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7.2 The Removal of Scoreboards


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1 hour ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

Can you read the description on the flags? It says it is to honor your skill or something like that. If you take it in a bad way, sounds like a you issue.

We both know that description has nothing to do with how they were used. They were used to rub opponents noses in it. hence "practical use" in my statement.

fwiw, I'm opposed to removing ranked. I can't say I'm surprised by it. but w/e. I don't want to get lumped in with these guys cheering for the death of ranked, removal of leaderboards, etc.

but really, those flags and obnoxious sound fx. that stuff should have least been restricted to the format where they're earned. you want to talk about driving players away. eesh. i mean, flagging your friends and all is cool, but...yeah. doing it to randoms in a casual regs match. prolly not the best way to grow the game. very different from /spit or ignoring objective to farm kills or w/e else causals or novice PvPers want to complain about. but getting your nose rubbed in it by someone who, as septu says, puts in hours and days and weeks and months of training to "earn" those flags...and then who uses them to rub a nobody's nose in it in a reg match? c'mmon. what are we doing here? (although tbf, the flags went from bronze to platinum, so I'm assuming he was referring to the platinum...cuz a trained monkey could grab the fotm spec and walk away with a bronze flag). should note that I don't recall him or biggs or a lot of the regular ranked guys doing it. which makes sense, as it's usually the manchild in the room who ruins it for everybody.

ah. but I digress. gotta get my $15 worth though! (gawd knows it won't be PvPing 😄)

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1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

ut getting your nose rubbed in it by someone who, as septu says, puts in hours and days and weeks and months of training to "earn" those flags...and then who uses them to rub a nobody's nose in it in a reg match?

I know where you're coming from, I really do. Only trolls flag in regs. It's like cubbing a baby seal and then calling yourself a great hunter. 


But none of that is any justification to remove players' hard earned rewards. By the same logic, Wings of the Nihrot (the new mount that has a .01% drop rate from HM R4) should be removed from the game. Early on some NiM players were keeping them unclaimed in their inventories, linking them in fleet chat, and rubbing it in the nose of ppl that didn't have one.  


Look, I'm not going to die on this hill. There are a lot of other things wrong in 7.2: removal of competition in PvP, removal of a whole game mode, reselling ranked rewards on a new vendor for 1/100 of the effort, lack of matchmaking... etc. But you can't convince me that removing rewards that players literally spent a whole year working towards, is right. It's another insult added to a growing list of f**** yous from BioWare. 

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2 hours ago, septru said:

I know where you're coming from, I really do. Only trolls flag in regs. It's like cubbing a baby seal and then calling yourself a great hunter. 


But none of that is any justification to remove players' hard earned rewards. By the same logic, Wings of the Nihrot (the new mount that has a .01% drop rate from HM R4) should be removed from the game. Early on some NiM players were keeping them unclaimed in their inventories, linking them in fleet chat, and rubbing it in the nose of ppl that didn't have one.  


Look, I'm not going to die on this hill. There are a lot of other things wrong in 7.2: removal of competition in PvP, removal of a whole game mode, reselling ranked rewards on a new vendor for 1/100 of the effort, lack of matchmaking... etc. But you can't convince me that removing rewards that players literally spent a whole year working towards, is right. It's another insult added to a growing list of f**** yous from BioWare. 

will you quit the game and delete all characters or you stay and still play, be honest 

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15 minutes ago, KumbayaGOD said:

will you quit the game and delete all characters or you stay and still play, be honest 

Want a video? I think we should make a compilation deleting characters and post it to the 7.2 PvP Feedback thread.

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10 hours ago, septru said:

I know where you're coming from, I really do. Only trolls flag in regs. It's like cubbing a baby seal and then calling yourself a great hunter. 


But none of that is any justification to remove players' hard earned rewards.


as I said, they had no place in regs. I would like to think the powers that be are just incompetent or it was too much effort to restrict them to ranked matches, but I doubt that much thought went into the deletion. I do feel for you having what you earned snatched (basically for something other players were doing), but BW, amirite? they don't balance for year(s!), then when they do, it's a sledge hammer. Ability bloat and pruning was necessary, so they finally do it, and it's backassward.

I have a bleeding edge rig (for mmorpg purposes: Ryzen 5900; 64g, pci ssd v4, 3070ti, and the fasted possible consumer grade ISP line around in Fios 1gb). It does nothing for rubberbanding, roll bug, elevation change issues, w/e. eh. BW.

they're not removing the flairs, are they?

nothing to do with flags or rewards, but imo, ranked (and pvp in general) went sideways when BW gave up on trinity. it was the most unique/innovative aspect of swtor pvp. I know ignoring it facilitated pops and made solos more dynamic, but...eh. i thought it was the wrong rabbit hole. there was no coming back once committed to it, and it exacerbated dps class/spec shortcomings and advantages. it also created an out of control dcd arms race that led to a 7.0 prune that was too late and (from what I've heard/seen) really missed the mark.

8 hours ago, cflems said:

Want a video? I think we should make a compilation deleting characters and post it to the 7.2 PvP Feedback thread.

ranked isn't where their bread is buttered. I wouldn't be surprised if they looked at the s14 leaderboards, counted the number of unique users with 10 or more matches played and said, "screw it. they can all unsub, and it would be more productive to put our hamster on a different wheel." the hamster responsible for policing win-trading/hacking alone is my guess. but iunno. I'm not sure that hamster was ever on that wheel in the first place.

I only came back when I heard about the removal to see what ppl were saying. I'm surprised how many ppl (forum names I've never heard of) are happy about the elimination of a format they never (from what I can tell) played. for my money, GSF was a waste of resources that should have gone to making actual pvp better, but i wouldn't be cheering upon its corpse if BW decided to kill it. eesh.

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35 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

as I said, [flags] had no place in regs

they're literally bringing flags as a reward in the PvP Season Track, but removing ranked flags. 


21 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

I'm surprised how many ppl (forum names I've never heard of) are happy about the elimination of a format they never (from what I can tell) played

You are? I'm not. 





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42 minutes ago, septru said:

they're literally bringing flags as a reward in the PvP Season Track, but removing ranked flags.

just more evidence that BW and I are very far apart on these things. I seriously cannot fathom what they were/are thinking about by allowing players to "flag" each other in such and obnoxious and condescending way. but w/e.



45 minutes ago, septru said:

😄 I am. but...yeah. I guess I shouldn't be.  i guess it's just hat...man, if i don't gsf, then I'm not going slum the gsf forums when a gsf change is made.

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2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

ranked isn't where their bread is buttered. I wouldn't be surprised if they looked at the s14 leaderboards, counted the number of unique users with 10 or more matches played and said, "screw it. they can all unsub, and it would be more productive to put our hamster on a different wheel." the hamster responsible for policing win-trading/hacking alone is my guess. but iunno. I'm not sure that hamster was ever on that wheel in the first place.

There were 5291 characters with 10 or more wins in solo ranked in season 14. Obviously people have alts, but there were clearly hundreds of unique players (at least).

And you answered your own question there. Bioware stopped policing ranked entirely for the past few years. If you want proof of that, go look at past seasons on the leaderboards and sort by rating. You'll see a lot of characters at 1, which means they got reset for wintrading. There were few resets in season 13 and 0 resets in season 14. And no, wintrading did not magically disappear. Bioware just stopped doing their job.

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On 11/11/2022 at 1:27 PM, Prapcaster said:

They may as well just remove pvp from the entire game because it's pretty clear they just wanna turn it into a 6.0 hammer station farm.

Well then they have not learned that a lot of their subs are PVP players.

If they follow the route that WOW tried, they'll find a mass exodus from the game. I'll be one of them.

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