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Increased Toxicity in 7.2


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No matter how you twist and turn things. I can’t see any way other than that: toxicity will increase substantiality for PVP in 7.2 let me explain why:

Now up to 7.1. Unranked Warzones, Regular pvp/warzone aka “regs” = there was NOTHING at stake except weeklies and techfrags. Which you would eventually get done anyways without much effort at least if you were semi-casual pvp player.

Now in 7.2. Suddenly there are PVP seasons, countless season objectives, countless achievements and dailys&weeklys needed to get Done to progress and for accessing all the rewards. Then there is a Time limit for all of them to add to the tension. And Ofc the ranked rewards which these regstar hardos so dearly want. So stakes are higher than ever – to WIN Every single PVP game. So devs pretty much turning regs into “SR LIGHT”. Because there will be much more reasons to be “Competitive”.  NO one wants to spend 2 hours and have almost nothing to show for and on top of that get yelled at or feel unfairly treated by matchmaking. So you are going to put in the effort.  And whenever there is  increased “competition” things have a habit of turning toxic (hint SR).

 Arrival of 7.2 :

1.       Huge influx of under geared & clueless f2p/pref players

2.       Ranked players who mostly going to steamroll players with no regards to objective gameplay

3.       Regstar hardos who have to Deal with the influx of f2p/pref players AND ranked players

Now when you throw in those 3 player categories in the mix over and over again. BRACE YOURSELF!

So you better believe all the regstar try hards will be acting like ticking powder kegs ready to explode at the slightest sign of injustice in matchmaking and underperforming players every time. First having to deal with the f2p people and then the ranked players. Because there will be a lot less patience for BS in 7.2 compared to 7.1

Didn’t think I would write this but. I’m actually looking forward to how things play out in 7.2. Less casual BS and more things at stake makes everyone want to try harder. Effort = Reward. That’s when PVP is fun!

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Tbh I think most ranked players will probably just leave, or have already. I haven't logged in like 1-2 weeks, and don't really plan to. Solos was like 90% of why I played, and assume its the same for many. So I think regs will maintain its current level of toxicity, or if it does increase I doubt ranked players will be the cause

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On 11/30/2022 at 5:52 PM, budgetcanoee said:

Tbh I think most ranked players will probably just leave, or have already. I haven't logged in like 1-2 weeks, and don't really plan to. Solos was like 90% of why I played, and assume its the same for many. So I think regs will maintain its current level of toxicity, or if it does increase I doubt ranked players will be the cause

I think it's a common misconception that the players (and premades) running around ignoring objectives and wrecking ppl are rated players. yes. rated players do often ignore objectives because they don't care about regs. but in my experience (and this is only because I followed ranked and streams, so I know who plays and who doesn't), many if not most of the players who group up and fluff numbers in regs aren't even rated players. and they certainly aren't regular rated players. they're in voice chat goofing off with each other about what they're doing. their streams are free and open (easy to find on twitch). i forget their names. I haven't bothered to do anything swtor since 7.0. but I don't think these "reg premades" are going anywhere with the dissolution of rated. maybe. iunno.

many of the actual rated players I see in WZs aren't even grouped up. about half the time, they're just running solo (or they were before 7.0). and if they are grouped, it's usually just a pair of them. the premades with a healer and tank are usually reg stars and, more often, the number fluffers who ignore objectives but don't even play ranked.

still others I would see in WZs...they rock gold flairs and I wonder how and when they ever got their ratings, because I never saw them in any streams. I wouldn't even consider them rated players, personally.

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17 hours ago, krackcommando said:

many if not most of the players who group up and fluff numbers in regs aren't even rated players. and they certainly aren't regular rated players.


...still others I would see in WZs...they rock gold flairs and I wonder how and when they ever got their ratings, because I never saw them in any streams. I wouldn't even consider them rated players, personally.

Pretty much this. Most ranked players don't enjoy cubbing baby seals (which is what the average regs player is).


And yes, just because they have a flair doesn't mean they are "ranked." Most of the actual ranked players have been quitting and selling their account for a couple thousand dollars to reg stars that need to prove they earned that flair by cubbing baby seals. 

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40 minutes ago, septru said:

...  Most of the actual ranked players have been quitting and selling their account for a couple thousand dollars ...

Are you serious? If this is the case, it totally changes my opinion of Ranked players and whether they are a benefit to the game. The seller and the buyer should both be permanently banned from all online EA games and their names should be passed on to other game services for bans as well. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated regardless of the "reasons".

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5 minutes ago, DWho said:

Are you serious?

Of course. Why wouldn't they sell/buy? If there's a market for it, and players can earn money for doing it... why wouldn't they do it? 


BioWare: I am not advocating for violating ToS. I am merely stating the fact that it happens. Do not delete my post. 


8 minutes ago, DWho said:

This type of behavior cannot be tolerated regardless of the "reasons".


BioWare doesn't have the resources to make content for their dead game. You think they will spend resources on policying and moderating? 

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7 minutes ago, septru said:

Of course. Why wouldn't they sell/buy? If there's a market for it, and players can earn money for doing it... why wouldn't they do it? 


BioWare: I am not advocating for violating ToS. I am merely stating the fact that it happens. Do not delete my post. 



BioWare doesn't have the resources to make content for their dead game. You think they will spend resources on policying and moderating? 

Because it is straight up theft of intellectual property, which is a criminal offense, not just a TOS violation. That one post by you has turned someone who was sympathetic to their plight 100% against Ranked players.

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3 minutes ago, DWho said:

Because it is straight up theft of intellectual property, which is a criminal offense, not just a TOS violation.

Uh... not sure I follow your logic. If players sell their account, it's can't really be "theft." 


Selling your account is a ToS violation. It should be banned. I've personally reported players for 2 years that I know bought their account. BioWare doesn't care. They don't moderate their game. If it's not moderated, and BioWare straight up doesn't care... not sure why players wouldn't make a couple of bucks as they leave out the door.

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2 minutes ago, DWho said:

Because it is straight up theft of intellectual property, which is a criminal offense, not just a TOS violation. That one post by you has turned someone who was sympathetic to their plight 100% against Ranked players.

that makes no sense, not all ranked players buy or sell their accounts? its a very small minority, the market is very big - the number of top3 accounts is very high though. Nobody buys PvE accounts because they can earn those via saleraids, which isn't the case for pvp and made pvp prestige (besides from worldfirsts) more valuable. Just recently one got sold that had a couple top3 and worldfirsts, no price known, But it was 100% 4 digits, everything else would surprise me.

selling something that doesn't actually belong to someone isn't illegal, because the buyer is not the owner, merely the access is being sold - which is against ToS, but not illegal

Also, not only ranked players sell their accounts. Very recently a account that has multiple world first achievements from PvE too, there have also been accounts with 95%+ collections and everything. I would link the sides, but that would be advocating, or at least promoting services that are against the ToS - but I'm sure if you ask on theorycrafters someone will link them. Not like this is some super hidden secret - it's not unyielding / infernal 2022 titles after all. 

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8 minutes ago, ZUHFB said:

that makes no sense, not all ranked players buy or sell their accounts? its a very small minority, the market is very big - the number of top3 accounts is very high though. Nobody buys PvE accounts because they can earn those via saleraids, which isn't the case for pvp and made pvp prestige (besides from worldfirsts) more valuable. Just recently one got sold that had a couple top3 and worldfirsts, no price known, But it was 100% 4 digits, everything else would surprise me.

selling something that doesn't actually belong to someone isn't illegal, because the buyer is not the owner, merely the access is being sold - which is against ToS, but not illegal

Also, not only ranked players sell their accounts. Very recently a account that has multiple world first achievements from PvE too, there have also been accounts with 95%+ collections and everything. I would link the sides, but that would be advocating, or at least promoting services that are against the ToS - but I'm sure if you ask on theorycrafters someone will link them. Not like this is some super hidden secret - it's not unyielding / infernal 2022 titles after all. 

It is exactly the same as software piracy which is a crime (copyright infringement). I know that lots of people don't take it seriously but it is. The post said "Most" Ranked players not some or a few, so either it was just blowing smoke or it was truthful. It doesn't matter who sells their account, Ranked players or otherwise, it's illegal either way.

Selling something that doesn't belong to you is at the very least fraud.

Edited by DWho
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2 minutes ago, DWho said:

The post said "Most" Ranked players not some or a few, so either it was just blowing smoke or it was truthful.

Most accounts worth selling. However, most ranked players don't have accounts worth selling. 

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4 minutes ago, septru said:

Most accounts worth selling. However, most ranked players don't have accounts worth selling.

100%, and nobody buys PvE as I already explained

7 minutes ago, DWho said:

It is exactly the same as software piracy which is a crime (copyright infringement). I know that lots of people don't take it seriously but it is. The post said "Most" Ranked players not some or a few, so either it was just blowing smoke or it was truthful. It doesn't matter who sells their account, Ranked players or otherwise, it's illegal either way.

It is legal, it is just a break of the EULA and ToS of the game, but breaking those rules is not illegal. The only punishment someone can receive is from the games company by being banned. But as I said, they do not care.

In the end you're not selling the account, you're merely selling the access to it because bioware own the account no matter who owns the access. It doesn't matter anyway, it is against ToS and nobody should sell or buy.

What probably is illegal and usually the next step: scamming the account back from CS representatives, common knowledge is that if you are the owner of the original e-mail address the account was created with you can get any account back - at least that's what the people that did it told me. I personally have never sold or bought any account, credits or anything like this. It's all hearsay from the people that do, but it seems to be the consensus. 

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1 minute ago, septru said:

lmfao. so selling a world first doesn't actually mean anything? or at least don't make the account more valuable. 

well I mean, let me explain it more maybe: yesterday a guy was on TH fleet that had DI on 30.01.2019, which is earlier than mine (!) which already raised both my eyebrows because... why on tulak, why now? Has to be a german from farming components? Malte? Karasma? I am still not sure, but I got DMs from 5 people asking who that person is. So in a way a worldfirst (which DI from 30.01.2019 is) does make an account more valuable.

My guess was on karasma because it also had a s11 gold and was a juggernaut, both of which I do not believe Malte has/would have

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15 minutes ago, DWho said:

I know that lots of people don't take it seriously but it is.


BTW: it's not that "people" don't care. It's that BioWare doesn't care. The star wars ranked community is very small. We know when an account is sold. We report those accounts, because like you said, it devalues players who earned their shiny rewards legit. I have literally reported these accounts to BioWare for years. BioWare hasn't banned a single account.


Why should players care, if BioWare doesn't care? 

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Just now, septru said:


BTW: it's not that "people" don't care. It's that BioWare doesn't care. The star wars ranked community is very small. We know when an account is sold. We report those accounts, because like you said, it devalues players who earned their shiny rewards legit. I have literally reported these accounts to BioWare for years. BioWare hasn't banned a single account.


Why should players care, if BioWare doesn't care? 

This is why the game is in the sad state it is. When nobody cares, the game dies. If no one reports them ,they will never get banned. At least if you report them (both the buyer and the seller) there is a chance, however small, they might get banned. The "It's not my problem" attitude is what has created the rifts between the various player groups in the game. I have been playing the game for 10 years and still report TOS violations I see. I doesn't matter to me whether or not Bioware does anything because it is the right thing to do.

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10 minutes ago, septru said:

Why should players care, if BioWare doesn't care? 

Yeah, exactly. There are a bunch of russians who wintrade every season in solo ranked - they only go for golds in order to get back down. They are PvE players and their timezone enables them to do this, if they wake up at 6 AM (which they did, if moskau time) it's 4 AM servertime and they are able to get their rating. Once they peaked 1500 they wintrade back down, and the other team up obviously and then just go get 80 wins. They did this from s11 on in every season. It's undetectable for NA players, but I can see it - I've reported it every season, not one got banned. This player for example

Also getting up at 6 AM is not unreasonable, the PvP slayer group also gets up at 6 AM to wintrade in lowbie warzones, now why would they do this? Oh, easy. They want the literally unobtainable pvp achievements. BUT THATS NOT ALL, ahahhaha, nono, that would be to simple. They make multiple new characters, level them up to 15 because if you get 55 player kills and then explore the map it counts for every part you explored - so you get 5 progress for every game you do. Why does this work? Good question. Don't tell me "so unreasonable nobody does it" then why do I get asked to join them? 

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14 minutes ago, DWho said:

This is why the game is in the sad state it is. When nobody cares, the game dies. If no one reports them ,they will never get banned. At least if you report them (both the buyer and the seller) there is a chance, however small, they might get banned. The "It's not my problem" attitude is what has created the rifts between the various player groups in the game. I have been playing the game for 10 years and still report TOS violations I see. I doesn't matter to me whether or not Bioware does anything because it is the right thing to do.

Again, we do report them. BioWare doesn't ban them.


BioWare enables sellers to sell their accounts. There is no reason for sellers to not sell their account, if BioWare doesn't moderate. 

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On 12/3/2022 at 10:15 AM, septru said:

Of course. Why wouldn't they sell/buy? If there's a market for it, and players can earn money for doing it... why wouldn't they do it? 


BioWare: I am not advocating for violating ToS. I am merely stating the fact that it happens. Do not delete my post. 



BioWare doesn't have the resources to make content for their dead game. You think they will spend resources on policying and moderating? 

Have you seen DK chat or Fleet chat? We already know the answer to BW policing capabilities. 

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