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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I was in the republic fleet when there was a group of characters hitting people with poison grenades & just constantly. I can not do anything because a green gas keeps causing my character to bend over in pain. Even if I run away from those doing it, the poison gas does not stop. I cant figure out how to stop it. My character is not losing any health, but it very annoying. I logged out & came back thirty minutes later, & it is still happening.

Do people not play the game any more? Why just stand there in the fleet annoying anyone that is coming through, for hours on end? Get a life!

Does anyone know how to stop this other than leaving the feet?

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It's probably from the rakghoul event. You can go to any medical droid and buy a vaccine to be immune to it, but the vaccine wears off after 12 hours or if your character dies. Buy a few (5-10), and you should be good. Players do this because Bioware put in an achievement for infecting people with the rakghoul virus. It requires quite a lot of infections like 500 or maybe 1000, so players love to go to populated areas like fleet to get the achievement done faster. Edited by ThanderSnB
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Unfortunately, the Rakghoul plague is working as intended. You can avoid all of the sickness and stuff by buying a vaccine from a medical droid for just 2500 credits.


Just wait for what I call snowball season. If the plague bothers you, the snowballs will be intolerable.

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