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Removing Ranked was not asked for.


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I'll be curious to see if this post gets removed. Because I plan to make this as polite and respectful as possible.

Bioware who wanted ranked removed? The answer is nobody. I'm just trying to understand how removing ranked gives anyone incentive to pvp more? If you're worried about the toxicity, you've just fired a laser of beam of ex ranked players in regs queue. They won't really care about playing the objective, they'll just damage farm and single out less skilled players. I get it, we can now queue for 4v4s if we just want to do that. However, the PVP reward season preview from the livestream left way too much to be desired. It seems like the last armor skins you put a lot of time into was the furious set back in S3. Why are you making everything so generic? Can you give us a reason to play through the pvp season? Like outside of the lackluster rewards shown on stream? will each season have it's own unique flair? Or will this be like galactic seasons where there's some "interesting" things, but the rest all NPC quest loot?

You guys said you wanted a more positive experience. Respectfully, how is this more positive for anyone? Now that you don't really have to put any effort into the pvp community is that more positive for you? What do the players really get out of this? Why should someone log in everyday to pvp without the proper incentive. I'm worried that without great rewards and something meaningful to work towards why would anyone stay? Yes SWTOR PVP is the best mmo pvp out there currently, but are you betting on players to not give up? This doesn't feel like a PVP revamp. Rather instead you're removing a system because you don't want to invest proper resources to make ranked pvp more accessible to new players. So you're just removing it. 


Why are you doing this to the pvp community? 

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How active was ranked PvP on your server? How many players played Ranked PvP?

Maybe 50, maybe 100, maybe 200 every night?

The devs can no longer support something that a very small amount of the population is interested in.

Why were there so few people interested in unranked PvP compared to ranked PvP?

Maybe the concentration of toxic vile children in ranked drove away potential players which could have saved unranked PvP. You can thank those trolls for killing off this aspect of the game by driving away players before they could get interested.

You can also think every player that told every single low geared and low skilled player "leave and don't come back until you are geared and can fight". Because guess what, they took part of that advice to heart, they left and never stepped back into ranked PvP where they weren't welcome.

Edited by illgot
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12 minutes ago, illgot said:

How active was ranked PvP on your server? How many players played Ranked PvP?

Maybe 50, maybe 100, maybe 200 every night?

The devs can no longer support something that a very small amount of the population is interested in.

Why were there so few people interested in unranked PvP compared to ranked PvP?

Maybe the concentration of toxic vile children in ranked drove away potential players which could have saved unranked PvP. You can thank those trolls for killing off this aspect of the game by driving away players before they could get interested.

You can also think every player that told every single low geared and low skilled player "leave and don't come back until you are geared and can fight". Because guess what, they took part of that advice to heart, they left and never stepped back into ranked PvP where they weren't welcome.

The amount disdain coming from you is honestly disgusting on a personal level. I could easily change 3-4 words of what you said and turn this into an attack on literally any community in the game. I'm assuming you got called bad once in ranked and have held a half decade grudge about it. 

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Well I guess now the 4v4 crowd feels what its like to have your favorite game mode ripped away.(Ranked 8s) At least you guys can still que 4's.

From the stream it sounded like you could que in a full 8 group again but I think that was just a slip up. Not getting my hopes up for that one.

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1 hour ago, Prapcaster said:

The amount disdain coming from you is honestly disgusting on a personal level. I could easily change 3-4 words of what you said and turn this into an attack on literally any community in the game. I'm assuming you got called bad once in ranked and have held a half decade grudge about it. 

My disain is on the players who were toxic trash in Ranked PvP. If you feel insulted by that, that's not my concern.

I enjoyed ranked PvP when I was able to finally find a small team of players who were more interested in building their skill than screaming at other people for losing. I also saw why many people gave up and never returned all because the vast majority of players in ranked PvP thought part of the game was being as toxic as possible and driving every new player away.

Edited by illgot
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7 minutes ago, illgot said:

My disain is on the players who were toxic trash in Ranked PvP. If you feel insulted by that, that's not my concern.

I enjoyed ranked PvP when I was able to finally find a small team of players who were more interested in building their skill than screaming at other people for losing. I also saw why many people gave up and never returned all because the vast majority of players in ranked PvP thought part of the game was being as toxic as possible and driving every new player away.

If you have an apple tree with 50 apples on it, and you notice that 5 of the apples have begun to rot. Do you cut off the rotton apples and throw them into the trash or do you chop down the entire tree and decide all apples are rotton? 

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9 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

If you have an apple tree with 50 apples on it, and you notice that 5 of the apples have begun to rot. Do you cut off the rotton apples and throw them into the trash or do you chop down the entire tree and decide all apples are rotton? 

your analogy aside, Ranked PvP was not popular enough to keep supporting for such a small player base.

You know why the player base was so small right? The Ranked PvP community was so toxic that even listening to the chatter on /2 PvP in fleet chat was enough to convince most people to stay away.

The toxic players got their wish, new and learning players stayed away and as a result ranked PvP was canceled.

Edited by illgot
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3 minutes ago, illgot said:

your analogy aside, Ranked PvP was not popular enough to keep supporting for such a small player base.

You know why the player base was so small right? The Ranked PvP community was so toxic that even listening to the chatter on /2 PvP in fleet chat was enough to convince most people to stay away.

The toxic players got their wish, new and learning players stayed away and as a result ranked PvP was canceled.

Your second line directly correlates to my analogy so I'll just leave that one as is. But yes I agree that it was small. But there's a very big reason for that. The devs removed 8v8v ranked. And while I didn't enjoy it as much as I do 4v4 at least dozens of pvp guilds left the game because of it. And dozens more left when they removed expertise gear. 

And here people are mocking people for ranked being toatally removed. Why is that exactly?

Can you really blame the toxicity at this point? The devs have beaten down the pvp community patch after patch after patch after patch breaking their literal promises every single time. Wanna know what happens whenever we get something taken away from us? We get mocked for it on the forums and told nobody cares about us. So if the ranked community doesn't embrace people and tells people with no clue how to perform at a moderately good level know that there's a damn good reason for it.

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2 hours ago, septru said:

Want to preempt any passionate ranked haters...


Hating ranked is not reason to remove it. I hate NiM operations, but that doesn't mean they should be removed. 

its all about business at the end of the day, the dev have smaller people there so instead of focusing resources on small player base , better pool all talents and make it for mass population.

when they remove the ranked arena, not all player will quit , so even 50% quit , it is still ok on business point of view. you only lose very small player 

but maintain and even can roll out more content to bigger population whihc is the main source for them 

just like NIM operation is small player base and they remove it 

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14 hours ago, KumbayaGOD said:

focusing resources on small player base , better pool all talents and make it for mass population.


17 hours ago, illgot said:

The devs can no longer support something that a very small amount of the population is interested in.



The misconception that both of you guys rely on, is that BioWare devoted any resources to Ranked PvP. They didn't. 


-All of their rewards were reskins of past rewards. 

-There hasn't been any moderation or bans in 2 years. 

-At the end of the season, they supposedly "investigate" people's accounts. But there's no evidence that they actually investigated because last season many legitimate players did not get their rewards, and illegitimate players got their rewards. 

-The past couple ranked seasons (and preseasons) have been years long, despite BioWare promising to keep them to 3 months. 


But besides that, like I said in other threads. BioWare had the perfect opportunity to redesign ranked/regs without minimal resources. They can bring back leaderboards, make them opt-in, and give out a flair to anyone that achieves over a 50% win rate with 100 games played. All of this could be automated and require no moderation. 

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1 hour ago, septru said:



The misconception that both of you guys rely on, is that BioWare devoted any resources to Ranked PvP. They didn't. 


-All of their rewards were reskins of past rewards. 

-There hasn't been any moderation or bans in 2 years. 

-At the end of the season, they supposedly "investigate" people's accounts. But there's no evidence that they actually investigated because last season many legitimate players did not get their rewards, and illegitimate players got their rewards. 

-The past couple ranked seasons (and preseasons) have been years long, despite BioWare promising to keep them to 3 months. 


But besides that, like I said in other threads. BioWare had the perfect opportunity to redesign ranked/regs without minimal resources. They can bring back leaderboards, make them opt-in, and give out a flair to anyone that achieves over a 50% win rate with 100 games played. All of this could be automated and require no moderation. 

Let me ask you a question. What do you think generates more revenue for the game, GSF which has had absolutely no development changes since 5.9 (opening up the queues to be cross faction and trying to balance matches but no reward or mechanics changes), or unranked PvP which they "create" rewards for every season and apparently made combat balance changes for the whole game based on ranked PvP responses.

Which has a larger population, GSF or unranked PvP?

I only wish the developers paid half as much attention to devoting "no resources" to GSF as they did to unranked PvP.

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I'm beginning to wonder if this is all because of combat styles. Their leaderboard system is pretty outdated and probably doesn't allow the same character in multiple classes leaderboards. That could be a nother reason for the 10 month long preseason and then this bombshell.

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20 hours ago, illgot said:

How active was ranked PvP on your server? How many players played Ranked PvP?

Maybe 50, maybe 100, maybe 200 every night?

The devs can no longer support something that a very small amount of the population is interested in.

Why were there so few people interested in unranked PvP compared to ranked PvP?

Maybe the concentration of toxic vile children in ranked drove away potential players which could have saved unranked PvP. You can thank those trolls for killing off this aspect of the game by driving away players before they could get interested.

You can also think every player that told every single low geared and low skilled player "leave and don't come back until you are geared and can fight". Because guess what, they took part of that advice to heart, they left and never stepped back into ranked PvP where they weren't welcome.

I kinda agree with u.Tho I still dont think they should remove ranked pvp completly. Just fix what was making it so bad.

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5 minutes ago, DougTheNoob said:

I kinda agree with u.Tho I still dont think they should remove ranked pvp completly. Just fix what was making it so bad.

I think removing it is a mistake. Let it exist like GSF, something people can queue for, no unusual rewards, just tech frags and a pvp gear box, no ranking rewards and "seasons" could just be leaderboards reset every month or two.

All the players that "I play ranked for the love and skill, not the rewards" people can keep playing.

Edited by illgot
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At the end of the day, whether you like ranked or not it doesnt mean it should be removed. I personally think GSF is one of the most useless and horrid games ive ever come across in my entire life, that doesnt mean I should ask for it to be removed. If you dont like ranked, dont q for it, simple as that.
Now they are apparently removing the ability to see your dps/hps in pvp, as well as making flags into decos and leaving flairs up in the air. It's pretty clear the devs not only no longer give a flying F*** about pvp, they are actively trying to turn it into a safespace pve grind with an absolute mockery for rewards, for people with no skill to feel like they can do something. 
Way to go boys, I thought skill didn't mean sh*t anymore bcs all you need to do in pvp atm is just q in premades and spam your cc, but you guys went ahead and said "na we can make it even more irrelevant". Mission accomplished. 

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I understand why they removed ranked given all the what nots and what have yous but I wish they didn’t do it without having some system in place to maintain a competitive pvp atmosphere .  I’m sad too that I never got to experience ranked season play.  I bet it was so intense.  I had been preparing for season 15 as my first ranked season (they made it sound like there would be one) and then it all just disappeared.  I love this game and will keep playing but I regret not playing it more seriously sooner.

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46 minutes ago, Crazykidddd said:

At the end of the day, whether you like ranked or not it doesnt mean it should be removed. I personally think GSF is one of the most useless and horrid games ive ever come across in my entire life, that doesnt mean I should ask for it to be removed. If you dont like ranked, dont q for it, simple as that.
Now they are apparently removing the ability to see your dps/hps in pvp, as well as making flags into decos and leaving flairs up in the air. It's pretty clear the devs not only no longer give a flying F*** about pvp, they are actively trying to turn it into a safespace pve grind with an absolute mockery for rewards, for people with no skill to feel like they can do something. 
Way to go boys, I thought skill didn't mean sh*t anymore bcs all you need to do in pvp atm is just q in premades and spam your cc, but you guys went ahead and said "na we can make it even more irrelevant". Mission accomplished. 

GSF hasn't been updated in years. It's basically a self contained part of SWTOR  that receives zero development time from the devs.

If there was a ranked version of GSF it would have been canceled years ago.

Unranked was lucky to last as long as it did considering the development time it took each season and the fact that the developers seem to have based some of their class balance decisions on 4vs4 ranked PvP. Now the developers don't have to spend time making seasonal rewards or basing their class balance on part of the game that has less players than Space Missions.

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4 hours ago, Prapcaster said:

I'm beginning to wonder if this is all because of combat styles. Their leaderboard system is pretty outdated and probably doesn't allow the same character in multiple classes leaderboards. That could be a nother reason for the 10 month long preseason and then this bombshell.

This is actually a fairly solid guess and a fair point I have heard no one mention/consider yet. Having players able to spec across 2 classes certainly could have made "Leaderboards" a mess...

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