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GSF Has a Problem


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The weekly & daily rewards given for playing GSF are RIDICULOUS. No other activity lets me get the riDONculous amount of tech fragments that I get from playing GSF. And trust me, I've never played GSF before this expansion, I never liked it, but you bet your behind I'm farming it on multiple characters each week now.


Flashpoints don't even come close to being as rewarding. Veterans are easy enough to do though they only give useless green gear at this point and the weekly only gives 100 fragments and a green gear piece. IF you're very efficient you can do 1 vet in the time it takes you to do 1 GSF match, aka about 15 minutes. However with weekly + daily I get 1500 fragments in an average of 3 GSF matches (1 win 2 losses is the average I'm on) plus a Thyrsian gear box PLUS other stuff.


MM Flashpoints aren't much better. Yeah you get better gear in them and an upgrade box + 200 frags for the weekly but they can take a LONG time to finish. Some, you CAN'T finish (e.g. Crisis on Umbara) or you have to boot one or more of your teammates, reform and retry one or more bosses. Even if the fights are easy, which is not always the case, they often have a particular mechanic that especially newer players don't know about. Some learn quickly, others don't. Some people are decently geared, others decide to ninja MM FPs at level 76 and have 100K less hp as a tank than me as a dps and then surprise surprise they get squashed by a boss. Point being, it can take a long time, you HAVE to finish them or you don't get the reward AND you can add a long queueing time as a dps on top of that.


Warzones, as many have pointed out, only give you rewards if you WIN. That right there is a BIG if. I've had many stretches in which I've failed at warzone after warzone and while I'm not a GG pvp player, I'm not a hopeless suck at it either and I play objectives as hard as I can. Warzones make sense to play when you go into them with a premade. And even then there is no guarantee because you can run into another premade that's just better or has better composition, etc. Point being queueing solo is a massive time waste if you do it for the rewards.


And then there's GSF. I'm not a thrower (at least not until the enemy team goes something like 20 5 in a Deathmatch, at which point I'm like '**** it'), I would describe myself as cannon fodder. I'm throwing my posterior at objectives and at other ships as much as I can. Ultimately, what I do in said match is completely irrelevant and negligible. I do SOME damage every time, sometimes I even get a kill or 2 before dying 10 times. I cannot aim a missile to save my life and no, I will NEVER be able to as long as it involves sound. I'm watching TV shows while farming GSF and that's how it will be! Mostly I can do some dogfighting which I end up losing most of the time but usually I kinda get sniped by gunships from God knows where. But you know what? All of that doesn't matter because in 45-50 mins on a character I'll have farmed 1500 tech frags (Daily + Weekly) plus a bunch of other useful stuff.


Daddy needs his implants on multiple toons and GSF is THE WAY.

Edited by mstangescu
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Well what did you expect?


Even thought Bioware again tried to force us into playing what they want people still go for the best and fastest way to get what they want. Instead of farming Hammerstation they now farm GSF weeklies, get PVP 326 gear and then open NiM boxes for 328 Rakata gear. They farm Nefra for gear too.


No matter what they do, people will always be like this and frankly, I am fine with it as it is now.

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Nefra, Dash'Roode and who knows what else.


If I were in a progression group, I'd do proper raiding. But I'm not so I'm just going to farm what I can.


Doesn't mean you have to be selfish about it and not participate.


As someone said, people afk'ing in GSF and not doing anything is the same as someone joining a FP or an Op and not doing anything.

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I don't afk, I run maximum burn to objectives, try to dogfight, get instant missile lock the moment I get close, dodge dodge dodge and then eventually either die or smash into a rock and die.


That's pretty much the cycle right there.

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I get close, dodge dodge dodge and then eventually either die or smash into a rock and die.


are you also ducking, dipping and diving? Along with dodging, they are the 5 basic rules of dodgeball....I mean GSF

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I am getting better.


Screenshot isn't working for some reason, but I just finished one of my best Bomber matches yet. I flew the Warcarrier, with Missile Drone and Repair Drone, spent the whole match helping cap satellites or defending them, and finished with 2 kills, 8 assists, 0 deaths, and 13 medals.


Only two kills, yes, but Zero deaths.


Take that, Mister Fancypants!

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are you also ducking, dipping and diving? Along with dodging, they are the 5 basic rules of dodgeball....I mean GSF


You're not wrong. That is the proper way to orbit the "fins" of the satellites to use line of sight to your advantage. Staying stationary can be fatal in GSF.

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I am getting better.


Screenshot isn't working for some reason, but I just finished one of my best Bomber matches yet. I flew the Warcarrier, with Missile Drone and Repair Drone, spent the whole match helping cap satellites or defending them, and finished with 2 kills, 8 assists, 0 deaths, and 13 medals.


Only two kills, yes, but Zero deaths.


Take that, Mister Fancypants!


Good for you!


I like defending, it's just frustrating right now because a match spent defending an A or C satellite often means no credit for the GS2 goal. Just when you're about to get the 4 minute medal (which counts, I think), someone comes and you have to get out of range to kill them...


I've finished the weekly on 7 characters and I'm only 17/25... with an average of 4-5 medals per game (most of my ships suck still).

Edited by Pricia
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To put my two cents in as someone that has made the progress from absolutely terribad to better than average at GSF...


Flying with a mouse sucks. Wing Commander was one of the first PC games I ever played. I've played every single Wing Commander game to death, played X-Wing, beat Tie Fighter on the hardest difficulty completing all the secret objectives, was an absolute terror in JTL for SWG... Now, that was a while ago of course. You'd expect some rust. However, I did all of those with a flight stick (nothing fancy). Trying to actually fly with the mouse threw me for a loop. I had no idea what I was doing. You add to that the fact that my initial experience with GSF was basically dying every 30 seconds to a missile or rail gun shot, and it was frustrating as all hell. I did this before seasons by the way, so there weren't tons of newbies.


GSF takes a while just to get competent at, let alone good. The good players taking advantage and abusing the fresh meat with proton torps and rail guns makes actually getting that experience more difficult.


My best advice... read a guide before you ever go out there. Watch a video to get some idea. Focus your skills and upgrades on mobility and defense. Don't just hold down the left mouse button while chasing the reticle, pick your shots. Try not to get too frustrated about blowing up a lot.

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Just when you're about to get the 4 minute medal (which counts, I think), someone comes and you have to get out of range to kill them...


Why? You should make them come and kill you. The "defending" hit box around the satellite is basically out to the tip of the fins. You should be hugging the satellite always. The closer they come the more likely the satellite's defense turrets will hit them. Fight them on your terms, not theirs. There is no reason to go after them. Hide on the opposite side of the satellite and wait for them to come to you. Ideally they will peel off when the turrets start pounding them and even if they don't they will be weakened. It also gives you time to call out incoming to your team. So, there is almost never a need to intercept them before they enter range of the satellite. And, if they move away from the satellite, don't take the bait, stay close to the sat and make them come back to you.

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Why? You should make them come and kill you. The "defending" hit box around the satellite is basically out to the tip of the fins. You should be hugging the satellite always. The closer they come the more likely the satellite's defense turrets will hit them. Fight them on your terms, not theirs. There is no reason to go after them. Hide on the opposite side of the satellite and wait for them to come to you. Ideally they will peel off when the turrets start pounding them and even if they don't they will be weakened. It also gives you time to call out incoming to your team. So, there is almost never a need to intercept them before they enter range of the satellite. And, if they move away from the satellite, don't take the bait, stay close to the sat and make them come back to you.


You can't when you have a noob ship that won't hit anything under 5000m and they are destroying you with weapons that have a bigger range lol. If I do what you say, half the time they get two turrets before I can even get to them... then it's 50/50 whether they kill me or not (again - noob ships).

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Or you could be less of a jerk and realize.


Did you quote the wrong person? I was defending most of the people being attacked...lol...and that post you quoted cannot be mistaken for attacking noobs because the ONLY WAY to get flagged as AFK in GSF is to do NOTHING for several minutes.

Edited by gregordunbar
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You can't when you have a noob ship that won't hit anything under 5000m and they are destroying you with weapons that have a bigger range lol. If I do what you say, half the time they get two turrets before I can even get to them... then it's 50/50 whether they kill me or not (again - noob ships).


But you are not any less of a noob ship when you run out to them, than if you stayed put. The advantage is that you can use line of sight while you are near the sat, and by not boosting to intercept them at a distance, you have time to type in chat:


inc A


You can use the tutorial to practice flying under a satellite. Stick to one "pie slice" of the sat that puts the satellite between you and the target so they can't shoot you. Use the S key to slow your throttle down to 1/3rd speed and move in a tight circle within that region. Use X to stop your ship to give you time to type out incoming. Remember you have to type / to get to the chat box.

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This might bring a perspective of a player who recently tried getting into GSF. First of all yes its not hard to pull some numbers, max i got was 40k damage in 1 game. However the learning curve is steep (just understanding targeting took a while)


GSF is not a user or player friendly mode and unfortunately if you are new it is hard to learn because of veteran players who can literally fly circles around you. New players usually pick gunships or bombers and they literally get **** on by scout veteran players who get 23 kills a match.


Now when it comes to leeches, if I see my team losing 2x what else peopel left to do then to escape a torture of spawn camping? Yup we self destruct to get rid of this ****** mode that I am forced to play in order to get decent gear. (yes I am forced to play it in order to get PvP gear) Ranked on Sateel dont proc, and there is a limit for how many weekly warzones you can to do.


This whole expansion is a luck luster, and this game would have been better off without 7.0

Edited by ReinhartRussian
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Why? You should make them come and kill you. The "defending" hit box around the satellite is basically out to the tip of the fins. You should be hugging the satellite always. The closer they come the more likely the satellite's defense turrets will hit them. Fight them on your terms, not theirs. There is no reason to go after them. Hide on the opposite side of the satellite and wait for them to come to you. Ideally they will peel off when the turrets start pounding them and even if they don't they will be weakened. It also gives you time to call out incoming to your team. So, there is almost never a need to intercept them before they enter range of the satellite. And, if they move away from the satellite, don't take the bait, stay close to the sat and make them come back to you.


Unless it's a gunship, in which case you should absolutely go off sat to kill it, because either it will reposition for a clear shot at you, spam Ion at the node, or something else will come along and flush you out and the gunship will nail you while you're distracted.


I'd also argue bombers are sometimes worth going off node to kill, because having one (or more) roll in unopposed and start dropping mines/drones everywhere is a recipe for disaster, unless you have EMP on hand or the bomber is yolo'ing around by itself, in which case you can sit and wait for it.

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This might bring a perspective of a player who recently tried getting into GSF. First of all yes its not hard to pull some numbers, max i got was 40k damage in 1 game. However the learning curve is steep (just understanding targeting took a while)


GSF is not a user or player friendly mode and unfortunately if you are new it is hard to learn because of veteran players who can literally fly circles around you. New players usually pick gunships or bombers and they literally get **** on by scout veteran players who get 23 kills a match.


Now when it comes to leeches, if I see my team losing 2x what else peopel left to do then to escape a torture of spawn camping? Yup we self destruct to get rid of this ****** mode that I am forced to play in order to get decent gear. (yes I am forced to play it in order to get PvP gear) Ranked on Sateel dont proc, and there is a limit for how many weekly warzones you can to do.


This whole expansion is a luck luster, and this game would have been better off without 7.0


I mean yeah, if we're losing anyway, it won't matter if everyone decides to tank it.


I don't because I still need 6 damage medals for GS2, but otherwise, sure. But that's different from people doing that from the start.

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Unless it's a gunship, in which case you should absolutely go off sat to kill it, because either it will reposition for a clear shot at you, spam Ion at the node, or something else will come along and flush you out and the gunship will nail you while you're distracted.


I'd also argue bombers are sometimes worth going off node to kill, because having one (or more) roll in unopposed and start dropping mines/drones everywhere is a recipe for disaster, unless you have EMP on hand or the bomber is yolo'ing around by itself, in which case you can sit and wait for it.


I would say less than 50% of the gunships I encounter are the type 1s equipped with Ion and Slug. Many people choose Plasma, for good reason, because the preponderance of strikes and their excellent shielding are vulnerable to the dot from plasma railgun which prevents shields from regenerating. There are also a lot of type 2 gunships flown by newer pilots which don’t have access to Ion.


Regardless, even if it is a ion/slug gunship, proper positioning will protect you from the ion spam which is, by its nature self limited. They can’t let the turrets get destroyed, or they have nothing to bounce the ion AoE spam off of, because you are staying in the nooks and crannies of the underbelly of the satellite, because you have practiced flying and using line of sight. You hit F2 to go power to shields and you can buffer most of the ion spam. In the meantime you can call out the incoming and let the roamed take out the gunship which is distracted trying to nuisance you. Either way you continue to successfully defend. If they approach, they will likely burn Distortion to avoid the turrets they had to leave alive which gives you an advantage in the engagement. You will be ready for them and force them to flee or engage at close range. They will have burst lasers but you will have been in power to shields and at least at yellow outer shield strength.


I’ll leave the bombers for another discussion. Briefly, they are great targets for thermite torpedoes. Type 2 bombers which are drone carriers you should not intercept, because they usually drop a railgun drone or missile drone for that very reason and now you are out in the open. Minelayers type 1 bombers don’t deploy their ordinance at range for obvious reasons and with practice can be taken out under the sat but they can be a problem to deal with solo, which is why it’s important to use whatever time you have to call out incoming.

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Now when it comes to leeches, if I see my team losing 2x what else peopel left to do then to escape a torture of spawn camping? Yup we self destruct to get rid of this ****** mode that I am forced to play in order to get decent gear. (yes I am forced to play it in order to get PvP gear) Ranked on Sateel dont proc, and there is a limit for how many weekly warzones you can to do.


You get Thyrsian crates and currency from unranked pvp. I have a purple 326 braver on my Sawbones smuggler that is the direct result of ground pvp. You don’t need to do Ranked and you certainly aren’t forced to queue for GSF. In fact, you don’t need purple 326 pvp gear because you are reverse bolstered to 316. The limit on the ground pvp weekly is the same as GSF, you can do it three times per week per toon. And just like GSF, you can do the weekly three times on other toons to earn the currency.


“It’s ok for me to just run in and die to this next operation or flashpoint boss, then I can sit out the fight and let my other group members carry me, because I’m being forced to do pve.” Sounds legit.

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When I tried it for the first time in GS S1, I crashed on rocks, satellite, tunnels, debris... you name it. Then, I got so motion sick I just hang in the void... I might had become a bit better in the end of the season, but you don't want me on your team.
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As long as the rewards for GSF are MILES better than anything else and as long as they don't require wins but just participation I'll be farming GSF. I'm gonna try at the start but if I see multiple red arrows near my spawn I'm suiciding.
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As long as the rewards for GSF are MILES better than anything else and as long as they don't require wins but just participation I'll be farming GSF. I'm gonna try at the start but if I see multiple red arrows near my spawn I'm suiciding.


“I see lots of adds between me and the next flashpoint boss, so I’m just gonna sit this one out yo. Y’all can carry me through the flashpoint.”


“Besides, it’s not like the capital ships have sensors that show, on the map screen prior to hypering into the match, how many enemies are around the THREE spawn choices you have. It’s not like you can choose a spawn point, you know, without red arrows around it. Therefore I’m justified in sabotaging my team. I’d do it in ground pvp arenas too except for the deserter penalty so I have to leave the spawn, so I’ll just stand still and let the other team get a free kill on me.”

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“I see lots of adds between me and the next flashpoint boss, so I’m just gonna sit this one out yo. Y’all can carry me through the flashpoint.”


“Besides, it’s not like the capital ships have sensors that show, on the map screen prior to hypering into the match, how many enemies are around the THREE spawn choices you have. It’s not like you can choose a spawn point, you know, without red arrows around it. Therefore I’m justified in sabotaging my team. I’d do it in ground pvp arenas too except for the deserter penalty so I have to leave the spawn, so I’ll just stand still and let the other team get a free kill on me.”


Yeah no kidding. The excuses for their selfishness and lazyness baffle me.

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I look exactly like one of those throw people. But, I promise. I am trying!!!


Keep trying. You'll get better. I started GSF like 3 days ago. I went from like 0 kills a game along with being under 10k damage and like 8+ deaths to having around 7-12 kills a game, significantly more damage, and a hell of a lot less deaths. Accuracy still needs to be improved drastically, but even that's going up. I will say components on a ship make a huge difference too. Cause when I gear transfer stuff to an alt, so that the loot boxes give me the 326 purples, instead of w/e I'd get with their 320 gear being equipped the alts, who don't yet have the ship improvements show. Don't get me wrong, skill is still a factor, and I'm doing better on the alts with new ships than I did starting out GSF with my main, but it's still a noticeable difference compared to having a better equipped ship.


Last but not least (cause god knows the resources for helping you out in GSF are virtually non existent) is realizing the differences in ships. I now understand that certain ships have weapons with greater range than others, and just swapping weapon components don't always cover it. Like scouts generally seem to have primary weapons from like 4 to 5k meters i think where as fighters are like around 5k to 7ish iirc. Or Certain ships have armor components and others don't. Other things like health, damage reduction, etc which I didn't even realize were stats you can see until last night, also vary so there's a lot to take in. But I encourage people to stick with it. It actually becomes more and more fun as you progress and very different from anything else I've done in game so far.

Edited by Setta
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