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Personal Conquest Curiosity


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Many years ago when I first started playing and didn't know what I was doing I would be surprised by my first Personal Conquest reward of the goldpiece chip, decorations, and a large upgrade in some armor. I didn't know at the time it was a thing or how I got it, but I got. It would always happen that first time for each character on Balmorra. I would later come to understand what Personal Conquest meant. My second run through Class stories knowing what was going on I would still get my first Personal Conquest reward on Balmorra. No problem. It was just a thing.

Then 7.0 came doubling the Conquest Points requirement to 100,000. Though not a rage quit worthy hysterical yelling to me as it was to other people, I just figured it would mean should I ever do Class Story again I would get my first Conquest after Balmorra. Still no big deal to me. However, I've now started my third Jedi Knight playing Class Story. I'm just about to head to Balmorra when I have gained several Personal Conquest rewards already. I've lost count, maybe 4.

This doesn't make sense to me. Either I'm misremembering getting more Personal Conquests before Balmorra years ago, I'm still not understanding how Personal Conquest works in terms of points earned, and/or I've just improved my play a lot I'm now that good compared to years ago I earn Personal Conquest faster.

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It depends on when you were leveling those characters. They've changed conquest quite a bit every expansion. It would depend on how many conquest points were required weekly as well as the objectives that were available. I know there didn't used to be the repeatable Missions: Story objective. That adds up fast when you're doing class story. Before, you only had on each planet a once daily Heroics, Defeat Enemies 1, and Defeat Enemies 2 objectives.

I don't remember if it was during Onslaught or before, but it used to be that the Heroics + Defeat Enemies objectives were only available on 3 planets a week based on the invasion targets for that week. There also wasn't the xp -> conquest points conversion, so when you were leveling, maybe only 3 of the planets were given conquest points while leveling. This would change by the week though.

Another possibility is that you may have unlocked strongholds since you leveled those characters. Each fully unlocked stronghold (every room bought) gives +25% conquest points (capped at +150% or 2.5x multiplier). Maybe your first characters didn't have any stronghold bonus, but now you have the full 150% bonus. For example, doing a heroic mission gives about 2000 points without a stronghold bonus, but about 5000 points with the 150% bonus.

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I'm not doing Heroics. I'm only doing Class Story and Planet Story. Once in a while I do a side quest, but not often. I did do Esseles, but I also did Esseles with my second Jedi Knight (not my first) still only getting my first Personal Conquest on Balmorra. I do have one stronghold and am a guild member which may offer a bonus. I'm thinking it's more I'm just that good (compared to me years ago not anyone else) I'm completing more of those extra stuff on missions (kill certain number of enemies, get or destroy things that are shiny, etc.).

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A while back they changed it so that all planets had defeat enemies 1 and 2 (for about 20K total with 150% bonus) instead of a single defeat enemies not tied to a planet. Prior to that, Tython and Coruscant had no CQ rewards other than their heroics (and heroics only counted for a couple of planets each week not all planets). They also added CQ points for gaining a level and gaining 5 levels to balance out the advantage group play had at the time. They did cut the CQ point rewards significantly after a lot of complaining by a very persistent GSF player and removed the ability to get 5K per heroic and limited it to 1 per planet per day along with destroying crafting as a viable way to get to your conquest goal. They also eliminated all rewards for completing Conquest objectives (credits, xp, etc). All in all, Conquest is very different now than it was even a couple years ago.

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The short version is there are many ways to get conquest points as a lowbie.

Achieving points from 1-80 is split into 3 groups of objectives based on your level.

The first group, levels 10 to....whatever it is (I'd have to look) has the most objectives to get CQ points and many of them can be repeated.

It slows down after you get some toons up to the higher levels toward the other end of the scale (level 80).

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