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Removing Ranked was not asked for.


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34 minutes ago, septru said:

Really? You want everything handed to you on a silver platter? If nothing else, speaks to your POV on life. 

hey  septru , there's no need to attack the dude personally (hostile ad hominem style )  just to make your relatively valid point  game-wise.

Plus, the dude said "people" (aka most gamers nowadays) want , not  HE wants.

You have no idea what he/they does in RL anyways.

But i suspect , whatever it is,  it's far more umm challenging than moving up a video-game leaderboard. :rolleyes:

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: BioWare enabled the easy-mode-cravers long ago. SW fans are fickle regardless.
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On 11/28/2022 at 6:33 PM, Prapcaster said:

The most profitable area of swtor in the past aside from micro transactions obviously has been pvp. Starting the 8v8 ranked. People left WoW in herds to play the 8v8 ranked and a bulk of them left when it was made 4v4. But more people that hated that there were no arenas came back for the ranked which ofc added a lot of revenue to the game. Fast forward a while more and they remove pvp gear which killed most of the remining pvp guilds in swtor.


So please explain to me how removing yet another feature that requires you to pay a monthly subscription is a bad idea. Because I just see you repeating the same nonsense arugment over and over again. Coding a new season into the game does not cost them anything. The reson they're removing it is because they have such low talent in their coding team that it should be criminal.



as long as we're doing history lessons, we also need to toss in just how abjectly BAD Bioware was at implementing rated arenas. Not only did they drive away and destroy entire PvP guilds by killing rated WZs in favor of rated arenas, but when rated arenas dropped, there were still a ton of servers, , PvE servers, PvP servers, RP PvP servers, RP PvE servers, multiples of the PvE variety. there never was nor never would be x-server queues, but there was always a top 3 (All-Galaxy) award. Solo queue didn't allow x-faction. imagine a top 3 "All-Galaxy" competition in which you could pick whichever pissant server you wanted to dominate and then have matches be faction locked so you could queue dodge whichever faction had the worst player or the most bad players on a given night. what a joke. seriously. how incompetent do you have to be to implement a system like that. a 12-year old could've foreseen the problems with that implementation.

and then the Rishi map. no. really. they started a brand new season of rated on the very same day that they opened up a new map, and players were dying in droves to drop out of spawn onto the map. that's not a metaphor. players were actually dying in droves simply trying to drop down when the gates opened. dead zones persisted for MONTHS. and yet the map remained in the rotation. like...all they had to do was pull the map from rotation. but no. rated games. games that "count" on a map that randomly kills you for daring to leave the spawn zone.

I kinda like JMA's 3 options explanation. BW could continue doing subpar garbage development/maintenance maintaining the status quo of the absentee landlord, or they could divert the actual resources required to actively maintain/police a living and dynamic system, or they could just kill it and save themselves the eyesore/embarrassment of their incompetent or abortive attempts at "policing" games, balancing specs, and balancing roles in a way that didn't break the other 98% of pvp (I'm assuming that most classes became defacto tanks b/c of solo rated, but that kind of power creep could have been inevitable. in either case, the abilities of most classes outmode most of the WZ maps and have done so for at least the last few years).

honestly, the only thing that "saved" rated for so long was the reduction of players which led to the reduction of servers. and that same dearth of players is also what finally led to x-faction queues. what a joke.

Edited by krackcommando
merging servers rant
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5 hours ago, Narkny said:

 I did like the idea of adding the option of choosing between 4v4 or 8v8, but that should've been added in addition to, and not with the removal of ranked. Why not have it all at once together? That would yield much better results and gives a practice arena for 4v4 gameplay which can later be used for better performance in ranked and people would be happier. Now, that would've been a lot more like a "revamp", instead of what's currently planned. So, please, for the good of PvP and the game, don't remove Ranked PvP.


That is exactly what do we need. If the 4v4 arena was a choice I would go there before going on ranked like I did 2 years ago to get my own epexrience and skilled players in ranked wouldn't have barked at me at this time. Bioware doesn't have a good reason to revamp PvP if they don't say the real reason of it. Simple fact.

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8 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

But i suspect , whatever it is,  it's far more umm challenging than moving up a video-game leaderboard. :rolleyes:

Yeah, just get to 2k rating no problem. /s

Its not easy to get up in the leaderboard and people spend weeks and months improving, getting better learning all classes, playstyles, meta, utilities, queues and players - but yeah, just read a guide and bam magically 2k rating. As a player that did go up the leaderboard: how would you know what it takes?

Stop assuming things and downtalking achievements someone made, I don't go around telling people that getting dread master is easy even though thats what I think, there is just no reason to do that. Players have a moral obligation to cheer on other players going the hard way, progging the bosses and getting their achievements - it is a major part of a community.

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6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

I don't go around telling people that getting dread master is easy even though thats what I think, there is just no reason to do that.

But you don't seem to have an issue implying only ranked players can be competent 🙄

1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

Like when I see another competent - no sorry, another ranked player obviously

Edited by sGroggy
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5 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Its not easy to get up in the leaderboard

Never said it was.   Just implied it wasn't as challenging as RL.

Obvious state of modern gamer mindset is obvious.

5 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

. As a player that did go up the leaderboard: how would you know what it takes?

Because i tried it myself and have buddies who actually made it themself.   Some of them legitimately.   Some not so much.

So no, i have no idea (nor do i care) what it took for YOU.

But i'm well aware of the level of Ranked committment, Technical pride, and Class awareness  it must've taken those who achieved 'leaderboard'  Tops the right way.

6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Stop assuming things

I didn't.  But septru did (about that other dude) .

Actually, i am assuming one thing:  That you & septru  "got up" the right way and therefore feel even stronger than most others do about this volatile 7.2  removal/merger  topic.

6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

 I don't go around telling people that getting dread master is easy even though thats what I think,

You just did ^ :ph_lol:

6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

 Players have a moral obligation to cheer on other players going the hard way, progging the bosses and getting their achievements - it is a major part of a community.

Well, i wouldn't exactly go that far, since 'morality'  is something far deeper and def. not a word i'd ever equate with gamers on the Internet.  And as for being "obliged" , nah  no one owes you anything tbqh.

But otherwise, yeah  of course it's cool to give an earnest CONGRATS  to fellow players.

I do it all the time, here on forums and in-game when cheevos are linked in Allies channel or whatever, to anyone deserving of praise.  And yes that includes certain Ranked PVP'ers too.

6 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Stop  downtalking achievements someone made,

Lastly, that's not what i did and you know it.   In fact, what i did was imply  RL challenges, in general, are > than  video-games.

Gosh real  breakng news there! :eek:

Unfortunately,  septru's  post  i responded to somehow *vanished*  after i defended the other dude  septru had  flamed.

Then, in your apparent defense of septru ( ?? )  and/or baiting of me ( well done, as always! )  you took my quote out-of-context  and , ironically, made your own assumptions.

Certainly makes for a nice entertaining forum thread, i'll give you that.   But you're way off-base and now i'm way off-topic. ;)

  • Haha 1
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20 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

But otherwise, yeah  of course it's cool to give an earnest CONGRATS  to fellow players.

It's not reality though, well maybe it is on NA. I play a lot more on NA bc of SFRC and I need to gather intel because I am absolutely tryharding the event, and somehow everybody is just... so weirdly positive, almost to the point of it coming of as insincere. 

On Tulak the culture used to be a lot different, if a team killed a boss it was not a grats, it was a: "lol, you only killed this boss now HAHA imagine doing it after the nerf it's so free lmaooooooo" and that is basically what I meant with that entire thing. To me there is no difference if someone from regs calls a guy with a silver flair bad because "they didn't even reach gold and everybody wintrades anyway". 

THIS IS ABOUT PVE BUT THE PRINCIPLE APPLIES TO PVP TOO: TBH since nahigo quit and tanzmatte got banned it got a lot better, in terms of "positivity". Furthermore this is the case on Levi too, because Lye exists. And even furthermore it also happens on DM, usually from the people that are german or french and are used to their server culture. So I'm not assuming things either because I was on both sides at one time and now I'm just a natural drama enjoyer, sitting back and PepeLaughing at people malding over pixels - and then I mald over pixels too, naturally.

33 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

well done, as always!

Thank you :jawa_angel:

I still disagree, climbing any leaderboard is equally as hard. I put in a lot of time into chess, I play for years, and yet I'm still not even 1800. Obviously its easier to be the top in a gamemode nobody plays, however if theres 100 people who played their best game for years there is a catching up phase that someone wouldn't have in chess since you can always get balanced matches - and not even that, in many tournaments (IRL) the matchmaking is pretty horrible the first few rounds, in fact worse than the one swtor has... oh wait, had of course. 

Analyzing games (in swtor or in chess, doesn't matter) and realizing the mistakes and then going in again, not making them but seeing them and avoiding them, resulting in a win is the most rewarding feeling I can think of - better than getting double money bc of christmas that's for sure. 

That's just how I feel about that, there is a lot of things in RL that are easy. There is a lot of things that are hard and take time, but so does climbing the swtor leaderboard if someone truely starts from 0.

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