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March events schedule


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Hi folks,


The SWTOR In-Game Events for March article is now available here.


Taking bets on if the Swoop race achievements for perfect runs have been fixed.

taking bets on if the devs had bets on whether the first reply to this thread was going to be snark

Edited by Falensawino
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Wait, didn't the anniversary discount pricing for the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds expire, at least according to the 7.0 patch notes?


edit: And looks like this has been fixed now.

Edited by Luinthoron
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I don't know what your point here is, it's been a known issue for as long as I've been playing the event and should have been fixed literal years ago.


I'd say honestly ignore them. Personally, I'm not holding my breath that they'll fix the issue. It's been soo long that they haven't fixed the issue that I actually was able to complete all 1800 races (which please, for the love of all that is good in this universe, DO NOT do something like this again)

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