to my friends, most of whom had left given bad game design choices and bugs. 

Story and Creative Side (Artwork, Music, Voice Acting)

I enjoyed Showdown on Ruhnuk a great deal. I was a little concerned about the pacing of the story prior to 7.2. I thought the SWTOR team did a good job of (finally) getting to the point. Without getting into spoilers, I like the way the Mando and Malgus storylines are intersecting. Moreover, I didn't even expect Ruhnuk to be released until next year and thought 7.2 would focus on PvP only. 

Would I have preferred the storyline was longer? Well, of course, but that's like asking a Hutt if they want to move their pleasure barge to a new location for another round of feasting. 

As always and expected, the art team, music, and voice acting were excellent. Ruhnuk was beautiful and atmospheric.


The reason I didn't comment earlier was because I wanted to see if 7.2a addresses the only major issue I had with Showdown on Ruhnuk -- specifically -- the gamebreaking Ruins of Nul bug not allowing characters to progress upon completion. I was fortunate that I had several characters past that point and many more scattered across the galaxy nowhere even close to that flashpoint. I empathize with players who only had characters at that point. With that said, a one week turnaround is a pretty good sign that the current dev team recognizes the importance of fixing bugs in the Main Story Questline.

While I had some annoying UI issues with 7.2, they were minor and just required me to move some quickbars around. As for Ruhnuk, I didn't I encounter any bugs.


The newly constituted dev team gets it. Part of the reason I detested 7.0 was the paradigm shift away from 'play your way' to 'play our way'. I have no problems with more difficult content rewarding better gear, but I had a major problem with the types of content incentivized to the degree it was. I had a bigger problem with the draconian time-gating given currency caps and the annoying convoluted gearing system.

Starting with 7.1, the new dev team recognized the need to make some currencies transferable / more fungible. Along with Hyde and Zeek, the dev team took a huge step in the right direction. 7.2 made it even better. And the best part...

I was extremely happy and surprised to read about the increase in currency caps being deployed tomorrow with 7.2a.

<<sips martini>>



Edit: I didn't comment on PvP because I only PvP in a different game. I understand there are issues with removal of ranked, leadership boards, and changes in the way medals are awarded, but it would be silly for me to comment on an aspect of the game I don't play.

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On 12/17/2022 at 6:05 PM, Hadsil said:

Mandalorian Civil War. It's Star Wars alright. Peace in the galaxy is not the point. 🙂

It's nice to have a Story that's not Force related, yet. Malgus has a connection. There's no Star Wars without some Force involvement, but it is a good change for it not to be the focus. I also like that it's not personal to your character. You're helping a friend and ally. That wouldn't work for the entirety of a game, but for this one Story arc it works to have something a bit different. For this one instance it's not about you.

RuhnuK and the daily area story mission felt very much like a Makeb style story and a base game planet story . And thats what I loved about it, It felt like base game in a way and made me remember running all the planet stories and it felt like this could fit into that. 



[Makeb style as in story for all , though this time regardless of class, so no different imp or rep one]. 

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Well, on contrary to the OP I have very mixed feelings about 7.2 and new planet.

Yes, it is very beautiful, with a lot of details and nice environments.

The story itself may only be of any relevance to non-Force characters, but for all the Wraths. Noxes, Barsenthors, et consortes, it is a triffling matter and if not for Sahar, they would not be involved at all. Some "turf wars" between whatever mercenaries. But ok, that is still acceptable, even with that "sonic weapon" stuff.


But the mechanics  and THE MAP on Ruhnuk are... just a nightmare!

Playing the "after story" missions on non-stealth character is  a major pain.

What game is this now, a Pacman?  Narrow tunnels with strong mobs literally everywhere and complete lack of world overview on the map! It is just so annoying that I cannot position my character " in the world" bcause if i am in Excavation Site, I cannot see the bigger map of whatever else and then do not know where was the "whatever maintenance tunnel" located.

That is particularly annoying for all the "Relic Hunt" missions which are just a mess. Long, boring (due to Pacman) and clueless.

So the "Manaan tendency" is just continued and even more expanded, because you hardly can skip any mob group.

Not to mention the gearling is still incredibly incomprehensible for me.

I did not bother with it since 7.0 started and i am not going to bother with it at 7.2.


I will start bothering when ANY character will be given progress on the gear when doing missions and stuff and not getting hundreds of types of currencies to exchange.


So, that was 7.2 for me.

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So I agree with a lot that is being posted here, both the good and the bad. 

The planet is visually really nice and different enough from previous ones. The story is presented in a different manner, where cutscenes are a lot longer. This is interesting because there are quite a few fascinating characters in it. The after story is also nice, though a bit more bland.


However, if you look at the map, the mob density, mob HP and the way quests and their multiple stages are done...the design is bad. It's like the dev team completely forgot about Makeb and how that planet was abandoned. IT IS NOT FUN TO GO THROUGH THE SAME MOB-FILLED CORRIDOR OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It is hard to believe that this has to be said... I do not think I will do the heroics ever again and I only do the dailies when I happen to be on the epilogue quests (the Lane questline). I literally prefer every other daily area because of the incredibly inefficient way the quests are set up. 


To end on a positive, I absolutely love the new map UI. Great job on that one. It is such an immense improvement that was really needed. Awesome, so thanks for that.

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