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Custom Utility Bar Feedback


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7 hours ago, Sarova said:

I've mentioned this somewhere else but I'm not sure which is the correct thread for it.

I have my interface laid out in a way that suits my brain, but it probably completely opposite to everyone else.  Unfortunately, this means the new utility bars are in an awkward place but I can live with that.  The WORST thing is in strongholds, the exit stronghold icon now sits top right of the screen on my interface AND CAN'T BE MOVED.  This might seem minor to most people but for me that is a sub killer/game deleting problem.  I've been waiting for the PTS to be updated, hoping that this would be altered but it hasn't.  Right now this is my interface and the same with the editor on:

My usual interface layout

With the Interface Editor open

I see you have the maximal minimap, which has the same as the Utility bar 2 , have you thought of not having anything on that utility bar.  I know the exit is attached to that bar. Maybe turn off some things on Utility bar 2 so it's not so wide

I like minimap Minimal, and having utility bar 2,  it was too big, so I scaled it down to fit where I wanted it.  If I could just move the EXIT itself that would be great.  I  have the perfect spot for it on my UI

I didn't read or recall, that the interface is unfinished, or incomplete and the 'EXIT'  is just not ready for editing. I just know it can't be edited. I can resize the utility bar and make is bigger or smaller is all


ETA: I'm going to try some of the things I said, just need 45min to an hour updating the launcher

Edited by Achnaattwo
added a tiny bit
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On 12/1/2022 at 1:31 AM, Achnaattwo said:

OK first think I checked, was what if I don't have Utility Bar2 enabled = No Exit

maybe keep the 'EXIT' attached to the mini Map ?!?

I think you misunderstood my post.  The exit icon CANNOT BE MOVED OR ADJUSTED (it is fixed; it's not attached to anything, cannot be moved anywhere or resized) with my chosen layout (which I won't be changing because it allows MY ACCESSIBILITY to the game (correct size and layout that allows me to play).  All I want is for the dev team to make the Stronghold Exit icon moveable. At the very least, they could acknowledge the feedback or what is the point of me (and others) taking the time (and space) to download the PTS and test out their changes (which we end up asking every. single. PTS).  They've not responded to my feedback which is a shame.  Small things like this in mine or others visual field can be game changing and if it's still there on live, as a Stronghold lover, my interest in the game will be gone.  

Here is my interface in the live game:

As I play

Customisation open

No exit icon and that's how it should stay.  If there is a way to remove the exit icon on the PTS without altering my chosen layout let me know (with pictures!).

Edited by Sarova
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1 hour ago, Sarova said:

No exit icon and that's how it should stay.  If there is a way to remove the exit icon on the PTS without altering my chosen layout let me know (with pictures!).

to remove the exit button as it is in PTS, is just  don't enable utility bar 2 , this image, that is what I did, and No Exit button  'No Exit Button'

and your pic As I play does show a exit button. it's on your mini-map. if you want it like that, disable Utility bar 2

if you reread the post above the one you quoted, I did understand and gave a few suggestions, then tried the suggestions myself and made the second post (the one you quoted). I did sceenshot the no exit, just didn't post it, till now.

I think the exit button should be editable , not like it is now which is  attached to the Utility bar 2. Can't even unattached it so one can place it in the right spot, let alone can't even edit it, as you mentioned

as it is now, you have to edit Utility bar 2, with nothing  in it (no other buttons), maybe tomorrow I'll add some pics showing what I'm talking about, when I have time  update twice, just to get in PTS

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hope this clears it up

Before edit

Downsized and most buttons removed from Utility Bar 2, and Moved

 No buttons enabled on utility Bar2, moved to bottom right

Mini Map Maximal, Utility Bar 2 disable = No Exit any where

with just Toggle for Map overlay on utility bar2, and outside Stronghold


I could just place the overlay toggle on Utility bar 1, and just have no toggles on Utility bar 2, leave Mini map Maximal, just place the exit (UtilityBar2) to any place I choose


The new EXIT is attached to utility bar 2, so any scaling or moving for the EXIT is on Utility bar 2. As it is right now that's the only thing you can work with

14 hours ago, Sarova said:

exit icon


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On 12/4/2022 at 12:12 AM, Achnaattwo said:

hope this clears it up

Before edit

Downsized and most buttons removed from Utility Bar 2, and Moved

 No buttons enabled on utility Bar2, moved to bottom right

Mini Map Maximal, Utility Bar 2 disable = No Exit any where

with just Toggle for Map overlay on utility bar2, and outside Stronghold


I could just place the overlay toggle on Utility bar 1, and just have no toggles on Utility bar 2, leave Mini map Maximal, just place the exit (UtilityBar2) to any place I choose


The new EXIT is attached to utility bar 2, so any scaling or moving for the EXIT is on Utility bar 2. As it is right now that's the only thing you can work with


I'm with you now!  I'm going to have a play around and see if I can get rid of it with the way I have my utility set.  Thanks for adding the pictures.

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On 12/1/2022 at 1:31 AM, Achnaattwo said:

OK first think I checked, was what if I don't have Utility Bar2 enabled = No Exit

maybe keep the 'EXIT' attached to the mini Map ?!?

Per your suggestions, I disabled utility bar 2 and et voila! Problem solved.  I'm pretty sure I can survive without utility bar 2.  

Huge thanks for persevering with your help suggestions 🙏😊

Edited by Sarova
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  • 2 weeks later...

My issue is the spacing between Utility Bar 1 and the window with login rewards, pvp, seasons, etc. with my current saved UI, I cannot see everything on the login/seasons/pvp window.

1) I can scale the utility bar 1 way down in order to see the bottom window within my screen

2) move utility bar 1 down to middle of the screen (vertically), then mentioned window snaps to the bar, but this leaves the utility bar 1 in the center of the screen

3) move utility bar 1 to the bottom, bottom winow snaps to the bar, but continues off screen.

Short of configuring my ENTIRE UI over, what else can I do to fix this? If I have missed mentioned work arounds please direct me to it.

**Edit: I know you can open/close the login/seasons/pvp window with utility bar 1.

Also, who's idea was to it remove the ability to zoom with mouse wheel within the mini-map. PLEASE bring this back.**

Edited by Funky_Munky
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