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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I cannot find anywhere what to do with Light and Dark Side points


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I played strictly neutral and amassed 8500 light and dark side points while still on perfect balance 0


Can I turn in these points for something? It looks like a resource that I might spend for glamours or something.


I thought you would get the light and dark side tokens but then I read they can only be obtained by bosses etc.


Anyone can help me?


I tried search the forum, google, couldn't find anything.


Thank you so much for your help.



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There are some decorations you can get with darkside / lightside alignment. The DS & LS bosses on planets I think they took out when they stopped making it so you would have automatic alignment by clicking the bar. Now it's back to the old way of only getting DS/LS thru story /conversation choices in various content. You can't earn the DS/LS tokens any more. Which sucks, because taking alts thru KOTFE and then KOTET without being able to change Arcann's face is well, meh...


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The only point of light / dark side points is to track your progress towards which side of the force you are aligned to (even if you are a non-force user for some crazy reason that never made sense).


If you align all the way to dark V on one character and then light V on the same (or another) character then it becomes possible to select you second combat stance at level 1 on any new characters instead of much later in their storyline.


Aligning to light or dark unlocks character titles and access to items from vendors.


Staying balanced actually achieves nothing - sorry.

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there is ONE story that staying neutral does "achieve" something - for Inquisitor Vanilla story, at the end you become Darth Occulus instead of Darth Nox (Dark side) or Darth Imperious (Light side).

Unfortunately, you are only referred to as these titles in a few conversations, you can't actually USE them as Titles.


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there is ONE story that staying neutral does "achieve" something - for Inquisitor Vanilla story, at the end you become Darth Occulus instead of Darth Nox (Dark side) or Darth Imperious (Light side).

Unfortunately, you are only referred to as these titles in a few conversations, you can't actually USE them as Titles.



There are some other references too. In the Consular storyline Satele will comment on your balance. IIRC the First Son does too. And in the JK storyline, Watcher One comments on it for the Taris class mission.

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