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[issues] - Pvp; Frustration unlimited.


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Im not whining but...







... I think a very unfortunate pattern is starting to shape, and its making PvP very frustrating. I will at any time take my hat off for a better player, but stunning someone, and then unleashing HITS (not crits) for 4-6000dmgx3 on people... Thats not good play, thats a broken spec. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.


When people hit me for 4-6k, I hit them for 4-6k right back.

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I agree, pvp is pretty frustrating without a good group of teamates. but the game was just released and there hasnt even been a huge patch since release, i think once it comes the first big patch will make or break the game, I myself love the game as is, other than horrible warzone lag and endless stunning
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Im not whining but...







... I think a very unfortunate pattern is starting to shape, and its making PvP very frustrating. I will at any time take my hat off for a better player, but stunning someone, and then unleashing HITS (not crits) for 4-6000dmgx3 on people... Thats not good play, thats a broken spec. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.


So what exactly is the point of your screenshots? The scores and medals on there aren't anything out of the ordinary. I can take screenshots of all the times my vanguard gets 8-10 medals and tops the charts too. What is the point?


And you may not think you're whining... but when you post something about a class just to say, "look at their numbers, FIX RIGHT NOW!", that is very equivalent to whining.

Edited by Lazorous
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Common sense would tell me he's probably refer to the guy that pretty much doubled everyone else DPS. I agree he should put more info like DPSer's lvl, lvl range of opponents, any idea of gear, premade vs pug, etc. All of which will help put up crazy numbers.
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Common sense would tell me he's probably refer to the guy that pretty much doubled everyone else DPS. I agree he should put more info like DPSer's lvl, lvl range of opponents, any idea of gear, premade vs pug, etc. All of which will help put up crazy numbers.


That's what I thought it may be, but the point is, these numbers are nothing unique or crazy. I have done over 300k with my lvl 14 commando, when everyone else was in their 150s, because I played specific to my strengths and weaknesses and used terrain to my advantage. Playing with a good team also helped. When you're kept alive, you continue to rack up the damage.


So yeah, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with these screenshots.

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So what exactly is the point of your screenshots? The scores and medals on there aren't anything out of the ordinary. I can take screenshots of all the times my vanguard gets 8-10 medals and tops the charts too. What is the point?


And you may not think you're whining... but when you post something about a class just to say, "look at their numbers, FIX RIGHT NOW!", that is very equivalent to whining.



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I havent posted anything whinign about FIX RIGHT NAOW, or nothing alike. If you cant destinct the point from the screenshots, I am surprised. Try look at the classcombos, and the damage being pushed. Can it really be that one class can instantly kill you within a stun with just three hits? That just general damage is three times greater than secondly most damage done? Twice as many killing blows? - I just want to know if this is meant to be, or if it is broken spec so that I may reroll in time. Because if this is how pvp will be in the future, I am most certainly rerolling.


Just like everyone else :)

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No. I was instantly killed as soon as I left the graveyard. Just like everyone else that game. - But apparently it is totally normal. I guess I made a fool of myself making this thread, to inquire the possible reason to why a class was able to stun you and kill you in two hits. Silly me.
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