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Post-SoR Discussion for Writing/World Building Nerds


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So, this is a topic to talk about what we could do with some elements of KotFE/KotET-onwards.

As discussed before in other topics, the 8 Origin Stories have an implied order-of-operation, as they all happen generally simultaneously (relative to the entirety of Galactic History), with everyone coming together on Illum for the face-off against Malgus. From there, you can argue that each following arcs has some varying combination of each of the 8 classes. But it's KotFE that I want to start this discussion on.

In the story of Knights of the Fallen Empire as we know it, only one of the 8 classes survives to become the Alliance Commander. And that's very obviously intended to be the Hero of Tython (Knight); though you could stretch and say that the Empire's Wrath (Warrior) is a decent candidate for the Dark Side route. After KotFE Chapter 9, whenever you complete an Alliance Alert, you gain a companion from one of the other 7 Origins. Whenever one of them mentions events pre-KotFE, they imply that their Origin's MC has either died or disappeared (likely during Zakuul's initial invasion). And that's where this thread finally starts.

What if The Empire's Wrath, The Barsen'thor, Darth Nox, Meteor, Cipher 9, The Voidhound, and The Hunter all survived? And, because I highly doubt they'd just give up and retire like Satele did, how could they be re-incorporated into the story?

Some of these answers are obvious. The Hunter would likely be found alongside Torian, Cipher 9 would come to Odessen with Theron, The Voidhound would arrive with Hylo Vhiz, and The Barsen'thor would arrive alongside Sana Rae.
It's Wrath, Nox, and Meteor that I'm stumped on. You could just hand-wave it as "Alliance Alert", but I want to try and weave them into the main narrative of the Zakuul arc, if possible.

Anyone got any suggestions?

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My headcanon for my characters is:

JK - Outlander, crew disperses over time after she vanishes, and rejoins as per the story

IA - She worked along side the JK, Lana, and Theron throughout the Revan storyline. A year or so after Zakuul's invasion and Outlander's disappearance, she makes contact with Theron and Lana to put together the plan of rescuing the Outlander and forming the Alliance, so she's basically always there. (She split ways with her crew at the end of the class storyline because she doesn't like any of them, so them joining the Alliance reunites them after an even longer period that the actual story suggests)

JC - Following Zakuul invasion, he ends up on Ossus and assists the other Jedi/settlers there basically from the start. Like with IA, his crew mostly went their separate ways following the end of the class - though their separation is more about needing to fulfill other duties/responsibilities. Nadia stays with him as his Padawan and they both work with the Alliance after the Sith attack Ossus..

SW - Separates from her crew during the Ziost storyline when the Emperor begins taking control of their minds, so she leaves the planet ASAP without any of her companions (they're all knock out during the electrical blast and evacuated off the planet prior to its destruction). SW strikes out on her own hunting the Sith Emperor and crossing paths with Scourge/Kira on occasion as they do the same thing. They share information occasionally, but never join together. She eventually joins forces with the Alliance with a lot of distrust on all sides as she very vocally explains that she won't take orders from anyone and is mostly around to keep an eye on and possibly kill the Outlander if it looks like she is being controlled by the Emperor.

SI - Never really vanished, as a member of the Dark Council, he almost was killed during the Zakuul attacks, but managed to survive. In a relationship with Lana, he was willing to offer aid to Alliance, but never officially joined. None of his crew did either, but he did allow Talos (permanently) and Ashara/Xalek (on a rotating basis) to stay with the alliance as liaisons and researchers

Smuggler - When Theron, Lana, and the IA were discussing who to bring in to the Alliance as the specialists, there was discussion between recruiting the smuggler or Hylo - eventually both were recruited to help run the Alliance's underground contacts. The smuggler also never really lost contact with her companions - though Akaavi left on her own, Guss tried to get on the Hutt cruise as part of the Rishi class mission, and Bowdaar did go to Zakuul to do some recruiting. Everyone kept in close contact though

BH - Nothing too original here, as a Mando he was with Shae on Darvannis and fought there before allying with the Alliance and settling in Odessen in order to be a part of the fighting.

RT - When Saresh attempted to remove Elara from Havoc, he stood up for his wife and got himself discharged as well barely managing to avoid a court martial and arrest. Aric and Yuun would have protested, but he insisted they do their duty. Meanwhile, he and Elara joined Malcom's staff where they were involved in some covert missions (mostly rescue ones) in response to Zakuul's attacks until the Iokath incident where with the Outlander's allying with Malcom resulted in them joining forces as well. With everyone on top secret missions and Saresh purposefully trying to keep the RT in the dark, Havoc Squad isn't able to keep in touch and the RT doesn't even know that the whole squad was remade after he was removed.

I've no idea if any of those ideas would work with/for your characters and obviously there's a number who don't become involved in the main narrative until after the Zakuul plotline is wrapped up, but perhaps seeing other people's idea will help you?

Edited by JenaSalton
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3 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

My headcanon for my characters is:

JK - Outlander, crew disperses over time after she vanishes, and rejoins as per the story

IA - She worked along side the JK, Lana, and Theron throughout the Revan storyline. A year or so after Zakuul's invasion and Outlander's disappearance, she makes contact with Theron and Lana to put together the plan of rescuing the Outlander and forming the Alliance, so she's basically always there. (She split ways with her crew at the end of the class storyline because she doesn't like any of them, so them joining the Alliance reunites them after an even longer period that the actual story suggests)

JC - Following Zakuul invasion, he ends up on Odessen and assists the other Jedi/settlers there basically from the start. Like with IA, his crew mostly went their separate ways following the end of the class - though their separation is more about needing to fulfill other duties/responsibilities. Nadia stays with him as his Padawan and they both work with the Alliance after the Sith attach Odessen.

SW - Separates from her crew during the Ziost storyline when the Emperor begins taking control of their minds, so she leaves the planet ASAP without any of her companions (they're all knock out during the electrical blast and evacuated off the planet prior to its destruction). SW strikes out on her own hunting the Sith Emperor and crossing paths with Scourge/Kira on occasion as they do the same thing. They share information occasionally, but never join together. She eventually joins forces with the Alliance with a lot of distrust on all sides as she very vocally explains that she won't take orders from anyone and is mostly around to keep an eye on and possibly kill the Outlander if it looks like she is being controlled by the Emperor.

SI - Never really vanished, as a member of the Dark Council, he almost was killed during the Zakuul attacks, but managed to survive. In a relationship with Lana, he was willing to offer aid to Alliance, but never officially joined. None of his crew did either, but he did allow Talos (permanently) and Ashara/Xalek (on a rotating basis) to stay with the alliance as liaisons and researchers

Smuggler - When Theron, Lana, and the IA were discussing who to bring in to the Alliance as the specialists, there was discussion between recruiting the smuggler or Hylo - eventually both were recruited to help run the Alliance's underground contacts. The smuggler also never really lost contact with her companions - though Akaavi left on her own, Guss tried to get on the Hutt cruise as part of the Rishi class mission, and Bowdaar did go to Zakuul to do some recruiting. Everyone kept in close contact though

BH - Nothing too original here, as a Mando he was with Shae on Darvannis and fought there before allying with the Alliance and settling in Odessen in order to be a part of the fighting.

RT - When Saresh attempted to remove Elara from Havoc, he stood up for his wife and got himself discharged as well barely managing to avoid a court martial and arrest. Aric and Yuun would have protested, but he insisted they do their duty. Meanwhile, he and Elara joined Malcom's staff where they were involved in some covert missions (mostly rescue ones) in response to Zakuul's attacks until the Iokath incident where with the Outlander's allying with Malcom resulted in them joining forces as well. With everyone on top secret missions and Saresh purposefully trying to keep the RT in the dark, Havoc Squad isn't able to keep in touch and the RT doesn't even know that the whole squad was remade after he was removed.

I've no idea if any of those ideas would work with/for your characters and obviously there's a number who don't become involved in the main narrative until after the Zakuul plotline is wrapped up, but perhaps seeing other people's idea will help you?

I really like your ideas, here!

Hero - For sure, the Hero is the Outlander/Commander.

Nine - I agree with most of this, except the part about the companions. IMO, I never found Lokin, Vector, or Temple to be annoying. Just Kaliyo and Scorpio. But I can see Lokin deciding to retire after Ziost or earlier, Vector leaving to return to the hive to protect them from Zakuul (likely leading to a rescue during the Star Fortress quests?), and Temple being encouraged to take the promotion to Chiss Liaison. Nine possibly even gets together with Theron because I find it funny.

Barsen'thor - I could see a lot of that, or possibly even a mirror of Nox, where they stayed with the Order to fight against Zakuul, but somehow got lost in the fighting. Perhaps even sent Nadia and Felix to Ossus specifically to keep her safe.

Wrath - I can 100% agree with this. "I only 'help' because it's convenient for me to keep an eye on Vitiate". And it actually works with my main Hero/Wrath character's headcanon backstory! The only hiccup is Malavai. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time Malavai's stabbed Wrath in the back. (I actually in-character made my Wrath cut off her relationship with Quinn after that, no cap.)

Nox - I can see that happening. Maybe Nox even feels a bit of sympathy for The Hero, knowing what it's like to have someone in your head always yammering on, trying to puppet you.

Voidhound - I can see the Smuggler respecting Akaavi and Bowdaar's choices to follow their own paths, possibly being frustrated with Guss over trying to sneak off instead of just asking. And having Risha in the Alliance from the start would be a huge boon.

Hunter - That's pretty much what I thought up, except with my character, she'd be leaving to be with her husband (I love that romance path so much).

Meteor - Oh, for sure. Meteor would never put up with Saresh's bull. He got enough of that from Garza, he doesn't need any more from someone else! And I can imagine the grin on their face when taking Saresh to an Alliance prison.

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If I had to take a stab at it, this would be it:

JK - Boring Outlander Typical stuff. Obviously the one you're meant to rescue, yadda yadda. Nothing new there, even being an Emperor Puppet isn't new, so, just more of the same. 

IA - Probably mostly working off the grid since before SoR, I can't see how trust between Nine and Empire could be rebuilt after class story. Likely helping Lana to free the Hero, and running intelligence stuff, just less hands-on. Don't think they'd commit much or what to be seen. Likely Raina took a regular promotion to become Chiss Liason, and I'd bet Lokin went back into retirement asap after Origin Story; why wouldn't he? Possibly both happened way before SoR. Vector might have stayed if romanced, but if not, likely back with the hive. Scorpio & Kalyio likely lost contact during Zakuul. 

BH - Obviously with Mandalorians if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. 

Smuggler - Obviously with Hylo if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. Come on. 

Trooper - Hm, can't see Saresh going against Elara unless they disappeared (LS or DS, F or M, Elara is under their protection), her issue was having Elara too close to being Havoc Lead. Likely running guerilla ops against Zakuul, like Havoc Squad of old, before their treason, against the direct orders of the Brass - would be a good reason to have shipped Elara off to Malcolm, as she'd hate it. If too LS, they may still be the leader with Jorgan next to them, but even as LS I find it less likely. Probably real bitter in Saresh turning them into a copy of their predecessors and disillusioned with Republic... Not hard being a trooper, really.

SI - Honestly, Acina/Vorawn are obviously  meant to be stand-ins for SI. Doesn't matter if SI is Imperius, Nox or Occulus, if they didn't disappear/die, neither Acina nor Vorawn are becoming Emperor of anything. Who are they even (specially Acina!). SI's absolutely the one leading the Empire... And offering to join with the alliance on KOTET. Other two remain (distrusted) Dark Council Members.

JC - I can see two options here: Either JC was the one to grab all survivors and start the Ossus colony in the first place, striving to keep their records, traditions, etc or they've been in contact with Theron/Lana/Etc from the beginning and are in Odessen when JK arrives. The thing is... Being a beacon and a hero is absolutely something JK can do, but being the commander of an alliance and gathering different forces under one harmonious influence and playing the politics to make it run smoothly? JK would be terrible at it, but it's something that JC excels at. And, assuming, being someone JK has known for long and can trust, they'd be probably a good right-hand; Lana... Is very good at figuring out what has to be done, not amaizng at people handling either. I think JC would be JK's real second, smoothing things over and probably engaging in some (a lot) of the recruiting.

SW - Love the idea of them just doing similar stuff to Kira/Scourge, if they reneged on the Emperor. If they didn't , they'd be a good opponent, trying to make sure their master succeeded in taking over JK's completely. Either way, they'd be giving Arcann/Vaylin hell.


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16 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

Nine - I agree with most of this, except the part about the companions. IMO, I never found Lokin, Vector, or Temple to be annoying. Just Kaliyo and Scorpio. But I can see Lokin deciding to retire after Ziost or earlier, Vector leaving to return to the hive to protect them from Zakuul (likely leading to a rescue during the Star Fortress quests?), and Temple being encouraged to take the promotion to Chiss Liaison. Nine possibly even gets together with Theron because I find it funny.

I personally don’t find the Agent’s companions annoying, though I think as a whole they rank the lowest for me of all the classes. Bounty Hunter’s rank the highest. But, my main Agent character isn’t really a people person, especially after the class story, so she was happy to ditch the lot of them as soon as she could.


16 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

Wrath - I can 100% agree with this. "I only 'help' because it's convenient for me to keep an eye on Vitiate". And it actually works with my main Hero/Wrath character's headcanon backstory! The only hiccup is Malavai. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time Malavai's stabbed Wrath in the back. (I actually in-character made my Wrath cut off her relationship with Quinn after that, no cap.)

My Warrior and Quinn are still in a relationship, but despite genuinely caring for one another it is not a healthy relationship. Because, on one hand, Quinn will forever feel guilty about trying to kill her and sees her as his superior and, on the other hand, the Warrior is a powerful Sith who raised by powerful Sith and is very much of the mindset that she is entitled to things (and people) - which results in a Warrior who is proud of and acknowledges Quinn’s achievements but is also possessive and controlling and Quinn won’t ever talk to her about it.

The good news of all of that though, is that it gives me an in game excuse of why the Alliance joins with the Republic on Ioakath rather than telling everyone that no one gets a superweapon. Headcanon that the Warrior goes to that meeting with the Knight and upon learning that Acina had kept Quinn imprisoned because he kept looking for the Warrior, the Warrior basically declares a vendetta against Acina before the Knight has a chance to work things out peacefully.

16 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

Meteor - Oh, for sure. Meteor would never put up with Saresh's bull. He got enough of that from Garza, he doesn't need any more from someone else! And I can imagine the grin on their face when taking Saresh to an Alliance prison.

No way, Havoc Squad is very professional and wouldn’t let their emotions show when escorting her to a cell. Celebration would wait until afterwards at the cantina where they can drink and loudly discuss Saresh’s behaviour after being tossed into the cell. 

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18 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

I personally don’t find the Agent’s companions annoying, though I think as a whole they rank the lowest for me of all the classes. Bounty Hunter’s rank the highest. But, my main Agent character isn’t really a people person, especially after the class story, so she was happy to ditch the lot of them as soon as she could.

For me, it's Smuggler & Hunter. They're all awesome (Minus Guss and Skadge, but they're still decent enough by the end of the story; though I guess that's due to them being obtained so late).

18 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

My Warrior and Quinn are still in a relationship, but despite genuinely caring for one another it is not a healthy relationship. Because, on one hand, Quinn will forever feel guilty about trying to kill her and sees her as his superior and, on the other hand, the Warrior is a powerful Sith who raised by powerful Sith and is very much of the mindset that she is entitled to things (and people) - which results in a Warrior who is proud of and acknowledges Quinn’s achievements but is also possessive and controlling and Quinn won’t ever talk to her about it.

The good news of all of that though, is that it gives me an in game excuse of why the Alliance joins with the Republic on Ioakath rather than telling everyone that no one gets a superweapon. Headcanon that the Warrior goes to that meeting with the Knight and upon learning that Acina had kept Quinn imprisoned because he kept looking for the Warrior, the Warrior basically declares a vendetta against Acina before the Knight has a chance to work things out peacefully.

That makes sense for the Warrior, I think. Though, I'm of the mindset that Quinn's just lucky he didn't get decapitated after such a massive backstab. To do that to your lover, of all people! Sho'miti's glad she left that snake for Pierce.

18 hours ago, JenaSalton said:

No way, Havoc Squad is very professional and wouldn’t let their emotions show when escorting her to a cell. Celebration would wait until afterwards at the cantina where they can drink and loudly discuss Saresh’s behaviour after being tossed into the cell. 

That's what the helmets are for. 😉

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On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

IA - Probably mostly working off the grid since before SoR, I can't see how trust between Nine and Empire could be rebuilt after class story. Likely helping Lana to free the Hero, and running intelligence stuff, just less hands-on. Don't think they'd commit much or what to be seen. Likely Raina took a regular promotion to become Chiss Liason, and I'd bet Lokin went back into retirement asap after Origin Story; why wouldn't he? Possibly both happened way before SoR. Vector might have stayed if romanced, but if not, likely back with the hive. Scorpio & Kalyio likely lost contact during Zakuul. 

Hm. So, if not working with Lana, then possibly playing The Shroud's game? Interesting~. I could see that happening!

On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

BH - Obviously with Mandalorians if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. 

Smuggler - Obviously with Hylo if LS, obviously with Tanno Vik if DS. Come on. 

I couldn't see The Hunter with Vik, but I could see The Voidhound hangin' about his place from time to time.

On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

Trooper - Hm, can't see Saresh going against Elara unless they disappeared (LS or DS, F or M, Elara is under their protection), her issue was having Elara too close to being Havoc Lead. Likely running guerilla ops against Zakuul, like Havoc Squad of old, before their treason, against the direct orders of the Brass - would be a good reason to have shipped Elara off to Malcolm, as she'd hate it. If too LS, they may still be the leader with Jorgan next to them, but even as LS I find it less likely. Probably real bitter in Saresh turning them into a copy of their predecessors and disillusioned with Republic... Not hard being a trooper, really.

I can see Meteor and Jorgan hanging out on Zakuul, running small hits, talking about how utter garbage the Republic is under Saresh's thumb, and how she basically tore the team apart to replace Vik, Elara, M1, and Yuun with people more loyal to her.

On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

SI - Honestly, Acina/Vorawn are obviously  meant to be stand-ins for SI. Doesn't matter if SI is Imperius, Nox or Occulus, if they didn't disappear/die, neither Acina nor Vorawn are becoming Emperor of anything. Who are they even (specially Acina!). SI's absolutely the one leading the Empire... And offering to join with the alliance on KOTET. Other two remain (distrusted) Dark Council Members.

OH YEAH. I can see that happening for sure. Nox would have both Vowrawn and Acina bow down and lick his boots before they even got a chance at the throne.

On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

JC - I can see two options here: Either JC was the one to grab all survivors and start the Ossus colony in the first place, striving to keep their records, traditions, etc or they've been in contact with Theron/Lana/Etc from the beginning and are in Odessen when JK arrives. The thing is... Being a beacon and a hero is absolutely something JK can do, but being the commander of an alliance and gathering different forces under one harmonious influence and playing the politics to make it run smoothly? JK would be terrible at it, but it's something that JC excels at. And, assuming, being someone JK has known for long and can trust, they'd be probably a good right-hand; Lana... Is very good at figuring out what has to be done, not amaizng at people handling either. I think JC would be JK's real second, smoothing things over and probably engaging in some (a lot) of the recruiting.

That's an interesting take, that first option. And being the Padawan of a researcher, I can see the Barsen'thor setting up the Ossus mission; possibly even earlier than Zakuul, getting sidetracked by the invasion, then using the planned trip as an emergency evac opportunity.
For the second option, I agree. The Barsen'thor would be the best right-hand, if they're a part of the Alliance from the beginning.

On 10/5/2022 at 2:46 AM, AdsAillard said:

SW - Love the idea of them just doing similar stuff to Kira/Scourge, if they reneged on the Emperor. If they didn't , they'd be a good opponent, trying to make sure their master succeeded in taking over JK's completely. Either way, they'd be giving Arcann/Vaylin hell.

I personally see Wrath as going against Vitiate, as a sort of "I dedicate my life to you and the destruction of Ziost is what I get?" way. But if they were a fanatical loyalist, they would make an interesting 3rd party in the conflict.

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18 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

I couldn't see The Hunter with Vik, but I could see The Voidhound hangin' about his place from time to time.

I'll confess I never managed to finish q full DS BH run, but they seem very... Criminal-like? The level of needless violence and perpetuating injustices for personal gain is something else (DS smuggler mostly seem to not care, DS BH, as far as I played, was well into Sith level of maniac).  So I can see them deciding that running a gang on a "safe" port as a lucrative business when actual bounty hunting gets hard unfr Zakkul's controling grasp. 


18 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

I personally see Wrath as going against Vitiate, as a sort of "I dedicate my life to you and the destruction of Ziost is what I get?" way. But if they were a fanatical loyalist, they would make an interesting 3rd party in the conflict.

Again, I never played a loyalist SW, but I think if they really are loyal, Marr is running his little operation in secret from Wrath and they probably hear from the outcome "too late". On the other hand, they'd have the whole Hands set up that they can use to try and create terror and guarantee the Emperor's success which would be a fun story too. 

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On 10/5/2022 at 11:41 PM, JenaSalton said:

My Warrior and Quinn are still in a relationship, but despite genuinely caring for one another it is not a healthy relationship. Because, on one hand, Quinn will forever feel guilty about trying to kill her and sees her as his superior and, on the other hand, the Warrior is a powerful Sith who raised by powerful Sith and is very much of the mindset that she is entitled to things (and people) - which results in a Warrior who is proud of and acknowledges Quinn’s achievements but is also possessive and controlling and Quinn won’t ever talk to her about it.

The good news of all of that though, is that it gives me an in game excuse of why the Alliance joins with the Republic on Ioakath rather than telling everyone that no one gets a superweapon. Headcanon that the Warrior goes to that meeting with the Knight and upon learning that Acina had kept Quinn imprisoned because he kept looking for the Warrior, the Warrior basically declares a vendetta against Acina before the Knight has a chance to work things out peacefully.

This was a tough one as I stayed with Quinn during the class story. I did not want to lose him as a companion and the SW choices for Quinn at Iokath are just awful. Either romance or lose him. 

I supported the republic here and when Quinn betrays me again I realize now he can never be trusted even though there are some old feelings. Quinn is just too imperial loyalist and would never put my SW first in a romantic relationship.

My SW is not usually vengeful as I played light side, but Quinn needed to learn a lesson. I resumed my romance with him to get him back into my companion panel. Then I dumped him to take up the romance with Arcann. I felt having Quinn work for the republic, a man has given everything for the empire was a good punishment for him. It would destroy him. Not too mention seeing the Ex Emperor of Zakuul sleeping in your bedroom every night. 

Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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On 10/6/2022 at 9:26 AM, Gamer_Auto said:

, then possibly playing The Shroud's game?

i always wished BioWare  (writers) had somehow created/resurrected 'The Shroud'  CLONE  as a more involved  universal thorn-in-your-side type enemy , instead of just sticking to the obvious (and imo boring)  MALGUS  return/retread  linear arc.    It sure would've made  ZO-0M  happy! :csw_blaster:

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I admit I probably took the "easy way" in dealing with continuing my entire Legacy's story.

1. SW and JK (cousins but their culture sees them as brothers) they run the show together, SW keeps the Imps and Lana in line, JK deals with the Pubs.

2. JC, my diplomat, and youngest sister in the Legacy. She runs the Force Enclave with Sana Rae, studies the new cultures, and does a lot of the recruitment work, Since Vaylin is her antithesis she's in charge of dealing with her. She's also involved with the healers.

3. My Troopers the oldest brother of my JK and his babyhood best friend. They run things with Beyone Ago and develop the tactics and strategies for the various battles.

4. My Agents, they really have one job keep Lana under control. They're the watchdogs. Male Agent is SW's oldest brother, and Female Agent is the younger sister, SW is the middle child.

5. My BH was with Marr as a pseudo-bodyguard/neutral advisor with the collition.

6. My Smuggler Twins didn't join up they're the seconds in the family and they kept the supply lines opened in the galaxy. But they join up after Ossus.  

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30 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I admit I probably took the "easy way" in dealing with continuing my entire Legacy's story.

1. SW and JK (cousins but their culture sees them as brothers) they run the show together, SW keeps the Imps and Lana in line, JK deals with the Pubs.

2. JC, my diplomat, and youngest sister in the Legacy. She runs the Force Enclave with Sana Rae, studies the new cultures, and does a lot of the recruitment work, Since Vaylin is her antithesis she's in charge of dealing with her. She's also involved with the healers.

3. My Troopers the oldest brother of my JK and his babyhood best friend. They run things with Beyone Ago and develop the tactics and strategies for the various battles.

4. My Agents, they really have one job keep Lana under control. They're the watchdogs. Male Agent is SW's oldest brother, and Female Agent is the younger sister, SW is the middle child.

5. My BH was with Marr as a pseudo-bodyguard/neutral advisor with the collition.

6. My Smuggler Twins didn't join up they're the seconds in the family and they kept the supply lines opened in the galaxy. But they join up after Ossus.  

That's a cool way of looking at it!

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It's my way of keeping it simple. The game allows us a good amount of freedom to paint our characters within their origin stories. There's a lot of dialogue I'm not fond of, but within their roles its very well defined and effectively done. I just let them do what they do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My head-canon for my characters is the following, if they were not the "outlander" -

JK: She was always partial to the Green Jedi of Corellia as well as to the Voss, so had opened a Jedi academy on Voss to train them as the Green Jedi on Corellia were trained. When Zakuul invaded, she became part of the resistance. She was joined by Doc who worked with the healers on Voss studying alternative medicine, and T-7 who was their bodyguard. She and Doc had a baby. (unlike in my actual story, where she "divorced" Doc & got together with Scourge).  Kira became a member of the Jedi Council and worked with Satele Shan to fight Zakuul. Scourge worked with rogue elements from the Empire also to fight Zakuul. (See SW for further story). Rusk goes back to fighting for the Republic army.

JC: He and Nadia went to wild space to form new alliances with the worlds there and were basically out of touch with the rest during all the events. Iresso went back to the Republic army, Qyzen goes off on his own to hunt, possibly joining the BH (if LS). Tharon Cedrex is recognized for his scientific achievements and he and Holiday are living on Coruscant, avoiding politics.

RT: She and the rest of Havoc Squad are doing rogue operations, and meet up with the Outlander in addition to Aric Jordan in the story. Unlike Aric only though, the Meteor manages to keep all the squad together, despite Sarresh. (She and my BH are sisters, so either would join the other if either of them were the outlander).

SM: My smuggler is DS, he would go back to Makeb after it survived & make a ton of credits off the Hutts. He would attract Vette, Gault & establish headquarters on Rishi after Zakuul invaded. He would join Outlander during the raid on Zakuul treasure ship, but leave after he got his "cut".  He is married to Akaavi tho,  so thru her would establish ties with the Mandalore when Shae Vizla joined the alliance, he would follow along.  Corso and Risha would have a romance and they would go to her world. Guss would attempt to rejoin the Jedi.

SI: He would become head of the Dark Council after Maar was killed. Definately would be the new "emperor" instead of Acina or Vowrawn. Xalek would be his main apprentice, he would had met and romanced Lana Beniko when she started making a name for herself during the events in "SOR".  Ashara would have left and gone back to the Jedi. Andronikos would also have left and gone to Rishi with the other pirates. Khem Val would continue to serve the SI. It is he with whom the Alliance would negotiate instead of Acina.

IA:  I have two "mains", one is Dark Side but very pro-imperial "hand of Jadus" and the other is a Lightside "saboteur".  Both would have gone underground and worked against Zakuul when it conquered much of the galaxy - but one on behalf of the Imperials and the other on behalf of the republic. Both would have worked closely with Theron Shan. Vector would go back to the Killiks to "swarm" against Zakuul. Kaliyo would have joined the smuggler's criminal empire. Doctor Lokin would have joined Theron Cedrax in research, attempting to perfect the Rakghoul strain variant. Temple would have gone to the Chiss - but as #1 is also Chiss, she would have joined her. Scorpio would have struck out on her own as she did during the Outlander storyline, continuing to seek self-preservation and improvement.

SW: After the events on Ziost, which killed all of the SW's family there, the SW is no loyalist of the Emperor. She hates him with all the fiber of her being, and will do anything to topple his new variation, "Valkorian". She, although Dark Side, will even team up with the hated "jedi" if they are the outlander, to bring him down.  She will find the former Wrath Scourge and cure him of the "no emotions" thru Dark Side ritual with the help of Nox. Scourge and she romance. The 3 of them then will team up to fight against Zakuul. Quinn becomes head of Imperial army. Although divorced, both still work together for the Imperial cause. Pierce becomes head of special forces for Imperials. Broonmark goes off to recruit Talz to fight against Zakuul on ice planets. Vette joins the criminal empire of the Smuggler. Jaesa (Dark Side) rises to become one of the Dark Council. (for my LS SW, Jaesa rejoins the Jedi on Odessan)

BH: She becomes Mandalore instead of Shae, but Shae is a mentor and friend to her. So it is with her that the Outlander negotiates. Akaavi joins her, Torian and she are married and they have kids and raise them Mandalorian. Gault joins the smuggler's criminal empire, Blizz is inspired from "Mando" training to form a squad on Tatooine, and fights Zakuul there instead of returning to Hoth. Mako continues to work for the Hunter, and becomes Mandolorian herself. Skadge joins the smugglers criminal empire after narrowly escaping being thrown out the airlock by the Hunter. 

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I actually put some thought into this and came up with some ideas.

*Knight: Most likely the Outlander. 

*Consular: Wasn’t a part of SoR. The Noetikons were taken to Tython, but after the Assault by the Sith Empire, they were returned to Coruscant. The Barsen'thor went with them. He has been working to  gather and preserve the lore and teachings of the Order. He has been working closely with Gnost-Dural and sent Nadia to assist him (they didn’t romance). Something else is he has been working to rebuild a Jedi temple there as well.

*Smuggler: Wasn’t a part of SoR. He did fight in the Battle of Illum. Basically he got ahold of one of the stealth ships and a cargo hold full of Adegan crystals and faked his own death. No one has seen him since. 

*Trooper: He had retired from the military and wasn’t at the Battle of Illum. Everything that Havoc had done, everything Garza asked him to do, and especially Ava Jaxo’s death weighed too heavily on him. The rest of Havos Squad stayed in the unit and Arric became the leader. Garza still contacted him and got him to Rishi. After dealing with Eclipse Squad, He actually found he liked Rishi and built a small homestead there. He does some work as a freelance mechanic. 

*Warrior: Ah Wrath, while not the main character of SoR, he was on Ziost. After all of that, he was deeply troubled. He sent his companions away and was last seen heading into the dune sea on Tatooine.

*Inquisitor: Parted ways with his companions and disappeared into the Rishi Maze looking for immortality. Basically following up on the Rishi side quest. He couldn’t divert the resources from the war, so he went himself. Companions either didn’t want to go or were ordered to stay. Took a small team of troopers and members of the Reclamation Service with him.

*Hunter (male): Remember Mako’s clone storyline that was never resolved? That’s what got him. He disappeared on Nar Shaddaa trying to track down answers about Mako’s past. Mako and crew looked for him but no sign and they ended up in the Alliance. 

*Hunter (female): This is only one where I thought about different genders. If the Hunter is female, she was really shaken by Rishi and Yavin. Decided to retire. Went back to Alderaan and reminded Raffid they were married and she was the Baroness of House Girard. She worked to improving the standing and coffers of the House and ended taking over most of the day to day operations. When Zakuul took over, she covertly aided Choza Raabat and the resistance movement.

*Agent: After Illum, the Agent was very disillusioned with the Empire. He began to think more and more about the original purpose of the Star Cabal. Why does the galaxy need to suffer because of Jedi & Sith? He is a Chiss and initially said he was returning the Ascendancy. This was a cover and he ditched his companions. Basically since then with the resources he has (The Black Codex among others), he is quietly rebuilding a new Star Cabal. 

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