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So...most players will NOT get 5 days of early access.


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I am literally floored by how childish everyone is acting over the pre-order fiasco going on right now. Guys and gals, I love Star Wars. Everyone who has pre-ordered this game and is playing or waiting to play LOVES Star Wars. It's the launch of a MAJOR Star Wars game that has been hyped up for three years. Did you honestly think it would be a flawless launch? Wishing for that is about as realistic as wishing for world peace.


That being said, I have a life and a job that requires me to work well into the evening. I also enjoy going out and physically socializing with people on the weekends so, for me, this game is really a weeknight escape. I understand that, as with all online gaming, there will inevitably be some people on here who choose to devote the majority of their free time to this game. I am going to go ahead and assume that the majority of the negative feedback is coming from this demographic. That is your choice and I respect it, but PLEASE refrain from the petulant whining about how this is not going the way you want it to. You will have all of the time in the world to immerse yourself in this game. Stop blaming the people at Bioware who slaved over this game for YOUR staisfaction and show a little gratitude during the holiday season.

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868



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Those who spout "it said up to 5 days" are tools. Im sorry but everyone knows u put that there just incase your server crashes for a day and people dont freak out.... But to actualy do what there doing shows bioware is a noob to MMO's... But hay thats cool MMOs are a dime a dozen now a days.

If I dont get my 5 days then Ill just throw a hissy fit to the Gamestop manager and get my money back and just wait for Guild Wars 2.


MMO players are a pissy bunch they jump ship easly not a good idea to get em all riled up before release.

Its easy to get a high number of pre-orders nowadays the hard part is keeping half of em. And ive played beta, SWTOR isnt the messiah of MMO's. Customer Service and good steady Updates will keep SWTOR from going F2P.



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My only hope when actually playing the game is i don't run into any of you babies that cry over not being able to fully read a sentence. MAY BE ABLE TO HAVE UP TO FIVE DAYS EARLY ACCESS. You see there are some big words in the bold type i typed out. There is a word in there MAY. This word in English has the meaning of.......wait for it.........MIGHT BE ABLE TO!!!

It does not in no way mean the month of May. I know this might confuse some of you fluoridated kids but everything will be alright.

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"Early Game Access may begin as early as December 13, 2011,"

"The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center. See the FAQ for more details."


So yes just like everyone else has said.. the key word is may begin...and also says the length depends on when u pre ordered..you werent guarenteed 5 days of play time or any play time to be exact..not one time did they ever say "we guarentee".. yes i understand people are frustrated because they understood it a different way but now you guys know that you have to read carfully..BioWare really didnt do anything wrong and people shouldnt blame them for causing there customers to get mad before launch cause its the customers fault for misunderstanding the terms.


That being said..we all are gonna play very soon so you can be mad all you want but why take it out on this when in few days you can play for as long as you want whenever you want and have a good time!

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Here is a reality, while it states "up to 5 days" most everyone who pre-ordered probably did so with the belief their pre-order was buying them access 5 days early, not just 1 or 2. Why, because customers had no way of knowing how many of those 5 days they would get depending on when they ordered. A person pre-ordering on December 12th was given the same promise as the person who ordered on July 1st, yet the reality is that the person who ordered on Dec 12th in no way shape or form will get more than 1-2 days early access, yet he paid the same early access cost.


If anything you could make a somewhat valid argument BioWare was using deceptive marketing techniques to play on this belief when in reality they knew fully well most people probably won't get anywhere near to 5 days of early access. It's about as honest and ethical as saying you created and/or saved jobs.


If anything this staggered launch will go down in the annals of MMO history as an abysmal customer service fiasco, or people will rapidly forget about it and the bottom line of BioWare will show it was a financial success (at the cost of a little customer satisfaction capitol) and you can rest assured future MMO launches will replicate it.


Ha ha you sir have epicly failed!

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B) Why would you not even look at the forums before you pre-ordered? Because every single day that I'm on here there is at least 2 posts about this on the front page... usually 4-5. You must have seen them.


Were the forums open to people who did not purchase the game yet?

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868




umm... I pre-ordered on November 28th and I havent gotten EGA yet....what is up with that? Im writing this on the 15th. (1:40 pm) est time.

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i am glad this thread isn't full of everyone wanting to agree with the op. and actually understand the concept of UP TO 5 days early. that does not mean its a promise that you will get 5 full days..

this is almost as bad as some people ************ about the game going down for the midnight official release saying they got screwed out of their full 5 days.. lol


oops.. found this through a google search. didn't mean to bump a dead topic

Edited by Oogresh
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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.


Is there any reason to keep a pre-order now? Gamestop already messed up by not getting pre-order codes to customers. I'm ready to just tell them to screw themselves and I'll buy the game online or cheaper off ebay from a rage-quitter. It'll save me a trip to the store.


I heard "up to five days" is the same thing as "promising at least five days".

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