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Well, looks like only GSF until 7.02 comes out...


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I'm a SOLO player. The last of my 34 alts got their sets yesterday, now all I have left is farming tech fragments for legendaries... and there's absolutely no good way to do that solo. 1 hour of heroic weekly to get maybe 70 fragments? Heck no. I don't even have anything to spend all my other currencies on.


So I guess it's 2/3 GSF weeklies a day until 7.02 comes out, or until I get sick of it. Needless to say, this isn't what I signed up for. I don't even have any desire to grind conquest on all my alts now because it takes way too long.


7.0 managed to burn me out. Good job, BW.


I can imagine that solo players without alts would have been bored with this weeks ago...

Edited by Pricia
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Or you could be happy, take a break and give time to something else that actually deserves it. You know you're on a treadmill and burnt out, you lose nothing from stepping back until things improve. I know its hard to break habits but the game should not keep you in a constant loop of misery and disappointment.


Until they come back with the expected lukewarm changes that will likely fail to address my problems, I've taken to other games and activities in life that have improved my mood. I recommend the same. :)

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Well, congratulations, you had the patience to get all your alts the (I assume) 320 green gear.


i did not even get there.


Since 7.0 dropped I focused mainly on GS2 and finished yesterday. I did not bother with 7.0 content at all, have done it only on 1 character, All the rest of my 38 alts were slowly rising their levels via GS2 missions.


I gave up on Manaan and Nul, simply due to the length of those parts and because I could do much more rewarding things in same time. Now when GS2 is over for me, I may change the approach, but still.



What i have noticed however is the COMPLETE irrelevance of the new gear.


Whether I did the same Vet FP or Uprising or unranked PVP or GSF or WB in 320 or 306 gear it made NO DIFFERENCE. Hence I do not bother with gearing. It is POINTLESS.


Also what makes it even more pointless is the fact that even if i wanted to upgrade my gear the number of Aquatic, Decurion, Thyrsian components is RIDICULOUSLY high while the medals of commendation fall like autumn leaves and I am constantly over the cap.



But again, my gear level is irrelevent to the content I do, so I could not be bothered.


Inventing 7.0 gearing method deserves the "Raspberry of the century" reward, since I haven't seen anything more stupid and boring since the beginning of this game.

It is so idiotic, that I think it was made on purpose to deincentivise people for getting better gear.


If that was the goal, it was achieved flawelessly.

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Or you could be happy, take a break and give time to something else that actually deserves it. You know you're on a treadmill and burnt out, you lose nothing from stepping back until things improve. I know its hard to break habits but the game should not keep you in a constant loop of misery and disappointment.


Until they come back with the expected lukewarm changes that will likely fail to address my problems, I've taken to other games and activities in life that have improved my mood. I recommend the same. :)

if you see me on the forum, it's because I'm avoiding the game.


I'm burning myself and need time to rest and recuperate. I shouldn't even be browsing and replying to the forum, but here I am because I'd rather do anything else but play SWTOR right now.



I don't even get passive cartel coin referral bribes to entice me to spend time posting.



Dunno. For me, watching other people play video games is, almost always, about 137% completely uninteresting.

I depend on Twitch to see other people play games I'd rather be playing, had SWTOR's hooks not gripped me so hard. I can't put SWTOR down to boot any other game up. I can put a twitch stream open in a tab on an extra monitor. Be envious of gameplay and games I'd wish I could make time for while I'm hardstuck playing swtor


I'd also observe that, by your own admission, your experience of watching those shows was ... substandard because you were trying to do it at the same time you were doing something else requiring attention. That doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I like to give the thing I'm doing all of my attention.
yeah, split-attention entertainment. something to see or listen while you're doing something else


using SWTOR to escape reality, while looking at the second monitor window to look for greener realities to escape to

Edited by Falensawino
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If you put in enough time and effort to gear up 34 alts I'd say you more than got your money's worth. Besides, GSF is probably the best thing about the game these days anyways.


I don't think she meant all 34 got 326 gear sets. Those 34 alts are probably sitting with medal of commendation purchased 320 conquest gear from the vendor


only 1 or few 326 sets in legacy bay to be shared for content that could use a speed increase to complete

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My strategy is to not race anymore. I used to always try to earn enough rep tokens in the 1st week to max out my reputation status to legendary of any new reputation area. Then I always made sure to consume them in a manner to get the most reputation possible over the cap limit with the last one (so I would advance "faster.") But it has become obvious the last few years that new content, patches, and whatever come out slower and less often. So I play less and just do a few things each day. It's easy to burn out by doing too much. It sounds like a lot of you are right at that point.
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Iknow it won't be a lot, but you do have 34 alts. Do the Tradehouse Requisitions on Mek-Sha. You log in, do a quick scan or dig mission, log out. Do it three times for the week,get 100 tech fragments. 34 alts*100 is 3400. Its not an Implant, but its halfway there.


Also, if you have plenty of Commendations that hit cap, but gear anyways, deconstruct it. It will give3-4 frags per piece. Its expensive, but every little bit helps.

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Lol 326 gear. Mix of solo and PVP. I still have to do Ruin of Nul on a bunch of toons though... but I'm taking my time with that.


I have a TON of 326 gear to deconstruct but I'm waiting for 7.02 for that also, so at least I get medals from them too when the cap is higher...


The Mek-Sha weekly, gosh, I stopped bothering when it was 400 fragments, for 100 it's kinda ridiculous.


And I need... 56 legendaries still. Yeah... I assume it will take me months, which is why I have no desire to go out of my way to get 10 tech fragments here and there right now, it's just completely insane how much harder they are to get than they were in 6.0... I used to do the Mek-Sha heroic on my rep toons for 150ish fragments in 10 minutes...


So I'll do 2 GSF weeklies a day while they still give me good CQ points and see from there.


I mean, got to admit, a system that lets you gear up 34 alts with 326 gear yet you still need 56 legendaries when you're done is completely messed up.

Edited by Pricia
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I'm a SOLO player. The last of my 34 alts got their sets yesterday, now all I have left is farming tech fragments for legendaries... and there's absolutely no good way to do that solo. 1 hour of heroic weekly to get maybe 70 fragments? Heck no. I don't even have anything to spend all my other currencies on.


So I guess it's 2/3 GSF weeklies a day until 7.02 comes out, or until I get sick of it. Needless to say, this isn't what I signed up for. I don't even have any desire to grind conquest on all my alts now because it takes way too long.


7.0 managed to burn me out. Good job, BW.


I can imagine that solo players without alts would have been bored with this weeks ago...

The Onderon weekly is 250 or 260 tech frags (100 from the weekly, 50 from the daily, and 10 for each of the 10 Pub or 11 Imp missions), you can do it twice per week per character that has finished the previous expansion, and doesn't take too long to complete. Even without the weekly, it's worth 150-160 frags.


I mean, I wouldn't want to run it 68 times per week, but it's not a horrible return for the 30 or so minutes invested...


Personally, I have 13 80's in 326 greens:

  • 6 characters in the current expansion, each of whom runs Onderon + Iokath to hit Conquest, and then Onderon again for the sweet, sweet frags.
  • 5 Characters who are post-Reven and pre-Onslaught, each of whom typically runs Makeb + one other planet (usually Ziost) for Conquest.
  • 2 Characters who are still in Chapters 1 or 2 who use Syndicate rep or dailies not linked to the storyline (like CZ-198 or Oricon) for conquest (one's basically a bank alt who used to stealth a couple of Heroics to hit Conquest each week, and the other is a leveling contest character that I just never finished the story on).

I'm not burned out yet, but I may get there: I can't conceive of doing conquest on 34 characters...

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I'm a SOLO player. The last of my 34 alts got their sets yesterday, now all I have left is farming tech fragments for legendaries... and there's absolutely no good way to do that solo. 1 hour of heroic weekly to get maybe 70 fragments? Heck no. I don't even have anything to spend all my other currencies on.


So I guess it's 2/3 GSF weeklies a day until 7.02 comes out, or until I get sick of it. Needless to say, this isn't what I signed up for. I don't even have any desire to grind conquest on all my alts now because it takes way too long.

My initial question is ... why?

Why are you farming tech fragments?

Why are you doing GSF?

Why aren't you just doing what you enjoy doing? (and don't try to tell me you 'need' the frags for anything.)


Some people's only reason for playing SWTOR seems to be to 'get gear'. Well, the truth is, you're always going to run out of gear to get. Even if they changed it so you could get 330 gear from flashpoints, you'd soon run out of gear to get. There are other things to do in SWTOR besides 'get gear'. 🙄

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My initial question is ... why?

Why are you farming tech fragments?

Why are you doing GSF?

Why aren't you just doing what you enjoy doing? (and don't try to tell me you 'need' the frags for anything.)


Some people's only reason for playing SWTOR seems to be to 'get gear'. Well, the truth is, you're always going to run out of gear to get. Even if they changed it so you could get 330 gear from flashpoints, you'd soon run out of gear to get. There are other things to do in SWTOR besides 'get gear'. 🙄

What they enjoy might be conquest, or the 6.0 version of conquest anyway, given this post and their previous posts on the topic.


I am in a similar boat as them. I had a lot of fun managing my alts, planning out how to hit conquest on many of them, leveling or gearing up a few along the way, etc. It was great. Never got sick of it.


But now it's true what they say. Trying to play the game that way is such an exhausting grind. Everything takes twice as long and rewards half as much conquest as before. The only reasonable conquest targets are GSF and pvp, and a few others like 1x daily reputation. I'm at a similar point as Pricia - I log in, do a few GSF matches, then log out. Everything else doesn't feel worth my time, so I go play something else instead of more alts.

Edited by waisting
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I'm literally stacking my pvp boxes for the next 328 gs bump or whatever it is for PVP, gonna open them patch day and max out until 330 will get dumped on us rinse and repeat.


Tech frags on the other hand .. 7.02 can't come any sooner.

Edited by offence
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If you really must farm tech frags, use one of your stealth classes and solo veteran flashpoints. Some can be done in about 15 minutes or less and reward almost 200 tech frags. I mean, it’s insanely boring but it sounds like you are into that farming mindset so maybe you would be down for it.


That’s the fastest method that I’ve found. Even so, you’re looking at approximately 9 hours of grinding for one 326 set bonus implant. That’s waaaaayyyyy too long IMO.

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Wow. I can't imagine what anyone does with all those alts. I have a handful of fully leveled characters that I keep around to do reputation stuff, or grinding, and all that. I've only got one character per faction that's gone all the way to the end. When I play an alt, when I finish the story, I delete him, and then maybe start again. Right now I've got a bunch of low-level alts, mostly so I can try out new class and origin combos, or so I can record playthroughs for the inevitable day when the servers close up shop. It gives me something fun and interesting to do again long after I'd already done everything.


Not to sound critical, but if you think grinding for alts is tedious and not fun, then why do you have all those alts? What purpose do they serve? Why not delete most of them and start over with fresh characters?

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My initial question is ... why?

Why are you farming tech fragments?

Why are you doing GSF?

Why aren't you just doing what you enjoy doing? (and don't try to tell me you 'need' the frags for anything.)


Some people's only reason for playing SWTOR seems to be to 'get gear'. Well, the truth is, you're always going to run out of gear to get. Even if they changed it so you could get 330 gear from flashpoints, you'd soon run out of gear to get. There are other things to do in SWTOR besides 'get gear'. 🙄


I liked playing my characters through conquest because I like the gameplay. Emphasis on "liked." Now it sucks. I don't enjoy running heroics for 650 CQ points. I also enjoyed making alts for the story, but now it seems like a total waste of time knowing that I'll never get to play them again after that...


The only reason I'm still playing is that I still want to see where the story is going. So gearing up my alts is something to do. It's not like gearing up 34 toons was that crazy either, I mean, you get drops by doing heroic weeklies anyway, and otherwise I have currency getting dust in my inventory...



Not to sound critical, but if you think grinding for alts is tedious and not fun, then why do you have all those alts? What purpose do they serve? Why not delete most of them and start over with fresh characters?


Because I... like them. They all played with different personalities and different play styles and I just can't imagine retiring any of them.

Edited by Pricia
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Well, congratulations, you had the patience to get all your alts the (I assume) 320 green gear.


i did not even get there.


Since 7.0 dropped I focused mainly on GS2 and finished yesterday. I did not bother with 7.0 content at all, have done it only on 1 character, All the rest of my 38 alts were slowly rising their levels via GS2 missions.


I gave up on Manaan and Nul, simply due to the length of those parts and because I could do much more rewarding things in same time. Now when GS2 is over for me, I may change the approach, but still.



What i have noticed however is the COMPLETE irrelevance of the new gear.


Whether I did the same Vet FP or Uprising or unranked PVP or GSF or WB in 320 or 306 gear it made NO DIFFERENCE. Hence I do not bother with gearing. It is POINTLESS.


Also what makes it even more pointless is the fact that even if i wanted to upgrade my gear the number of Aquatic, Decurion, Thyrsian components is RIDICULOUSLY high while the medals of commendation fall like autumn leaves and I am constantly over the cap.



But again, my gear level is irrelevent to the content I do, so I could not be bothered.


Inventing 7.0 gearing method deserves the "Raspberry of the century" reward, since I haven't seen anything more stupid and boring since the beginning of this game.

It is so idiotic, that I think it was made on purpose to deincentivise people for getting better gear.


If that was the goal, it was achieved flawelessly.


They really need to make gear somewhat useful. There really is no reason for gearing, thats why i dont even bother equipping another weapon.

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They really need to make gear somewhat useful. There really is no reason for gearing, thats why i dont even bother equipping another weapon.


It will be useful in future content, obviously now it's pretty much a waste... Although with the changes to level sync it should still make a difference.

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