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Separate Arenas from actual Warzones please


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Arenas are a totally different type of PVP I don't mind having them on ranked as thats full competitive play. Yet for players who don't give a damn about ranked should have the choice to play what they want, either classic warzones OR the arenas instead of just getting dumped in whatever the game wants you to play.
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Ya going to second this, I find PvP with objectives much more fun than kill the other group first. Would do a hell of a lot more PvP if I could consistently get the ones with objectives rather than the arena format. In fact I would argue that there's a good chance most people would too.
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I would do way more PvP if I could uncheck the Arena mode.

I would love more detailed queue options in general, like where you could check the modes you want to queue for and uncheck the ones you don't want

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Ya going to second this, I find PvP with objectives much more fun than kill the other group first. Would do a hell of a lot more PvP if I could consistently get the ones with objectives rather than the arena format. In fact I would argue that there's a good chance most people would too.


Same here: I actually enjoy going for objectives, but my aversion for arenas is unfortunately even greater, so I'd rather skip that content altogether.


This is yet another area where having options would keep me involved, while taking that option away and forcing arenas on my PvP menu makes me only go "thanks, but no thanks".

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Not untill they made that thrice cursed Hutball optional too... :mad:


Why? Huttball is literally the best gamemode with the original map being the best map in the game.


As for the arena stuff. Who cares? Unless you're playing at really odd hours or lowbie queue they rarely pop. I hardly ever see an arena pop for regs queue and they are over in like 2 minutes.

Edited by Raansu
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I like arenas, but even if you don't at least they're over pretty quick. Much better situation than for people who hate Hypergate and then you're stuck in there for 15-20 minutes.


Arenas only pop when there aren't enough people queueing to fill 8v8. That happens most often in lows and mids during the day time. On Star Forge, I almost never see arenas pop in regs.

Edited by waisting
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8v8 objectives over 4v3 or 3v2 arenas any day. Matchmaking never seems to be able to even fill out the full team most times. You either start 1 man down, or matchmaking gave you the 1 man advantage.


For Galactic Seasons, on The Leviathan server, I had a 4v6 match, the only reinforcement our team got, was someone who immediately quit after loading in, then the matchmaking gave the enemy team their 6th player just to further stack against our 4 player team. It was Yavin Ciivil War whatever the 3 point Jungle, Mid, Relic map is called.


I'd rather play a 4v6 on dead server during peak play hours than an unranked arena in the dead hours of the night on Star Forge.

Edited by Falensawino
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