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How do I get passed: A Threat Leveled


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This is the quest you get after getting quinn. It´s about the space station that are tracking the ships signal and you need to get rid of the ppl there.


The problem is that I can not get the final boss there down. There are 4 soldiers total at final. A normal soldier with 640 hp, which goes down at first, then you have 2 sentiels that have 3.8 k hp and one of them being target second but the boss remain with 4,2-4,8 k hp not sure. Even if I would attack him first I would die without have killed anyone else. I tried all kinds of combination and attacking boss first and attacking him last. The longest fase I came to was having the boss and one sentiels left, but even then I failed and I dont know what is wrong.


I have build all on annihaltion (spelling) only 3 points is on something else, the armor is near the highest possible for the lvl and I have tried with both vette and quinn.


My current lvl is 26.


I asked in genereal chatt and another marudar answered, he had no problems at all on this quest and even though it was simple so I dont know what to think...

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I actually just finished this quest after about 10 attempts...mind you I did go at it as a level 22, so I wouldn't think you should have a problem :/ I just used a stim and went at it, once i had managed to take the little fellas down the big guy was easy.


And I did it with quinn xD

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i found that for the class quests its alot easier if you are a level or 2 above them. had a couple problems with some of the class stuff till i put them off for a bit and got a few levels ahead, now its all good, marauders destroy everything. annihilation spec ftw.


This. I usually do all the quests in an area before moving on, but I was getting sick of that city, so went to the space station thingy to just continue on with the class quest. I think the city just felt way too linear for me. I like a little more open spaces, and not feel like I'm playing a fps.


I did the same quest the OP mentioned last night, and I thought it was quite difficult. I died twice, and on my third try there was only one guy left so it was easy. I think it caught me by surprise because most of the quests are pretty easy, but all of a sudden those soldiers pop out. Their health isn't too bad, but it seems like they did mega dps. Quin was dead before I knew what was going on. I was level 25 when I did it btw.

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i am also a lvl 26 , im using quinn , stims and relic as well as all other cooldowns and i just cant get past him , i have no probs getting it down to boss and 1 trooper but just cant get any further , and it seems when i die and go back to medi centre the other 2 troopers that i have killed keep respawning ??? , im seriously getting hacked off at trying it , any suggestions would be great :)

cheers all

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This is the quest you get after getting quinn. It´s about the space station that are tracking the ships signal and you need to get rid of the ppl there.


The problem is that I can not get the final boss there down. There are 4 soldiers total at final. A normal soldier with 640 hp, which goes down at first, then you have 2 sentiels that have 3.8 k hp and one of them being target second but the boss remain with 4,2-4,8 k hp not sure. Even if I would attack him first I would die without have killed anyone else. I tried all kinds of combination and attacking boss first and attacking him last. The longest fase I came to was having the boss and one sentiels left, but even then I failed and I dont know what is wrong.


I have build all on annihaltion (spelling) only 3 points is on something else, the armor is near the highest possible for the lvl and I have tried with both vette and quinn.


My current lvl is 26.


I asked in genereal chatt and another marudar answered, he had no problems at all on this quest and even though it was simple so I dont know what to think...



Iv had your problem before on other bosses, I just finish Nar Shaddaa so I still have a ways to go until I get to where you are, but in lv'ing both my mara sorc I have found that if I am 3 lvs below the boss im trying to kill I will be able to kill him. A tactic I have found to work out if there are more than 1 enemy to kill along with the boss is to kill the other enemys, let the boss kill me, use a medical probe to rez there and then kill him. Good luck.

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From memory, there are two kalto tanks in the room, if you smash them whilst stood next to them they heal you.


I did it with Vette, set her on the main boss as I took out the rest, she died as I finshed them, but then just me and him was an easier end to it.


Remember to keep cloak of pain up, and saber ward when it runs out, berserk for the healing and whatever interupts you have too.

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I tried this mission with my marauder (carnage spec.) at around level 21 and got butchered. i ended up heading to a few other planets first and Dinging up to 27, but this is still giving me grief. Even with obfuscate, force choke and DoT/AoE attacks, this is still dragging on for me....


Time to put all the best armour I have onto quinn, leap in and see if I can drop the Repubic guardian with the stupidly big sword.....



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  • 2 months later...

I am level 25 Jugg and I can't beat them either, I just decided to go to Tatooine instead. I'm doing side quests to get my level up and then I'll go back around 27 after upgrading armour and any new skills and what have you.

If you still can't beat them maybe you should try the same...?

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  • 2 months later...

I had major problems with this quest as a level 25 marauder. I couldn't kill either of the 2 'strong' npc's.


But there is an easy way to do this...


It doesn't matter if you use vette or Quinn, make them attack the strong enemies and use this time to run over and smash the cryo tube. Once you've done this get inside it, and your health will automatically re-charge.


Once your companion dies, all the enemies will move over to you. Don't move out of the cryo tank and you can kill these chaps without taking any damage.


Hope this helps :)

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As others have said the Kolto tanks are a huge help, but they don't respawn if you die ... so use them wisely. I found that I had to concentrate on killing what I could, die then come back and kill the others. I don't remember if we have the agro dump at that point or not but if you do, use it if you are close to death, a dead companion isn't the best but it's better than a dead you...


Also, one huge thing..make sure that if you use Quinn he's close enough to heal you and he has line of sight.


But I found that even leveling my second Marauder this quest was challenging....

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