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A Hopeless Plea to the Community


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Some background: After 7.0 dropped, my Imperial guild on Star Forge, the Imperial Reclamation Service, started having problems with guild conquest. We would routinely meet our small yield target - 500k - but upon the weekly reset, no characters that reached their personal conquest goal would get their guild conquest rewards. It seems to happen every time they patch update SWTOR, which has been a lot lately. We're not a big guild, five players total, just some out of game friends that play casually. With the pandemic, swtor's become our go-to game for spending time together. It's hard for us to find a game that all of us can play together.


We're not rich or, honestly, super good at the game. We're not geniuses with the crafting system. The only hope we have of expanding our guild ship is with the encryptions we get from guild conquest.


Here's the thread where I've documented everything to the best of my ability, with screenshots and stuff: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1004546 As you can see, we've tried literally everything to get this bug fixed or get the encryptions we've earned, to no avail. A CSR actually told us outright Bioware's policy is that no one will be compensated and this bug won't be fixed. Nothing we say or do gets through to Bioware. Even with the community account posting, it's not on the known issues list, and I don't honestly believe they're going to do anything about it. There's much worse bugs they're ignoring, after all.


What I'm asking: We're down 30ish engineering encryptions. I don't have an exact count because the leaderboard only keeps track of the top 10 point earners, and sometimes we have more characters who've completed their personal conquest than that. I don't want to quit, and I don't want my friends to quit, but everyone's so frustrated with the current situation I'm afraid it's going to happen anyway. If you could help bring awareness to this bug, or if you have any ideas, or if you're feeling generally charitable, I'd really, really appreciate the help.

Edited by Tressith
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I hope they fix this bug for you. Wish I could help in some way. In the meantime, you might consider putting alts in other guilds to farm those encryptions and trade them back to your guild so you can keep progressing while you wait.
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Now that you mention it. I did notice some of my characters had phantom conquest reward entries in their mission log that do not go away and have no clickable reward button.


I didn't think anything of it and untracked the phantom personal conquest reward in my mission log. To hide and forget about it.


I went back in my screencaptures folder. I dug up up these two. When I have more time, I'll go through the other 3500 screenshots since 7.0 to find these instances of phantom conquest rewards if I caught it while taking screenshots for unrelated things. Then I'll see if the toon still has the phantom reward entry in mission log.


found two screenshots looking through real quick:


video with less compression: (5.08 MB) cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/968855869888548864/973699269544525854/phantom_conquest_reward_sc.mp4


my phantom personal conquest rewards might be a separate issue

mine didn't happen that often, not enough for me to notice.


before the conquest commendation cap increase with 7.0.2, I was leaving anywhere from 2 - 6 unclaimed conquest rewards per toon, to avoid destroying commendations due to the low weekly cap and low currency cap.

Edited by Falensawino
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What I'm asking: We're down 30ish engineering encryptions. I don't have an exact count because the leaderboard only keeps track of the top 10 point earners, and sometimes we have more characters who've completed their personal conquest than that. I don't want to quit, and I don't want my friends to quit, but everyone's so frustrated with the current situation I'm afraid it's going to happen anyway. If you could help bring awareness to this bug, or if you have any ideas, or if you're feeling generally charitable, I'd really, really appreciate the help.


Please tell me the name of the character that we can send encryption or PM me

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What I'm asking: We're down 30ish engineering encryptions. I don't have an exact count because the leaderboard only keeps track of the top 10 point earners, and sometimes we have more characters who've completed their personal conquest than that. I don't want to quit, and I don't want my friends to quit, but everyone's so frustrated with the current situation I'm afraid it's going to happen anyway. If you could help bring awareness to this bug, or if you have any ideas, or if you're feeling generally charitable, I'd really, really appreciate the help.


The best way to track how many (and who) is looking at the logs, filter conquest, order by date and look for the messages about XXXX toon hiting personal conquest.


Like others suggested, until this is fixed you should move your alts to another guild. Most guild that already have completed guilship will have no problem in you keeping the encriptions. Here is one: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=948073

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Some background: After 7.0 dropped, my Imperial guild on Star Forge, the Imperial Reclamation Service, started having problems with guild conquest. We would routinely meet our small yield target - 500k - but upon the weekly reset, no characters that reached their personal conquest goal would get their guild conquest rewards. It seems to happen every time they patch update SWTOR, which has been a lot lately. We're not a big guild, five players total, just some out of game friends that play casually. With the pandemic, swtor's become our go-to game for spending time together. It's hard for us to find a game that all of us can play together.


We're not rich or, honestly, super good at the game. We're not geniuses with the crafting system. The only hope we have of expanding our guild ship is with the encryptions we get from guild conquest.


Here's the thread where I've documented everything to the best of my ability, with screenshots and stuff: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1004546 As you can see, we've tried literally everything to get this bug fixed or get the encryptions we've earned, to no avail. A CSR actually told us outright Bioware's policy is that no one will be compensated and this bug won't be fixed. Nothing we say or do gets through to Bioware. Even with the community account posting, it's not on the known issues list, and I don't honestly believe they're going to do anything about it. There's much worse bugs they're ignoring, after all.


What I'm asking: We're down 30ish engineering encryptions. I don't have an exact count because the leaderboard only keeps track of the top 10 point earners, and sometimes we have more characters who've completed their personal conquest than that. I don't want to quit, and I don't want my friends to quit, but everyone's so frustrated with the current situation I'm afraid it's going to happen anyway. If you could help bring awareness to this bug, or if you have any ideas, or if you're feeling generally charitable, I'd really, really appreciate the help.


I'm a huge conquester, but my guild is already maxed at these. Is this the only one you need, if so I can give you any I get so your guild can prosper~ My IGN is Meta but I have special characters both factions~

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You're all being really generous with your time and thoughts - I really appreciate that. As far as donations go, someone who seems to want to be anonymous gave us the encryptions we lost, which I'm really grateful for. It makes a big difference for us. Though, err, it seems like some other people just want to help regardless - my character name is Roxmae. We don't have a single part of the guild ship unlocked yet, haha.


As far as the ideas posted: I guess we could just join a guild that doesn't suffer the bug and transfer them back, but... Doesn't that effectively kill our guild as our little clubhouse hangout for just us? Like, we wouldn't be getting any guild xp anymore, and we're not maxed out on that. We're level 27. It's basically dissolving our own guild because Bioware's both unwilling and incapable of fixing bugs in the game they've sold us. And while the generosity the community demonstrates when it comes together is amazing (seriously, amazing) I don't think it's a perfect solution for this kind of problem. I mean, you can see in our bug report thread there were 4-5 other small time guilds impacted, and only one of those got close to getting compensated by CSR. And those were just the people who posted. Besides, it's not like *we* can or should just keep asking for encryptions every patch week. That would be weird. We can't just bankroll small guilds on the community dime, I don't think. It's Bioware's job!


My temporary solution, I think, is that we'll just... Take a break on the weeks we know a patch is coming. We don't always have forewarning on that, no matter a week's worth of forewarning, but that's a lot better than anything else we've come up with.


It feels like we don't matter because we aren't one of those guilds that has hundreds of members. And it also feels like there's something really profoundly wrong with both Bioware and the game that we're forced to take this problem to the public forum and brainstorm our own solutions. I've been playing MMOs a long time. (Hell, I used to write for one. But that's a story for a different day.) Giving players items they earned but didn't get is literally just a baseline expectation. It's not a hard or time intensive thing to do. It's almost the equivalent of running a lost and found in a real life restaurant or mall. The fact that Bioware can't even manage that scares me for the future of the game and the people playing it.


Does anyone know if there's some commonality to bugs that actually get taken up by the team and fixed and bugs that get ignored and suppressed? Is there some phrasing that makes them pay attention? Or is there like, a post threshold where they'll actually commit? I thought it was just a matter of being subscribed, but, well. Everyone in my guild is.

Edited by Tressith
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The best rule to get attention is to report to CS many times - improve the quality of ticket every time if you can giving more and more details.

Report the same issue using all of your guild mates, even using same words but different character name ofc.

Try sending private message to JackieKo


Try making an bug topic on:



There is an bug with Leuitent Xorem :

Missing Quest Giver on Ord Mantel: Lieutenant Xorem

which i took me 2-3 tickets to get the proper response

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