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Dead Players in Operation Frames R4 Vet Mode


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Currently, and in previous patches - when your group dies in the R4 operation, and the group respawns inside of the operation - some players may still appear dead on the operation frame. This is especially problematic for healers who then cannot see the "dead" players health - even though they are alive and moving around on screen. Previously players were able to work around this by dueling and either killing or stunning the effected player - but now that dueling has been disabled in R4 there is no fix for this causing the group to have to exit and re-enter when the bug becomes prevalent. This bug is most notable after several full party wipes in which players die and different intervals. This bug does not seem to appear in another ops - although I have not run the full list in th is patch. 

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1 hour ago, DustyDemonNinja said:

Currently, and in previous patches - when your group dies in the R4 operation, and the group respawns inside of the operation - some players may still appear dead on the operation frame. This is especially problematic for healers who then cannot see the "dead" players health - even though they are alive and moving around on screen. Previously players were able to work around this by dueling and either killing or stunning the effected player - but now that dueling has been disabled in R4 there is no fix for this causing the group to have to exit and re-enter when the bug becomes prevalent. This bug is most notable after several full party wipes in which players die and different intervals.

This bug does not seem to appear in another ops - although I have not run the full list in th is patch. 

Actually it does , but anyways... Known issue already been reported yep--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924120-bug-we-keep-seeing-dead-people/

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4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Actually it does , but anyways... Known issue already been reported yep--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924120-bug-we-keep-seeing-dead-people/

It is not on the "known issue list", and that thread is from a previous patch since it was reported in August. Therefore, more visibility and recent information would be helpful I'm sure. :)  Also, what would be helpful is a list of other operations in which this bug occurs if you have seen it in others. As I mentioned in my original post I have not seen it any other others although I have not run the full list in this patch.




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3 hours ago, DustyDemonNinja said:

It is not on the "known issue list",

and that thread is from a previous patch since it was reported in August. 

more visibility and recent information would be helpful I'm sure.

Also, what would be helpful is a list of other operations in which this bug occurs if you have seen it in others.

Your 1st sentence i quoted:  That's because for some odd reason, BioWare decided NOT to merge the previous list shown here --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/923999-game-update-71-known-issues  ... (which still has a few persistent un-fixed bugs, like the one you posted about ) with the newer  list. :confused:

Your 2nd sentence i quoted: It's the same bug  BioWare hasn't been able to fix yet. (not sure if you read the entire thread i linked for you ) -- And there's also a somewhat  all-encompassing  R-4 thread here:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924517-r-4-anomaly-bug-collection  ....if you're interested.

Your 3rd sentence i quoted:  Of course, but  more duplicate threads on the same topic/bug  can be somewhat frustrating for Devs/Coders ( i'm speaking from experience here, as i worked on another SW themed MMO ) .   Unfortunately,  these NEW forums  don't have the greatest  search-function in the world ,  so just be glad you have annoying stickler super nerds like me :csw_jabbapet: who  enjoy finding  relevant/recent  threads  to give perspective & history.

Your 4th sentence i quoted:  Honestly, it's a visual flaw in the game-engine that's been happening since 2011 beta testing lol  ( I'm not exactly sure why it's so common in new R-4 Op  though ) .

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1 hour ago, DustyDemonNinja said:

I see condescension is your only skill. 

i was afraid you might take it that way , since *tone* is very difficult to perceive (yet very easy to presume) on forums.   Regardless, there's  not much i can do  if you don't want to read the intel & assistance  i provided (to help you & others) and instead you decide to reply with hostile 'ad hominem' attempt.

i can assure you though: i don't know you , so i don't have any feelings nor "judgement" at all (negative or whatever) toward you or your person.


Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: i guess he didn't like my self-depricating humor with the "be glad...stickler" joke
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