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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7.2 Changes Appreciation


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55 minutes ago, imthespamman said:

Interesting and...not good. I only say "interesting" at all because the old Ranked rewards are clearly marked in their titles (ok not every single one now that I look again) but even if this is the case and Ranked rewards will be obtainable through reg tokens purchases (please no) and this is the finalized list it seems really random as to what's offered. (Example: "Furious Infiltrator" is listed there but none of the other Furious sets). So some are but not all? I'm sincerely hoping this is an oversight and that past rewards wont be re-introduced into the new system. They should just go away and be unobtainable along with Ranked...

Some acknowledgment in an official capacity of this would certainly be appreciated before 7.2 goes live.

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5 hours ago, septru said:

PTS is up. Ranked rewards are available at a new vender with new season currency. 


Which means you can literally get the same ranked rewards by losing all your games. 

why can't they move from Wins/Losses to medals earned in PvP and GSF. Stop people from sitting around not participating or actively throwing the game because they know they will still get rewarded for nothing.

This system is already available for Galactic Season conquests!

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9 hours ago, JediMasterAlex said:

I remember having this exact same conversation with you where you admitted that you only played a handful of ranked matches. Stop lying lol

I'm not "denying" anything. I'm telling you the truth based on what actually happened in solo ranked, because, you know, I actually played it, unlike you. It's all pretty straightforward.

And again, "this" has nothing whatsoever to do with why they don't put resources into it. They just don't care about competitive pvp or maintaining its integrity, mainly because not enough of the player base played it.

The reality is, people like you posting nonsense on the forums kept people like the OP of this thread from playing ranked, which is really shameful.

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
Beleive me dont beelive me i really dont care, but every time someone suggests a negative experience you're there telling its their fault or that they imagined it.
You want to know why this happened, listen to those horror stories, and find a mirror. 

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10 hours ago, Floplag said:

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
Beleive me dont beelive me i really dont care, but every time someone suggests a negative experience you're there telling its their fault or that they imagined it.
You want to know why this happened, listen to those horror stories, and find a mirror. 

I've already explained this multiple times. Most of the negative experiences people whined about on these forums were absolutely their fault. That is a fact that you would readily accept if you ever actually played ranked.

The fact that you refuse to accept observable facts makes you the one in denial by the way.

And I'll reiterate, people like you directly contributed to ranked having less players through your lies, which is something you should be really ashamed about. It continues to amaze me that the complaints about ranked "toxicity" are still more toxic than ranked itself.

It's also really hilarious that you treat me as if I'm one of the toxic players that ruined ranked for other people considering all I did to stop excessive toxicity, especially vote kick abuse. Often my actions were quite unpopular with the ranked community, but I did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. But because I expose your nonsensical narrative regarding ranked, I must be a villain I guess lol

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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1 hour ago, JediMasterAlex said:

I've already explained this multiple times. Most of the negative experiences people whined about on these forums were absolutely their fault. That is a fact that you would readily accept if you ever actually played ranked.

The fact that you refuse to accept observable facts makes you the one in denial by the way.

And I'll reiterate, people like you directly contributed to ranked having less players through your lies, which is something you should be really ashamed about. It continues to amaze me that the complaints about ranked "toxicity" are still more toxic than ranked itself.

It's also really hilarious that you treat me as if I'm one of the toxic players that ruined ranked for other people considering all I did to stop excessive toxicity, especially vote kick abuse. Often my actions were quite unpopular with the ranked community, but I did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. But because I expose your nonsensical narrative regarding ranked, I must be a villain I guess lol

You have explained, nothing... you have preached at people and completely disregarded their views.
Im not suggesting you personally have done any of this at all.  In game, im sure you are a good player with class.  BUT, you have no issues with coming here and telling every person with an experience different than yours that they are a liar.  That they are the problem.
Either you are wrong, or every person thats ever had an issue with ranked, myself included, are... Occam's Razor applies. 

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31 minutes ago, Floplag said:

You have explained, nothing... you have preached at people and completely disregarded their views.
Im not suggesting you personally have done any of this at all.  In game, im sure you are a good player with class.  BUT, you have no issues with coming here and telling every person with an experience different than yours that they are a liar.  That they are the problem.
Either you are wrong, or every person thats ever had an issue with ranked, myself included, are... Occam's Razor applies. 

There are certainly people that have had legitimate gripes about ranked. There were certain people that were excessively toxic in ranked (like nikana used to be), and some of the forum complaints were about them. Completely legitimate. I witnessed other times where racist/sexist idiots (like canu for example) harassed people. I've also witnessed throwing (moophy, holymind, etc), and have been thrown on. In the last season there were blatant speedhackers not getting banned. I have never said that ranked was a perfect experience or that there weren't toxic elements to it.

What I have said, is that the majority of generic "wah, someone said i'm bad in ranked, it's so toxic!" posts were nonsense, which they were. And I absolutely have explained why. Most of those people complaining were wholly unprepared for ranked and were arrogantly, selfishly ruining games. They were, in many cases, the ones at fault, not victims. You have no basis to even disagree with me, because you didn't see all of this first hand like I did. You'd rather believe random forum posts than direct observation, which is the crux of the issue here.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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4 hours ago, JediMasterAlex said:

I've already explained this multiple times. Most of the negative experiences people whined about on these forums were absolutely their fault. That is a fact that you would readily accept if you ever actually played ranked.

The fact that you refuse to accept observable facts makes you the one in denial by the way.

And I'll reiterate, people like you directly contributed to ranked having less players through your lies, which is something you should be really ashamed about. It continues to amaze me that the complaints about ranked "toxicity" are still more toxic than ranked itself.

It's also really hilarious that you treat me as if I'm one of the toxic players that ruined ranked for other people considering all I did to stop excessive toxicity, especially vote kick abuse. Often my actions were quite unpopular with the ranked community, but I did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. But because I expose your nonsensical narrative regarding ranked, I must be a villain I guess lol

Absolutely correct. Any time I've been yelled at in ranked it was always because I messed up. I didn't have a mental breakdown and cry about someone being mean to me on the fourms saying that they need to be banned. I corrected that mistake and got over it. These people you're arguing with, I've seen them in regs before. They don't do any ranked whatsoever and honestly their ability in regs is pretty questionable as well. I don't know why you're wasting your breath with them.

Edited by Prapcaster
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