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Combat Style reset


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sell second combat style reset - same price as a boost - ill buy 3 already


I tried to make sure I had what I wanted and even waited to set it on a few - now of course id do something totally different


Maybe give away one for loyal subscribers or something but definitely make option over redoing characters that have your crafting all set and everything

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Got a couple of chars that should have switched to the mirrored but ended up with 2 specs. I'd really like to "solve" the thing and make them like I planned.


Could be my bad for lack of information, but all the talking at the time made things more confused of what they actually are.

Still, a guide would have been better then a couple of "ok" to press to confirm the choice when you think it will do a different thing.

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Agreed. How and why Bioware thought that not having the ability to do combat style respeccing was not just OK but a good idea is baffling, but then again so are many of their decisions when it comes to giving the players what they want.


Let us change both of our combat styles if we want to, not just the secondary one. And no cartel coins for this, either. Just make it like how skill point resets were before 7.0: if you're a sub you can change for free, just visit the guy on the fleet or your capital world, or put in a legacy unlock to allow it in the field.

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Let us change both of our combat styles if we want to, not just the secondary one. And no cartel coins for this, either. Just make it like how skill point resets were before 7.0: if you're a sub you can change for free, just visit the guy on the fleet or your capital world, or put in a legacy unlock to allow it in the field.


i feel like this is too far - reset your original class defeats their story driven plan - but everyone's opinion is different - just how i feel

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Welp, guess I'll be letting my sub lapse... see, I clicked on one thing, said "yeah I know its permanent, gib" and wound up with something else... Sent in a ticket immediately - I even said I'd be willing to suffer a rollback if possible - no dice. They cannot reproduce what I went through (no surprise there) so they cannot help me.


Wait... let me look at that again... does that mean they could have helped me if they could reproduce it, or I used some other magic keywords in my ticket?


Regardless, I'm with the voices here - bug or not I'd happily throw money at the problem be it on a reset or even adding a third. I presume the lack of this in the shop means it cannot be done, because who would turn down money on this old a game? Surely the powers that be would be drooling over the prospect of selling us respecs or additional slots if they could?


So, here is your feedback: Offer a reset. Be it a timer so we can try something out, or a paid token, or even an additional Combat Style slot beyond the two (again as a paid token) - I would be able to accept this as my fate if need be.


But this click a menu item, and see a vague color text and animation about the idea of it? Nah. Put us on that grassy garden on whichever side of the path aligns with what we chose, and have those statues fight us or something so we can "test" the thing we chose, then ask us again if we want that choice - seems to me a few people here would have been happier knowing more before comitting.


Use reset token sales to pay for that development? And my sub when I come back for it?


I'm ok with leaving the original choice as-is, I can understand that there is a technical hurdle there making it impossinble for now... but for the secondary?

Edited by Jnoh
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Got a couple of chars that should have switched to the mirrored but ended up with 2 specs. I'd really like to "solve" the thing and make them like I planned.


Could be my bad for lack of information, but all the talking at the time made things more confused of what they actually are.

Still, a guide would have been better then a couple of "ok" to press to confirm the choice when you think it will do a different thing.

This is exactly the one thing bioware didn't tell anyone, that you had to switch alignment FIRST then you'd get the option to switch to your mirror class.

There's no article explaining it, no one talks about it. Everyone just says "you have the option to switch" but no one actually knows or explains in depth how it works.


I had to run Light side missions on my Jugg to get him to Light 1 to only then run the Training in the Force quest.

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This is exactly the one thing bioware didn't tell anyone, that you had to switch alignment FIRST then you'd get the option to switch to your mirror class.

There's no article explaining it, no one talks about it. Everyone just says "you have the option to switch" but no one actually knows or explains in depth how it works.


I had to run Light side missions on my Jugg to get him to Light 1 to only then run the Training in the Force quest.


Actually there was a dev post explaining this in detail:


Hi all,


I wanted to jump in and try and clarify some of the potential confusion in this thread.


There are two different topics here: The ability for existing players to change the Combat Style upon logging in to the 7.0 Game Update, and the rules around characters with Force Origin Stories when they are offered an option to swap Combat Styles with their opposite-aligned mirror.


Existing Characters and Combat Styles

  • As Jackie posted, we fully intended for current characters to be able to choose a preferred Combat Style upon logging in for Game Update 7.0. We have worked for some time to try and make this happen, but recently ran into some technical hurdles that unfortunately prevents us from supporting this. So, as a result, when you log into the game after 7.0, your primary Combat Style will be your current Advanced Class. Choosing your Advanced Class was designed to be a permanent choice, and we will continue this with Combat Styles. We have no current plans to introduce a method to change one of your Combat Styles.
  • As we previously stated, the ability to have a second Combat Style and the additional Loadouts that come with it are features for active subscribers. Related to this topic, we did see a question being asked of “what happens to my second Combat Style if my subscription lapses?”. In short, your “second” Combat Style will become unusable including its Loadouts. Note the quotations around the word second. If your subscription lapses, your useable Combat Style will be the one you last logged out on when the cancellation hits your account. This means that if you log out on your primary Combat Style, you will continue to be able to play with that one and its Loadouts. If you log out on your secondary Combat Style, you will continue to be able to play with that one and its Loadouts. Essentially, whichever Combat Style is active when your sub lapses is the one you will continue to use when you log back in.


Force Origin Story Considerations

  • Force Origin Stories have some special considerations, since there are some restrictions in Combat Style choice that Tech Origin Stories do not share.
  • To a brand new player, or a player who has not unlocked their Dark V/Light V achievements in their Legacy (Legacy of Sacrifice and Legacy of Unity), they are not presented with the option to choose an opposite-aligned Combat Style at character create nor when they unlock their second Combat Style, with one exception:
    • If a player without these unlocks has been playing their character with opposite aligned morality, such as a Jedi Origin Story as a Dark Side character, or a Sith Origin Story as a Light Side character, they will receive the option to swap their current Combat Style to the opposite alignment equivalent upon completing their Act 3 story. In addition, when they are prompted to select their second Combat Style, they will have all Force Combat Styles available to them.

    [*]Force Origin Story players who have already unlocked Light V/Dark V achievements will not see any restrictions, and all Combat Styles are available to them at both character create and when choosing their second Combat Style


There has been no change in the design of the Force Origin Story Considerations, which was first shared in this post. You can listen to me talking about all of these restrictions, and expand on why and the philosophy behind these decisions in the linked podcast in the post.


However, to build upon Jackie’s clarification post here, we wanted to give Force Origin Story players some choice when the 7.0 update releases. So all pre-7.0 Force characters that have opposite alignment to their current class will be given the option to swap their primary combat style to the opposite aligned equivalent upon logging in post-7.0.


This means if you are a Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular, and have at least 1 Dark Side point away from 0, you will be given this choice. Likewise, if you are a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor, and have at least 1 Light Side point away from 0, you will be given this choice. This will be regardless of any Legacy unlocks or otherwise. Once that character is in the game, and the swap choice has been made or refused, the rules as described above will still apply.


Finally, I wanted to address some comments around my clarifications in Discord about the above topic. What I stated in this post is still true. I have recently been trying to clarify confusion around swapping Force Combat Styles by repeating the same information we revealed in the podcast and linked in the official forums. I will typically include a link to the official sources to reinforce where this information originated from. Any new information around Combat Styles or any other topic will be shared through official channels such as our blogs, the forums, our livestreams, etc… and those mediums will be used to reinforce or clarify any questions being answered elsewhere.





Edited by Phazonfreak
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Actually there was a dev post explaining this in detail:


Like I said, it could come from us not reading every single damn wall of text about 7.0 but also, if the ok to press were put together with something like :


"this will remove sorc from slot 1 and change it to sage" or

"this will let sorc in slot 1 and add sage to slot 2"


Would have solved lot of troubles (said that ppl actually read 2 rows ingame).


At that point one could go and actually search why that wasn't working as intended before confirming.

Edited by PancaSWTOR
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  • 9 months later...

So... if you have an Assassin, who's currently dark side, but also have alts who have touched dark V and light V then take the 'training in the force' mission, you'll get *one* option, namely to pick a second combat style from any of the other seven force combat styles. 

Does your Assassin have to have got to Light I, or does it merely mean that you have to have any light side points, i.e. taken at least one light side choice in the game ever, irrespective of your current overall alignment, in order to get the two options, namely to change your primary combat style to Shadow *and* select a second combat style from any of those seven.

Does this also mean that if you pick your second combat style and then later change force alignment, you no longer get the option to mirror your primary combat style, or would making yourself eligible cause the quest to respawn later?

Or does this merely mean that the first time you log in a force using character into the post-7.0 client, the quest will spawn with those options?

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4 hours ago, RowanThursday said:

So... if you have an Assassin, who's currently dark side, but also have alts who have touched dark V and light V then take the 'training in the force' mission, you'll get *one* option, namely to pick a second combat style from any of the other seven force combat styles. 

Does your Assassin have to have got to Light I, or does it merely mean that you have to have any light side points, i.e. taken at least one light side choice in the game ever, irrespective of your current overall alignment, in order to get the two options, namely to change your primary combat style to Shadow *and* select a second combat style from any of those seven.

Does this also mean that if you pick your second combat style and then later change force alignment, you no longer get the option to mirror your primary combat style, or would making yourself eligible cause the quest to respawn later?

Or does this merely mean that the first time you log in a force using character into the post-7.0 client, the quest will spawn with those options?

In order to get the option to swap your primary Combat Style to the opposite side, your character has to have at least one point towards the opposite alignment and it's not irrespective of your current overall alignment. Let's say your Assassin is full Dark 5 and wants the option to swap to becoming a Shadow, your character has to make light side choices until you have balanced the alignment all the way back to neutral and went at least one point towards the Light side. You don't have to reach Light I, one Light side point away from being neutral is enough.

Once you have completed the 'Training in the Force' quest and picked a secondary Combat Style for your character, you will not be able to swap your primary Combat Style anymore, because doing that is directly tied to that one-time quest.

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3 hours ago, Phazonfreak said:

In order to get the option to swap your primary Combat Style to the opposite side, your character has to have at least one point towards the opposite alignment and it's not irrespective of your current overall alignment. Let's say your Assassin is full Dark 5 and wants the option to swap to becoming a Shadow, your character has to make light side choices until you have balanced the alignment all the way back to neutral and went at least one point towards the Light side. You don't have to reach Light I, one Light side point away from being neutral is enough.

Once you have completed the 'Training in the Force' quest and picked a secondary Combat Style for your character, you will not be able to swap your primary Combat Style anymore, because doing that is directly tied to that one-time quest.

Thank you for the clarifications there. Now I know what order I'd need to do those steps in - i.e. if I want to do the story of a Jedi or Sith who start out with the skill set they're trained with, but morally shift to the other spectrum, they have to do that before also doing the "shift to a more force power based ranged role" when training Nadia or Ashara and Xalek, then. Cheers!

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