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Hidden matchmaking algorithm has to die hard


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The "Skill-based matchmaking" started in 5.9.2 is an atrocity. It puts one or two highly-skilled players on a team full of keyboard-droolers with no thumbs against a team of 8 noticeably-above-average players. Outcomes of warzones are decided before they even begin. Roflstomps are the norm and close games are extremely rare. Matches on average seemed more balanced before this crime against gaming was added.


Also, this game's population is small. "Skill-based matchmaking" with an ever-shrinking pool of players means that at least 12 out of 16 players in one warzone are likely to constitute teams in the next one. That gets stale extremely fast. On top of the monotony of repetition, the algorithm's insistence on only putting specific players in matches together needlessly slows down pops, something that again is only exacerbated by a small playerbase.


Lastly, it's UNRANKED. Casual mode. Secret Elo or anything of the kind shouldn't be a factor.

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According to actual Data and not Feelings; You would be incorrect. Most matches are decided by what team has the highest DPS Pressure. Sounds to me like your not contributing. Below is the actual Data, that was made for threads like these.


Average Total Warzone Damage Per Team: 24,591,614

Average Winning Total Warzone Damage: 26,423,742

Average Loosing Total Warzone Damage: 19,524,131

Average Delta Between Winning and Loosing Total Damage: 6,899,611

Average Player DPS: 3,940 (This is a rough estimate as some matches are longer/shorter uses 13 min match avg)


Map Win Rate % of Team with Higher Total DPS:

Civil War: 100% (4 Games)

Novar: 100% (1 Game)

Void Star: 80% (5 Games)

Yavin: 57% (7 Games)

OG Hutball: 75% (3 Games)

Hyper Gate:77% (9 Games)

Quesh Hutball: 50% (4 Games)

Van Hutball: 50% (6 Games)

Total Wins:26

Total Losses:14


Average Win Rate of Team with Higher Total DPS= 65%

Current Personal Win Rate(For LOLS)= 60% (24/40 Games)

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According to actual Data and not Feelings; You would be incorrect. Most matches are decided by what team has the highest DPS Pressure. Sounds to me like your not contributing. Below is the actual Data, that was made for threads like these.


Average Total Warzone Damage Per Team: 24,591,614

Average Winning Total Warzone Damage: 26,423,742

Average Loosing Total Warzone Damage: 19,524,131

Average Delta Between Winning and Loosing Total Damage: 6,899,611

Average Player DPS: 3,940 (This is a rough estimate as some matches are longer/shorter uses 13 min match avg)


Map Win Rate % of Team with Higher Total DPS:

Civil War: 100% (4 Games)

Novar: 100% (1 Game)

Void Star: 80% (5 Games)

Yavin: 57% (7 Games)

OG Hutball: 75% (3 Games)

Hyper Gate:77% (9 Games)

Quesh Hutball: 50% (4 Games)

Van Hutball: 50% (6 Games)

Total Wins:26

Total Losses:14


Average Win Rate of Team with Higher Total DPS= 65%

Current Personal Win Rate(For LOLS)= 60% (24/40 Games)


AcKSHUalLY Random capital Letters HALP mE Beddur:


What the OP is asserting and what your horrible display of statistics say are not necessarily mutually exclusive. In fact, the SpReaDSheeT data supports what he's saying.


And not only that, he's right. I'm certain of it. If I play on an account with 20000 total wins, I often anchor the team of bads. I think they are trying to punish premades but all they are doing is making premades more prevalent. The only way to make sure you aren't with 7 sweet summer childrens is to bring 3 hitters and cut that down to 4.

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Uh according to actual data not feeling... F'n nerd! If you had half a brain you'd realize with all your dumb *** stats you proved his point.


You should chill a bit. All he is trying to do is make people realize farming damage isn't damage griefing and that without them the objective players would get smashed. That all besides the point objective players defend, but they can't really because they would lose a 1v1. If you lose a 1v1 you shouldn't defend, you should damage farm in mid until you're good enough.

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So the sentiment is: "Rather than improve matchmaking so pvp is balanced, screw the casual pvper?"


I think what they are saying is that there is no such thing as casual pvp. The goal of every player who pvp's should be to get better, which in turn, would result in more wins. ;)

Edited by Nickodemous
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God forbig people play something for fun and want just more fun :D


There is a fundamental problem in this statement. Fun is not an a measurement that is the same for everyone.


Fun for me maybe spawn camping and killing you over and over all night.

Fun you maybe spam clicking nodes to no end.


Saying your ideal of Fun is some casual PVP setting. (Still don't know what that would look like. How would a casual pvp match even look.) Is like saying, I want everyone to do as I say and what I do cause I'm important. PVP is player for player its very nature is the inability to control what the other player is doing.


I swear some people just want some bot mode with AI controlled bots.


My Ideal of fun in pvp is lots of trolling and talking crap. I also enjoy a good 1v1.


My ideal of unfun in pvp is when its the same classes/meta/players over and over each match. I miss the days of 20 warzone running and always having different matches. Guess that's why I don't like arenas and feel they are boring.

Edited by TmoneyTime
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And not only that, he's right. I'm certain of it. If I play on an account with 20000 total wins, I often anchor the team of bads. I think they are trying to punish premades but all they are doing is making premades more prevalent. The only way to make sure you aren't with 7 sweet summer childrens is to bring 3 hitters and cut that down to 4.


I would love to read up on this; how certain are you this is how it works? Could you please point me to where I can read up on this?


I play on an account that I had at launch. The characters I have on Star Forge add up to about 20k wins and I see what you are talking about -- but is it just your feeling this is happening or is this really by design?


More often than not I find myself 'anchoring' a team of bads in solo regs, but I just ascribed this to quality of PvP going down over time.


Is this really by design?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whatever matchmaking is being done is doing a bad job of creating balanced matches


There are arenas with healer tank combos and warzones with a healer on one side leading to match after match of steam rolls which are tedious for both sides


It shouldn't be that hard to mix the losing and winning teams from one match to the next to give more even matches

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Whatever matchmaking is being done is doing a bad job of creating balanced matches


There are arenas with healer tank combos and warzones with a healer on one side leading to match after match of steam rolls which are tedious for both sides


It shouldn't be that hard to mix the losing and winning teams from one match to the next to give more even matches


That is due to how matchmaking is setup in this game. It is not and never has been setup to give a 50/50 team balance. It has always since the introduction to put teams in an 60/40 balance. There was a post way back when it was introduced about how the data shows more players engage in warzones with a 60/40 split.

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Whatever matchmaking is being done is doing a bad job of creating balanced matches


There are arenas with healer tank combos and warzones with a healer on one side leading to match after match of steam rolls which are tedious for both sides


It shouldn't be that hard to mix the losing and winning teams from one match to the next to give more even matches


It would be interesting to know exactly how the algorithm works. There definitely is one in place. My main character that I've played since launch gets absolute garbage for teammates. It's typically me and no one else that can fight, or myself and one other person that can fight vs a premade + 2 to 4 competent players.


Oftentimes it seems lopsided, but then when I take a look at the scoreboard I can understand why the algorithm stacks the teams the way that it does (based solely on average damage output). I wholeheartedly believe there's a hidden ELO, but one that works in conjunction with other data points as well.


When it comes to balancing for classes / class stacking it definitely needs some work. Overall I give it a C+ / B- .

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There is a fundamental problem in this statement. Fun is not an a measurement that is the same for everyone.


Fun for me maybe spawn camping and killing you over and over all night.

Fun you maybe spam clicking nodes to no end.


My Ideal of fun in pvp is lots of trolling and talking crap. I also enjoy a good 1v1.


totally agreed


Fun for me is especially if UNRANKED (aka casual mode)


1: spawn camping and killing objective tryhards.

2: harass and 1vs1 objective tryhards especially node campers trying to elicit a angry response.

3: trolling and harassing newbies and leaving them with minimum hp (important not to farm them, don't want to demoralize newbies)


am I a bad person for this? or is this the logical consequence of being a objective tryhard for years then degenerating into depraved indifference putting personal amusement above all else. lol

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