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So...most players will NOT get 5 days of early access.


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Why is it so hard for people to understand that THERE IS NO EARLY ACCESS COST?


The 5$ you put down isn't an ADDITIONAL cost. They take that price out of the game because you're putting down 5$ for a pre-order.


If you waited till launch you wouldn't pay 54.99 you'd still pay 59.99. I think the main reason for complaints if the fact everyone thinks they payed 5$ for early access when that is the farthest from the truth you can possibly get.


ONLY REASON why a lot of players bough pre oreder pack was because of EARLY ACCESS, we gave them the money and we wont get them back even if we now decide that we dont want to play it. Do you understand, we gave them the money in advance to be in early access

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No it does not. It implies you will get anywhere from 0 to 5 days early access. English Language.


^^ This


"Up to" implies a range of numbers. Since in this circumstance a -1 would have no relevance we assume 0 is the base and "up to" implies a maximum range of 5. Therefor 0-5.



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Why is it so hard for people to understand that THERE IS NO EARLY ACCESS COST?


The 5$ you put down isn't an ADDITIONAL cost. They take that price out of the game because you're putting down 5$ for a pre-order.


If you waited till launch you wouldn't pay 54.99 you'd still pay 59.99. I think the main reason for complaints if the fact everyone thinks they payed 5$ for early access when that is the farthest from the truth you can possibly get.


You're giving money to them without getting a game. You're putting your trust in them that their game will not suck. Since there's no reason OTHER THAN early access to pre-order, you damn well better get early access if you pre-order. If they wanted to restrict pre-order access, they should have said "Pre-order before [month], [day] to get early access!"

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Please learn to comprehend up to 5 days, is a guarantee of more than one day. SR said you are now only promised a single day. That my friend is called a bait and switch.


They implied you'd get more thatn 24 hours before the offical launch. Which you wont get, and they informed you AFTER you paid that oh well no now we are only going to give you a day.

So if a judge says he is going to sentence you to up to 5 years for a crime you think he must give you at least two? I'm pretty sure that 'up to 5' implies 0 to 5. But BW has stated you will get at least 1.

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My only hope is to get in a day early before official release so I can get out of the 1-10 area without the mad rush. Any earlier would just be a perk.


Until then I'll keep owning impatient kids in League of Legends :p


Mad rush on the 20th? You ever been in a mmo early start before? The mad rush was today. The 20th will be a bump at most.

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You "MAY" get "UP-TO" 5 days of "EARLY" Game Access.


Or you might get 4... or 3... or 2... or 1.


Official Launch is the 20th, whether the game is live "now" or not.


The only thing bioware promised with early access, is exactly that: early access... ie: being allowed to log-in, create a character, and play the game before december 20th.



It seems that roughly 90% of this game's pre-order population needs to spend a little more time working on their reading comprehension, and less on chomping at the bit to play a video game that hasn't even officially released yet, as of this moment.


Your unjustified expectations, due to your own lack of reading comprehension, is the only factor at fault in any of your dissatisfaction over "early access."


So many of you have clearly misunderstood, and assumed incorrectly.


No one ever promised anyone any amount of days. They only said "early."


Deal with it.

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ONLY REASON why a lot of players bough pre oreder pack was because of EARLY ACCESS, we gave them the money and we wont get them back even if we now decide that we dont want to play it. Do you understand, we gave them the money in advance to be in early access


I think you can get your 5 bucks back... Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure.


Anyways, you paid for EARLY ACCESS. You will get EARLY ACCESS. Caps Lock IS fun.

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ONLY REASON why a lot of players bough pre oreder pack was because of EARLY ACCESS, we gave them the money and we wont get them back even if we now decide that we dont want to play it. Do you understand, we gave them the money in advance to be in early access


You did and you will get in within a 1-7 day period they never said that you would get all 7 days. Just that you will get 1-7 days

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You're giving money to them without getting a game. You're putting your trust in them that their game will not suck. Since there's no reason OTHER THAN early access to pre-order, you damn well better get early access if you pre-order. If they wanted to restrict pre-order access, they should have said "Pre-order before [month], [day] to get early access!"


You pre-order games to make sure you have a copy on the "official" launch day and not stuck standing in line hoping they still have a copy when you get up to the front of the line. The $5 dollars was just a deposit to hold it for you and is deducted from the normal retail price of the item.

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Why is it so hard for people to understand that THERE IS NO EARLY ACCESS COST?


The 5$ you put down isn't an ADDITIONAL cost. They take that price out of the game because you're putting down 5$ for a pre-order.


If you waited till launch you wouldn't pay 54.99 you'd still pay 59.99. I think the main reason for complaints if the fact everyone thinks they payed 5$ for early access when that is the farthest from the truth you can possibly get.


Of course there is an early access cost. When an individual plops down >$60 for a product that he/she will not be able to utilize until some time in the future that is called opportunity cost. It may not be a cost in the sense of a pre-order person paid more than someone who purchases the game a day after "official" launch, but it is $60 that could have been spent elsewhere in the meantime on something tangible that could be enjoyed at that moment in time.

Edited by Godzillamax
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My only hope is to get in a day early before official release so I can get out of the 1-10 area without the mad rush. Any earlier would just be a perk.


Until then I'll keep owning impatient kids in League of Legends :p


I just wish they'd release Ahri so I'd at least have something new to play with...

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Mad rush on the 20th? You ever been in a mmo early start before? The mad rush was today. The 20th will be a bump at most.


So... no mad rush? I mean, since they are limiting game access, there will be no mad rush. Fwew. People die in those things.

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You're giving money to them without getting a game. You're putting your trust in them that their game will not suck. Since there's no reason OTHER THAN early access to pre-order, you damn well better get early access if you pre-order. If they wanted to restrict pre-order access, they should have said "Pre-order before [month], [day] to get early access!"


This dude needs to stop raging and smoke a peace pipe. Light a candle, listen to some Enya, and realize that in the grand scheme of your gameplay, this day or two that you're waiting is meaningless.



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No, up to 5 days implies more than one. SR just promised 1 day after you paid.


That is called bait and switch.


You were promised UP TO 5 days of early access. He did not say AT LEAST 5 days or specifically 5 days.....there is a difference.


If you get in as of 2 or 3 days before the game releases (12/20/11) their promise to you was fulfilled.


If you pre-ordered and got absolutely NO time in early access you could say that this was a bait and switch. As it is you are throwing terms just to sound like you know what you are talking about.


A bait-and-switch would imply that you were promised an apple but given an orange. You are receiving your apple....maybe not how you expected but you are getting what you were promised.

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I would be perfectly happy if they started cancelling accounts of people who can't read/can't NOT troll/or are just too plain entitled to not start this crap.


The rest of us would be much happier without you.


Pitching a tantrum does not inspire sympathy.

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Not it's not. Wait in line like everyone else. People have been waiting for over a year. Let them get first access.


Thats stupid. If everyone is going to get in eventually, why not open it to EVERYONE.


I've been waiting 8 months. Not as long as some, but long enough.

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They never promised 5 days of early access. I never had that impression and I haven't been following the game very closely until recently.


But anything less than 5 days is a waste and not worth anyones time. BioWare made a mistake, stop coming to their aid. Make BioWare suffer by complaining. Everyone should get invites tomorrow and be done with it.

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