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Is that all????


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Lol did you actually think they'd prioritize stuff like Level synch, balance and getting more content out? Hahaha, quality content is so 2012. This is 2022. Where you can put in half the work and bs the rest and still get paid.
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I'm not sure if "that's all." None of those fixes will affect me, but I'm happy to see them getting a patch out after some fixes are ready. It's better than waiting a few months for a larger patch when there are things that can be fixed now. At this point, I'd like to see a patch every week as long as there's at least one thing fixed in it.
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The thing that they are fixing is completely gamebreaking thats why it has priority


Please tell me you're trolling, because if this is serious, it's really sad.


Stuff gamebreaking for 3% of players gets a hotfix, while stuff gamebreaking for the rest of us is ignored for 11 weeks, and you think this is ok?

Must be nice to be the dev's pet...

Edited by Real_Dark_Lord
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Please tell me you're trolling, because if this is serious, it's really sad.


Stuff gamebreaking for 3% of players gets a hotfix, while stuff gamebreaking for the rest of us is ignored for 11 weeks, and you think this is ok?

Must be nice to be the dev's pet...


Yes, if OPs are unplayable it is a bigger issue than people crying about presence scaling by saying companions are broken, they are not - if anything it's the scaling but that would be a helpful feedback so it's never given. The fixes were so quick because these players know how to give feedback and provide proof on what occurs so it is easier to fix, campanions won't be """fixed""" because they aren't broken.

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So it's trolling.

Thanks for clearing this up.


It's my opinion mate, the devs have the numbers and decide what should be priority, and they tried to hotfix it too - yes it was a terrible hotfix, but can't blame them for trying.


If you think companions are BuGgEd it's your opinion too.

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Sure you're entitled to you opinion, but facts are facts.


Companions are not the issue here. They were broken and have been fixed in 7.0.2

The issue is the the Level-scaling that makes characters in synced content weaker the higher their actual level is, mess up tertiary stat thresholds and thereby makes all gear completely irrelevant.

And it's messed up to a degree that makes certain content simply unplayable (e.g. Gemini Captain) making it impossible to progress.


This level scaling issue was reported in much detail on the PTS before 7.0 release. That's a fact.

Edited by Real_Dark_Lord
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Hey, we're 5 months into a year-long celebration - they don't have time to fix bugs when rolling out this fast paced action-filled story......oh wait.


But hey, at least the May4th droid was different this year.

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And it's messed up to a degree that makes certain content simply unplayable (e.g. Gemini Captain) making it impossible to progress.


Ok, I even agree with you but THIS DAMN BRO. No, the gemini captain is not impossible!

Here's me soloing it on mastermode, on this patch:


Never ever call something impossible, in fact this is not even the hardest boss in kotet and kotfe, not even by a long shot. Geno-Haradan are WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more overpowered (talking solo mastermode) and probably impossible, if anybody is able to kill them AND get to them on the same spec - because the vine cat is not joke either - should record that, I'd like to see it.

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tertiary stat thresholds and thereby makes all gear completely irrelevant.


Exactly, that's why I don't understand why the people still complain OPs gear can be upgraded to higher gearscores... it's so irrelevant.

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Sure you're entitled to you opinion, but facts are facts.


Companions are not the issue here. They were broken and have been fixed in 7.0.2

The issue is the the Level-scaling that makes characters in synced content weaker the higher their actual level is, mess up tertiary stat thresholds and thereby makes all gear completely irrelevant.

And it's messed up to a degree that makes certain content simply unplayable (e.g. Gemini Captain) making it impossible to progress.


This level scaling issue was reported in much detail on the PTS before 7.0 release. That's a fact.


Straight up. Some planets I get on where level synch is active. I have 118% accuracy and absolutely nothing in alacrity and too little in crit. Abilities are slow, and crit is not doing the most it can. And I run around with 330. So I should literally be doing the max amount of damage and getting most out of my stats in the level synched areas of the game. This is how it was in 6.0 and it was amazingly good. Now it's complete trash. They seriously just need to set accuracy at 110% no matter your gear rating on these planets and then add all the excess stat to crit and alacrity proportionally to what your gear provides. Personally, I think Bioware just needs to eliminate accuracy all together as a stat.

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