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The Awakend Flame nerf?


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Why nerf the tactcial "The Awakend Flame? It wasnt mentioned in the patch notes!

That together with the nerf on "enrgized blade" is a huge nerf to deception assassin. 


I supposed assassin dps have had its run as "flavour of the month", and its back to  mediocre, non-playable spec again



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19 hours ago, PerKIA said:

Why nerf the tactcial "The Awakend Flame? It wasnt mentioned in the patch notes!

That together with the nerf on "enrgized blade" is a huge nerf to deception assassin. 


I supposed assassin dps have had its run as "flavour of the month", and its back to  mediocre, non-playable spec again



Was awakened flame nerfed? I don't think anyone ever used it for anything, so I honestly don't know the difference. 

I tried it in an hm raid once and lost over 2k dps and never used it again. I had similar comments from friends who tried it as well (who were better than me btw). What was the nerf?

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im afraid i dont have any data to back up that. Therefore the questionmark.  But i looked at the damage just before, and right after the update, and it was lower, so, nerf?

if no one else noticed any change, then it might just me beeing wrong.

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