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Everything posted by Tibeerious

  1. thanks, I didn't know it hurt her that bad. I thought it just stunned her and u had to use attacks on her. I assume that it does one or the other, not both correct? and thanks to everyone who responded.
  2. sorry if this has been asked. I am having a very difficult time beating vaylins spirit in the eternal throne. first let me say i know what i need to do cause this is the fourth character i have played fighting her. i know about only using melee and not ranged cause it is reflected back, i know about the green circles and it stuns her, all that. my question is what the heck specs and gear am i to use? i have used jedi knight (twice), sith inquisitor, and now a jedi consular. this one is lvl 80 guardian with direct melee damage and using the lvl 80 sith's gear. just to say on ALL the characters i fought her on, it has taken me over 10 times to finally beat her if not more. she is the only boss that gives me so much trouble. heck valkorian even doesn't give me so much. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks.
  3. I've gave him all the other supplies but I can't find the rakghoul tunnels to deploy the probs. any help in the location would be appreciated. I did look it up but I still can't find it. It says its an elevator on the spike off of commerce way but beats me where
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