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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Manaan Daily Area is a boring mob grinder


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The mobs are weak but have tons of health and take forever to kill. I did all of the quests solo and was never in any danger of dying, but I was in danger of being bored to death. The "hardest" thing was the Heroic 4, and that was only because it went on so long the in myutter boredom I stopped keeping track of my healing companion and they died. I didn't even notice for a while. That was the only time I dropped below 90% health. Still beat it, just took like 10 minutes.


On top of this no DRMs from the quests. Why would I ever go back to this?

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The mobs are weak but have tons of health and take forever to kill. I did all of the quests solo and was never in any danger of dying, but I was in danger of being bored to death. The "hardest" thing was the Heroic 4, and that was only because it went on so long the in myutter boredom I stopped keeping track of my healing companion and they died. I didn't even notice for a while. That was the only time I dropped below 90% health. Still beat it, just took like 10 minutes.


On top of this no DRMs from the quests. Why would I ever go back to this?


Yeah, I'd much rather see our normal abilities to kill them (faster) than use an extra quickbar for extra abilities. I've never liked the extra ability bars in this game, but I guess some dev really loves them.


Manaan area looks really cool and it's a shame it will be a ghost town after most people get their cheevos and rep maxxed.


- The shared tagging only works if the other players are from same faction. So before hitting anything, I need to check who started the fight or I'm wasting my time.

- H4 takes way too long to solo. Trying to find a group to do it takes even longer. People are doing their own missions. When you group up with them they want to "finish another mission first", they "need to pick up the mission first", "ask if a friend wants to join too" and so on.

- Not getting proper rewards from the mission is not going to attract people to come back as soon as they've finished their cheevos and rep. All other weeklies are faster and they have rewards.

- Limiting access to the area for only those who suffered through Echoes Oblivion also limits the amount of potential players in the area. There should be a way to get the dailies without having to go through the story because as it is now, it's mostly wasted resources. When we finally get new content, would be nice to get access to it too with more than one character.

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I don't understand why Manaan dailies don't give the same rewards as other daily planets. On the other planets, each mission gives rep token, tech fragments, and daily resource matrix, but on Manaan it's just the rep token. I will definitely be maxing the rep one day, but the rewards should be in line existing daily areas.


Actually, Manaan dailies should be more rewarding than other daily areas (at least for a few months) to help new players catch up gearing. Each daily should give 60 tech fragments and 6 daily resource matrix in addition to the rep token. The weekly should give 50 daily resource matrix and a 330 conquest (green) gear crate.

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I am doing dailies for the reps & the decos, but once I max rep & get the decs I won't be back either because there are no daily matrix rewards.


In this game of "gear wars" there is no point to doing quests that don't help you get better gear once you've cleared content.

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The shared tagging only works if the other players are from same faction. So before hitting anything, I need to check who started the fight or I'm wasting my time.


In other areas that have "shared" space for both Imperial and Republic factions (CZ-198), the mobs are greyed out if they are being attacked by a player in the opposite faction. Is this not happening on Manaan?

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