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Old pvp rewards in 7.2


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On 11/18/2022 at 4:00 PM, EricMusco said:

The rate that players will be earning the new PvP currency will only allow them to purchase either new items or one to two replicas.

Do you plan on increasing the price of each item? Because at the current price players can obtain 3-5 of the more expensive replicas. 16 tokens total in PvP Seasons 1, and replicas cost 3-5 tokens each. 


In my opinion, players shouldn't be able to get some of the rarest and most exclusive armors/weapons in the game through just participation. But either way, your math doesn't check out.


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21 hours ago, alasamaya said:


Great way to insult the PVP players. If I was told a year ago that these are the "big changes" that were about to come with the PVP Revamp, I couldnt have believed it.

you have to admit there's a dark humor to it though. everyone was willing to give the absence of content in 7.0 a pass because 7.2 was going to be a big PvP patch update. heh.

7.2 PvP update brought to you by the company that wouldn't/couldn't do x-server ranked WZs and didn't allow server transfers...until they did. And everyone paid to transfer their rated  PvP guilds to Pot5 when, a month(?) later, BW killed rated WZs and announced rated arenas.

if nothing else, I'd say there's consistency here. 😆

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9 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

Sure man sure. Tell whatever you want. 

It's not that I:m usually in the first 40% of players in almost every warzone. But ye of course, some crybaby knows better hahahh

Yes, delete the game. So a favour for us.

Do you realize you proved my point?

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9 hours ago, LanceDefender said:


It's not that I:m usually in the first 40% of players in almost every warzone. But ye of course, some crybaby knows better hahahh




That's not the flex you think it is. If you're relatively geared you can out damaged 98% of people in regs spamming your basic attack all match or get top of the leaderboard afk farming obj on a node. 

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9 hours ago, krackcommando said:

you have to admit there's a dark humor to it though. everyone was willing to give the absence of content in 7.0 a pass because 7.2 was going to be a big PvP patch update. heh.

7.2 PvP update brought to you by the company that wouldn't/couldn't do x-server ranked WZs and didn't allow server transfers...until they did. And everyone paid to transfer their rated  PvP guilds to Pot5 when, a month(?) later, BW killed rated WZs and announced rated arenas.

if nothing else, I'd say there's consistency here. 😆


Cross server queue just not possible. 🙃

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12 hours ago, septru said:

Do you plan on increasing the price of each item? Because at the current price players can obtain 3-5 of the more expensive replicas. 16 tokens total in PvP Seasons 1, and replicas cost 3-5 tokens each. 


In my opinion, players shouldn't be able to get some of the rarest and most exclusive armors/weapons in the game through just participation. But either way, your math doesn't check out.


how much the cost token for giradda mount in pts ?

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I understand why all the ranked players are pissed that the rewards are being offered to anyone who didn't play it before. I just started playing this year and I don't have time to wait in a queue for hours every day and hopefully get my weekly. they shouldn't bring back the really expensive rewards, just the cheap ones under 20,000 tokens. TBH the only reward that I want is the black-silver crystal, really hope they bring that back because it looks amazing. Every other reward idc for, let the ranked gods keep them.      

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1 hour ago, LordMaddek said:

 TBH the only reward that I want is the black-silver crystal, really hope they bring that back because it looks amazing.

You can get that right now  in-game at Fleet pvp vendor  and it's the cheapest  reward of all.  ( 2500  ranked comms )

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3 hours ago, LordMaddek said:

I understand why all the ranked players are pissed that the rewards are being offered to anyone who didn't play it before. I just started playing this year and I don't have time to wait in a queue for hours every day and hopefully get my weekly. they shouldn't bring back the really expensive rewards, just the cheap ones under 20,000 tokens. TBH the only reward that I want is the black-silver crystal, really hope they bring that back because it looks amazing. Every other reward idc for, let the ranked gods keep them.      

wouldn't be a problem if there would've been a season 15 you could've gotten silver/bronze rewards and earn it  that way, for bioware this means changing one number and doing the same thing as in season 14, I can't see how that is too many resources

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7 hours ago, LordMaddek said:

I understand why all the ranked players are pissed that the rewards are being offered to anyone who didn't play it before. They shouldn't bring back the really expensive rewards, just the cheap ones under 20,000 tokens.

I understand why BW is reselling replica rewards. It makes sense. There are only a handful of people that have all or even most of the replica rewards. Instead of actually creating new rewards for the PvP track, it's a lot easier to resell exclusive rewards. Kinda takes the exclusivity out of the word exclusive... but who cares, it's just PvPers right? 


But even if BioWare wants to point a giant middle finger at the PvP community and resell ranked rewards. There are so many better ways. 

1) Resell ranked rewards proportionally to their initial cost. A reward that costed 20,000 now costs 1 token. So a reward that costed 200,000 should now cost 10 tokens right? No, it costs 5 on PTS. Why? Bioware logic. 


2) Reduce the number of total tokens at the end of the season track from 16 to 12. Instead give 4 tokens at the end of the season to anyone that finishes the season with a 50% win rate. Wow, just like that you incentivize skill and competition. 


3) Do both. 

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3 hours ago, winpersec said:

Usually every server has pops from 7PM to 2AM. Times may be wider for populated servers like DM and SF and a bit shorter for Levi and SS.

idk about DM, but SF and SS solo ranked has completely died since the 7.2 announcement. all the ranked players have already quit. bioware successfully did, what not even a year long preseason could achieve. 

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3 hours ago, septru said:

idk about DM, but SF and SS solo ranked has completely died since the 7.2 announcement. all the ranked players have already quit. bioware successfully did, what not even a year long preseason could achieve. 

some people wintrade tokens on DM for whatever reason, but aside from that DM is usually dead - unless theres a streamer

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