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Need help with vaylin


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sorry if this has been asked. I am having a very difficult time beating vaylins spirit in the eternal throne. first let me say i know what i need to do cause this is the fourth character i have played fighting her. i know about only using melee and not ranged cause it is reflected back, i know about the green circles and it stuns her, all that. my question is what the heck specs and gear am i to use? i have used jedi knight (twice), sith inquisitor, and now a jedi consular. this one is lvl 80 guardian with direct melee damage and using the lvl 80 sith's gear. just to say on ALL the characters i fought her on, it has taken me over 10 times to finally beat her if not more. she is the only boss that gives me so much trouble. heck valkorian even doesn't give me so much. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.

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5 hours ago, Tibeerious said:

 I am having a very difficult time beating vaylins spirit in the eternal throne. 

any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.

Remember a possible suggestion could be to just  invite a friend/helper  player  ( using the group first, then right-click-portrait --> summon into story chapter  function ) .

The main reason being: Since  7.0 , those  KOTFE/KOTET  chapters are  severely  borked  (overtuned)  to SOLO  certain boss fights.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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You can use ranged combat styles just fine (I first beat her - back in the day, of course - using a Lightning Sorcerer or it might have been the Gunnery Commando who was first, but that's ranged, too), but you must do it at melee range.  The correct range is "inside the purple circle attached to her feet".  Without wishing to insult you or anything like that, I would also suggest that this:

1 hour ago, Tibeerious said:

just to say on ALL the characters i fought her on, it has taken me over 10 times to finally beat her if not more.

implies that this:

1 hour ago, Tibeerious said:

first let me say i know what i need to do

isn't quite right.

The green circles do one of two things:

  • heal you, if you touch them
  • hurt Vaylin for about a quarter of her max health, if she touches them  (That is, four or five green circles are enough to finish her off, even if you don't hit her.)

A couple of other very important pieces of the puzzle:

When she curls up into a ball, she is casting a *big* knockback that is easily big enough to throw you off the floating island to your death.  If a wall (i.e. the staircase) or rock column is in the way, it will stop you and stun you, but if not, you should run away from her at that point, until you cross the little (knee-high) red glowy "fence" at the outside of the floor marker.

If you are stunned and bouncing up and down, she is channelling "Force Slam".  You can break the stun using your "stun breaker" ability.  Its tooltip on your quickbars will say something about "purges incapacitating effects" == un-stuns you.  Keep it around for this purpose because Force Slam does extremely heavy damage.

And the stuff you list here:

1 hour ago, Tibeerious said:

i have used jedi knight (twice), sith inquisitor, and now a jedi consular.

Is completely irrelevant after the release of 7.0.  Only the combat style (Guardian, Sentinel, Shadow, Sage, Juggernaut, Marauder, Assassin, Sage for Force Users) is important.

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When she's floating in the air in a sitting position are you leaving the large red circle area? That is her You Die power. You have time to leave the area when she starts floating, but if you remain inside you will be close to death if not dead when the power activates. If still alive you will die soon after.

There is a way to get in game help if you don't mind getting Dark Side points. On Nathema do not release Valkorian's father from the holocron. He will appear in Story just before you fight Vaylin and acts as a Companion for you. You can have him on Heal if you need. You still need to leave the red circle of death when she floats, but grandpa's assistance will help.


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17 hours ago, Hadsil said:

When she's floating in the air in a sitting position are you leaving the large red circle area? That is her You Die power. You have time to leave the area when she starts floating, but if you remain inside you will be close to death if not dead when the power activates. If still alive you will die soon after.

Actually, no.  The float-in-the-air (she's curled in a ball rather than sitting) ability is the big huge enormous knockback that throws you off the allod and kills you.  (Meatbags can't fly.)  You should still get out of the red circle (that's what I meant when talking about the red fence).

The one that does heavy damage is Force Slam, where she bounces you repeatedly on the floor (it's a stun, so break it with your stun breaker).

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Yes, it can be very difficult if you make a certain choice in a previous chapter. OK you are clearly past that chapter, but other players may not be, so won't give away story spoilers.. 


I think my first run though I made the choice (wrong one if you want the easier battle) but at the time it was before endless so-called class balance, which is OK for the most part but in some story areas such as this fight, one of the boss battles in Traitor amongst the Chiss as just two examples it just did not work. Pointless doing class balance and companion Neffs if it prevents players going forward. Expect the same after this round.


As others have already put down the best way, no need to say it again.


Otherwise, good luck OP.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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On 10/12/2022 at 4:54 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

The green circles do one of two things:

  • heal you, if you touch them
  • hurt Vaylin for about a quarter of her max health, if she touches them  (That is, four or five green circles are enough to finish her off, even if you don't hit her.)

thanks, I didn't know it hurt her that bad. I thought it just stunned her and u had to use attacks on her. I assume that it does one or the other, not both correct? and thanks to everyone who responded.

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8 hours ago, Tibeerious said:

thanks, I didn't know it hurt her that bad. I thought it just stunned her and u had to use attacks on her. I assume that it does one or the other, not both correct? and thanks to everyone who responded.

Once a green circle touches someone (you or Vaylin), it disappears, so it's one or the other.  The circles do regenerate, of course, but not super fast.

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On 10/13/2022 at 5:43 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

Actually, no.  The float-in-the-air (she's curled in a ball rather than sitting) ability is the big huge enormous knockback that throws you off the allod and kills you.  (Meatbags can't fly.)  You should still get out of the red circle (that's what I meant when talking about the red fence).

The one that does heavy damage is Force Slam, where she bounces you repeatedly on the floor (it's a stun, so break it with your stun breaker).

When I first played the chapter still learning the red circle of death is the killer. If you want to be technical it's the force blast and not the red circle itself that kills you, whatever, but the red circle is the warning the blast is coming so I call it the red circle of death. Red circle appears get your tushy out of there. Blast happens, go back in to fight or she comes to you. The Force Slam has only ever been annoying because it means I'm not playing waiting for it to finish. It never killed me. The red circle of death always did, until I learned I should move out of it. Vaylin was never a problem again. Your mileage may vary.

Edited by Hadsil
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9 hours ago, Hadsil said:

When I first played the chapter still learning the red circle of death is the killer. If you want to be technical it's the force blast and not the red circle itself that kills you, whatever, but the red circle is the warning the blast is coming so I call it the red circle of death. Red circle appears get your tushy out of there. Blast happens, go back in to fight or she comes to you. The Force Slam has only ever been annoying because it means I'm not playing waiting for it to finish. It never killed me. The red circle of death always did, until I learned I should move out of it. Vaylin was never a problem again. Your mileage may vary.

My point was that the red circle (red ring of death?) is almost an all-or-nothing thing rather than a heavy "good chance it will kill you" damage thing.  If you go over the edge, you die, guaranteed.  If you crash into a wall or a rock, you take some damage and a short stun, but not much damage.  Force Slam is, indeed, not a guaranteed kill, but it does do *heavy* damage.

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