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Split the quest to change side (LS<->DS) from the second combat style ones


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As title say.

I was trying to change my LS5 assassin into a shadow, but after the change, the quest keep going to the point where it ask a second combat style.

There isnt an option to say no/wait or whatever, and if I press ESC to go away from there, also the first part get deleted so my sin stay a sin.

If the second combat style is a once in a lifetime choice, i wanna be 100% sure on what i pick, and on some toon i wanna leave the spot open for future styles if any will happen to born.

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Better yet, keep the first combat style permanent, but let us change the second one as many times as we want to.


It's kind of a shame that we have a chance to change the combat style, but we can't actually do it more than once. There are some ops bossed that pretty much require certain classes in the fight. Whoever has to change class for those bosses either can only come with a character that has those two classes, or lose completion reward because it now requires all bosses killed with one character. It sucks, no other way to describe it. Combat styles was nice on paper, in reality it's not that great with all the unnecessary limitations.

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Second one is for subs only, so other people couldnt apply the "change whenver u want" thing.


I understant the fact to give some extra to subs, but that would be a BIIIIG extra.


The only hope is to see some CC item that allow a second change to at least revert some wrong pick. (like the fake mirrir thing of tech classes for people that havent read before that only force user can switch side)

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