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I realize the Star Wars Story Group are finicky buggers who are really picky about the details of who can be what and where and with whom, and having such strict guidelines, I can understand, it would be a hamper on creativity, but the class stories were amazing, focussed on our amazing characters foremost...and leaving a bit of what our nemesis is up to, to mystery...like you never saw or rarely saw Baras plotting against us in a cut scene. His actions against were made to be felt on our end of the story, as an example.


I would've thought that being as it's the old republic, that there would be a lot of leeway about characters and adventures, seeing as its so far removed from the movies and tv shows and some books.


TBH I don't think the story group or Lucasfilm as a whole cares about this game or pays attention to what happens in it. I think the culprit here is EA or BioWare higher-ups not wanting to put in the time and resources this game so badly needs. Bean counters making decisions instead of creatives.

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TBH I don't think the story group or Lucasfilm as a whole cares about this game or pays attention to what happens in it. I think the culprit here is EA or BioWare higher-ups not wanting to put in the time and resources this game so badly needs. Bean counters making decisions instead of creatives.


I wouldn't be shocked, honestly. This game does need a serious injection of cash and passion, and not to be wasted on cinematics, but on gameplay. I'd rather spend the budget getting our old VAs back than on a mini-movie...scenes we can play, and the cut scenes that follow them have more value and impact, at least on me. So many scenes still stick with me, that were such fun when playing, like when SW and Quinn were stuck in the reactor about to go off on Taris, where we had to find and kill that Rodian general lol.

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I have been thinking about this often. What the game no longer has is that personal touch. It's the same story now, just with either an empire or republic flavor. Do it once or twice and that's it. Been there, done that, yawn.


There's nothing personal for the player like even getting a frigging letter from a spouse stating gee I'm glad you're back. I worried about you. I missed you, yadda yadda.


I understand the financial crunch, but still, a frigging letter can't be that hard to insert into the game. If we can't have full interaction, at least give us that.


I would pay real money for a repeatable side quest with Theron, Quinn, Andronikus, Scourge, or any of the others. I have a male smuggler who romanced Akaavi, and not one mention that they were a couple. I know she's not popular, but really?


Right now, the companions equate to pets in other games. Silent battle buddies and that's it.


It might not be so bad if the game had started that way, but they gave us all that interaction in the beginning and now it's gone. There's not much to get excited about any more.


I fell your pain and maybe some of the writer's do too, but everyone's hands are tied.


It's a shame, and honestly not much fun. Log in, do the same old, same old, log out. Yay.


Here's another song that might fit.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Someone needs to make a petition and then get EA onto it a real big streamer would have to be involved as well but as of now SWTOR is a dead duck in the content range and WoW is doing some new expansion announcement in April. Final Fantasy patches give more content than SWTORs expansions then FFXIV expansions are massive and take good time to level up your toons it's not done in 2hrs.


I have played SWTOR for 10 years and it's just getting worse and worse even the forum experience with the golden posters have gone to nothing why did they even hire that person they are not doing anything on the forums that's for sure i'm not being mean it's a fact the receipts show it.


The entire system is broken not just the game play but the people that are working on it putting out what they did with no changes that had feedback complaining about the issues on a PTS server that was given shows they don't care and have no passion like the OP says it's like droids work om and run the game with no knowledge of what people are saying it's just crazy.


I can't say they should be fired because I don't run the company but I can give my input why are the Bioware influencers not putting out constructive criticism about these issues ? it's time this game or company looks at what is going on as a long term player since beta it's over you have the biggest IP in the world and you couldn't even get that right.

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Someone needs to make a petition and then get EA onto it a real big streamer would have to be involved as well but as of now SWTOR is a dead duck in the content range and WoW is doing some new expansion announcement in April. Final Fantasy patches give more content than SWTORs expansions then FFXIV expansions are massive and take good time to level up your toons it's not done in 2hrs.


I can't say they should be fired because I don't run the company but I can give my input why are the Bioware influencers not putting out constructive criticism about these issues ? it's time this game or company looks at what is going on as a long term player since beta it's over you have the biggest IP in the world and you couldn't even get that right.


That's just it. I think they listen too damn much to influencers and content creators. I don't believe those people care or even think about some of these concerns. They seem to be more into the hack and slash, kill the latest OPs boss, or PVP stuff than anything else.

Edited by MishaCantu
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That's just it. I think they listen too damn much to influencers and content creators..


But I've seen at least one influencer previously promoted on the site commenting on how they already feel burned out with 7.0.

Edited by juliushorst
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I have been thinking about this often. What the game no longer has is that personal touch. It's the same story now, just with either an empire or republic flavor. Do it once or twice and that's it. Been there, done that, yawn.


There's nothing personal for the player like even getting a frigging letter from a spouse stating gee I'm glad you're back. I worried about you. I missed you, yadda yadda.


I understand the financial crunch, but still, a frigging letter can't be that hard to insert into the game. If we can't have full interaction, at least give us that.


I would pay real money for a repeatable side quest with Theron, Quinn, Andronikus, Scourge, or any of the others. I have a male smuggler who romanced Akaavi, and not one mention that they were a couple. I know she's not popular, but really?


Right now, the companions equate to pets in other games. Silent battle buddies and that's it.


It might not be so bad if the game had started that way, but they gave us all that interaction in the beginning and now it's gone. There's not much to get excited about any more.


I fell your pain and maybe some of the writer's do too, but everyone's hands are tied.


It's a shame, and honestly not much fun. Log in, do the same old, same old, log out. Yay.


Here's another song that might fit.


Great song, very apt to the situation here at SWTOR. 100% agree with what you said, and I appreciate the support.


Like Fushnchips said, maybe a powerful influencer could help, one that loves stories and companions and companion romance as much as we do...though I do also wonder if it would make a difference. The powers that be here do seem obsessed with hack and kill, and apparently they're not doing that all that well either. It seems more and more like they've become sloggers for a cheque.


I wish I could suggest something truly awesome...maybe hit up Disney for money again...they seem to be doing ok with Mando and with Kenobi coming up.



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I am convinced that the people who post this nonsense are paid to do it. Enticed to promote negative garbage in order to promote another agenda.


Speaking for myself, as I have posted several instances of "negative garbage" I have no other agenda to promote.

I play this game because it's Star Wars first and foremost.

Secondly because it's (supposed to be) a MMO


I never played KOTOR or KOTOR 2, that wasn't my genre of game when they were released, Star Wars or not (and truthfully, at the time, I didn't really consider it TRUE Star Wars since it was so far before the timeline of the movies).


There's no hidden agenda with my posts, only efforts to voice my disappointment that, as a subscriber / player of this game, it's being changed into things that I'm having difficulty enjoying with each major revision.


7.0 made me cancel 2 of my 3 subscriptions.

Changes, years ago, made me stop supporting the game via the CM. There was one year where I spent HUNDREDS buying CC via amazon. Stuff changed, I stopped. I was no longer going to feed the machine extra money when I didn't like it as much anymore.


7.0 not only continued the downward trend of enjoyment, for me, but it picked up speed...a LOT of speed.

It's gotten much worse, much faster.


But there's no conspiracy. The only "hidden" agenda is to voice my concern and HOPE that the people who make this game read it and take it into consideration.


They won't reverse course. I know that. Too much money involved. At most they will do what they did with 6.0....walk back, or adjust, some of the most egregious examples and make it something close to what it used to be.


Unlike with 6.0, there's too much wrong with 7.0 that I don't think this will work this time around.

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