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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please update companion conversations


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When characters go thru story and obtain a higher ranking, the companions still address them as their old rank.


For instance, when tapping Edward Lokin, the IA is told "Cipher, I am a technician, what could I possibly do?"


This is after the Agent


Becomes Keeper if loyal to the Empire after Ossus, Onderon etc



He should really refer to the Agent by their new title.

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The two lines that irritate me to no end because they trigger my OCD are the Cathar line on Ord Mantel if you are a Cathar, and Jorgun's adoption line if you are Cathar. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: If they could change that I' pay.

The various lines for Miraluka Jedi on Tython, where they say they have their eyes open, don't bother you?


Nor Doc's end-of-story comment about adopting because of genetic incompatibility? (Miraluka and humans probably shouldn't have their own children, but they *are* fertile together. The lore says that the children have poor "human" vision *and* weak/erratic/etc. Force vision.)

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The various lines for Miraluka Jedi on Tython, where they say they have their eyes open, don't bother you?


Nor Doc's end-of-story comment about adopting because of genetic incompatibility? (Miraluka and humans probably shouldn't have their own children, but they *are* fertile together. The lore says that the children have poor "human" vision *and* weak/erratic/etc. Force vision.)


I really haven't run many Miraluka, but Visas Marr always talked about her "eyes" and 'sight' as separate

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My Chiss Smuggler with the more-grey-than-blue skin tone option, disguised as a Chiss ambassador, yelling at an Imp officer: what do you mean "you don't look Chiss to me"? I know the Empire is racist but this is a new *********** low!


Without any cursing I love it. LOL

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what irks me quite a bit is the way 2V-R8 reacts to me NO MATTER if I am light 5 and couldn't hurt a fly so to speak


that is a missed opportunity in my eyes - he should act differently (fondly/loyal maybe) when am imp char is light 5


(while maybe C2-N2 could act frightened/terrified if a rep side char is dark 5)

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When you go thru story as a Sith Pureblood Jedi, on one of the planet quests (Balmorra I think?) the enemy you are to face is described as a lady red-skinned sith perjoritively. As if he can't tell that the Lady you are talkiing to is ALSO a pureblooded, red-skinned Sith. GRRRR! :mad:



doing jumping puzzles for datacrons .... it's enough to drive you to the dark side, for sure....

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The two lines that irritate me to no end because they trigger my OCD are the Cathar line on Ord Mantel if you are a Cathar, and Jorgun's adoption line if you are Cathar. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: If they could change that I' pay.


The rest of these i can kinda understand but they had Jorgan's VA on hand during Kotfe and they did nothing to update this convo which really bugs me.

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To be clear I am NOT anti-adoption! I would have adopted children if I had the health to do so as a single parent. What really bugs me about it is that SWTOR split it so that interspecies couples adopt an others have kids the natural way. Why? If you're not going to let Cathars talk about having their own biological children, what's the point?


Ideally both adoption and natural should be lauded. Why can't same species couples say, "hey let's adopt, get pregnant, or both!


PS. Twi'leks and Humans can get pregnant together too!

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The rest of these i can kinda understand but they had Jorgan's VA on hand during Kotfe and they did nothing to update this convo which really bugs me.

They would also need to update *code* to take account of it and play the right versions of pretty much the entire second half of the conversation chain, since he spends a lot of time talking about the possibilities for "my" (meaning his) people, rather than for "our" people (meaning the Cathar, the people of both him and a Cathar trooper, male or female).


And if we say "update code", we say "add new bugs".

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Ideally both adoption and natural should be lauded. Why can't same species couples say, "hey let's adopt, get pregnant, or both!


PS. Twi'leks and Humans can get pregnant together too!

Before 'Rebels' ending, i think it was belived that was not possible (*)


But in general, i think BW did a poor Job adjusting dialogs to player race. I have not tried, but i guess that even if one makes a Twi'lek warrior, Vette will still say the adoption line (among many other references) just like Jorgan lines not taking into account being cathar.


(*) Before someone points it. The one from Clone Wars my understanding is that it is not the clone biological child.

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To be clear I am NOT anti-adoption! I would have adopted children if I had the health to do so as a single parent. What really bugs me about it is that SWTOR split it so that interspecies couples adopt an others have kids the natural way. Why? If you're not going to let Cathars talk about having their own biological children, what's the point?


Ideally both adoption and natural should be lauded. Why can't same species couples say, "hey let's adopt, get pregnant, or both!


PS. Twi'leks and Humans can get pregnant together too!


I can think of two possible reasons. The first is a limitation of resources. Some player characters maybe could have hybrid children with a Cathar, but other species maybe not. It would create more complexity in the dialog trees to support all these possibilities.


The second possible reason is that LucasArts/Lucasfilm wanted to avoid controversy. This is why there were no gay characters or relationships in the original game. It was controversial back then. They may have considered different species having children to be controversial and had Bioware avoid all that. Meanwhile, humans having children was "normal" (not controversial), and Bioware could represent that in the game.

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