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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

More of Darth Acina in story and please make her romancable!


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As in title. Darth Acina is awesome character, one of few siths I really like!

I woul please you very much to make make Acina more important in story and so, let us more interact with her!

Also, make her romancable character!

Through the story she seemed quite interested in it.


And if something will happen that you will have to phase her out for known reasons. Don't kill her or something. Make her a permanent companion! Romancable if possible!


That's my hopeful wish.

For the Empress!


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Wasn't she assassinated? And didn't Darth Vowrawn succeed her to the throne?

Depends on what you did in War on Iokath.


Either she lives (and she's still Empress) or she does something suicidally stupid during WoI and Jace Malcom survives instead, but she wasn't assassinated.


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Depends on what you did in War on Iokath.


Either she lives (and she's still Empress) or she does something suicidally stupid during WoI and Jace Malcom survives instead, but she wasn't assassinated.


In all but one instance, that I know of, an in game character that either lives or dies based on player's choice, has never come back in follow on roles.


The only one I know of that ever came back was (I forget her name). She was the apprentice of that Sith lord who was experimenting on Tukata hounds on Korriban. Her and Darth Malgus. We keep killing him, but he keeps coming back, like a recurring infection...


Or maybe I missed a few details. I know that even if you spare Harkun, he never comes back in the story. And there are a bunch others that you kill or don't kill and they don't come back. I guess there might be a few who come back if you don't kill them in the original Class Story arc for your characters...

Edited by WorldSmasher
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The only one I know of that ever came back was (I forget her name). She was the apprentice of that Sith lord who was experimenting on Tukata hounds on Korriban.



Except that Lord Renning didn't, as such, kill her, or at least we see no evidence of it. He epically mistreats her (ref: the mail she sends you if you dark her out), but he doesn't kill her.

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In all but one instance, that I know of, an in game character that either lives or dies based on player's choice, has never come back in follow on roles.



Theron continues to play an important role in the story despite the option to kill or exile him. imo he's the main exception other than Acina. Obviously if you remove him on your own character, he's gone (other than bugs), but merely the option of bricking often removes them from future game writing too. Acina dies in Iokath and maintains a role as emperor (for characters who sided with her on Iokath), but good luck girl if they ever move on from that storyline because I doubt her VA will be around after that.

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Well, I think they won't be using Acina to the end or something. I think they will kill her and all killable Dark Councilors to unify all Imperial stories to make easier for them to write story.

I hope not in regards of Acina, but most probably it will happen sooner or later.


But unfortunately it seems that she is killable, we don't have much interactions with her, not talking about romance in which she seemed interested.

Theron gets quite a lot. So why not do the same to Acina?

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