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Server Load Light...


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Why not let us the **** in?


While I don't think your methods are good, I do wonder the same. With servers operating at such low levels, why not fill them up? I'm sure they have a reason, though I'm not certain what it is. I think if anything they should now have a good idea of how fast they can let people in tomorrow without pounding the crap out of their servers, and hopefully they don't make it artificially slow, but rather proceed quick but with caution.

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Why not let us the **** in?




most of the servers that are light on ppl are the PVP servers on state side guess that means ppl want to play the game not stand around and get ganked all day.




as far as the EU servers not sure why they are light maybe they set up a fram work of what days get invited to play not looking at the differance between EU pre orders and US pre orders .

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Yeah man! Screw the players who gave them money when theres nothing stopping them from letting more people in... screw those people. Don't be a sheep.


You gave them money to play on the 20th. The EGA was just the possibility of an added bonus.


I remember a certain other extremely popular MMO that did a one-day launch. Once those floodgates opened: disaster all around. Dying servers, rollbacks, crowdedness, uneven population, etc.


This staggering is a blessing, trust me. I'm sorry you don't see it that way, but perhaps you should try looking at it from a different point of view.

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You gave them money to play on the 20th. The EGA was just the possibility of an added bonus.


I remember a certain other extremely popular MMO that did a one-day launch. Once those floodgates opened: disaster all around. Dying servers, rollbacks, crowdedness, uneven population, etc.


This staggering is a blessing, trust me. I'm sorry you don't see it that way, but perhaps you should try looking at it from a different point of view.


Bah, it's not even a true mmo launch without all those things! It just feels so.... anti-climactic...

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