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So, whos winning the war ? (Semi spoilers)


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So... I am getting this impression from the story.


The Republic is steamrolling the Empire. The only saving grace of the empire is that the Sith (force users), are pretty much part of society, everywhere on the Empire... Whereas the Jedi... are scattered.


I feel as if it wasnt for the Invasion of Tython and that huge blow... The Republic would have already won.


Why i say so?, Every mission the Empire feels scrambling for resources, outnumbered, outgunned, etc. Whereas the Republic is as big as ever, with its only problem being dealing with force users and searching Jedi. Aside from that, the Republic fleet/army is strong. (Look how on Corellia, it was the Republic the one who had the shipyard, and now the one with the cannon gunship was the republic. The empire a lame colonel and a lame sith lord)


Even when you win on Onslaught as empire, the Sith Girl says that the Republic keeps figthing, always with new tactics and stuff and she feels thats why Malgus is searching for new knowledge.


I feel the only part where the empire win, is when my Sith Warrior is around... So i guess Bioware needs to make us finally be The Emperor, and Strike back.... Acina/Vawroon suck.


What are your thoughts ?


I feel

Republic > Empire

Sith > Jedi.


But overall, the faction being waaaay more important in a war than the "orders", overall Republic >>>>> Empire.....

Edited by HectorCasan
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Pub side Makeb, the Pubs get a Hutt alliance and no Isotope 5. Abandon Makeb and leave it to blow.


The glorious Sith Empire stabilizes Makeb's core, thereby saving the planet. The Empire gets the Isotope-5 and mines more. Isotope-5 powered warships give the Empire a considerable edge in naval actions.


While I have yet to play Onslaught Pub-side, the Empire gains exclusive access to Mek'sha, the Republic fleet is denied refueling rights and the Republic shipyard at Corellia is destroyed. I imagine these things re reversed on a Pub playthrough, with the Sith fleet at Corellia being dealt a defeat.


Coming to Manaan, an Imperial playthrough provides the Empire with access to some ability to mine kolto in quantities of military significance.


If we tally all this up for an Imp player, what we have is:

-- Imperial naval technological superiority;

-- Shortage of personnel; note the need to draft not just aliens, but females as well;

-- Logistical shortcomings in terms of medical care


For the Pubs:


-- Naval qualitative inferiority due to lack of Isotope-5. While we have no idea of how much more formidable an Isotope-5-powered warship is it is best to assume that it is considerably enhanced in terms of total energy for engines, weapons, and shielding.

-- Probably a boost in whatever prior levels of kolto the Selkath were providing as payment for aiding in repulsing or limiting the Imperial presence (I have read up a bit on the Pub-side Manaan story and the Selkath are in league with the Republic, but, of course, only to preserve their world's neutrality.


The Empire has the upper-hand tactically in naval combat thanks to Isotope-5. The Republic has a logistical edge with greater access to kolto, which could enable them to be more formidable on the ground. However, ground operations can only be launched if naval superiority has been achieved in the immediate area around the planetary target. In SW, a strong army needs a strong navy capable of contesting and seizing control of a system if the army is to have anything to do.


There are question marks: we have no idea of the Orders of Battle for the opposing navies or ground forces so we really can't weigh strategic and operational strengths and weaknesses. We likewise lack performance data for the craft used by both sides to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of individual warships. Without these data on the opposing navies, we can't say who has the upper hand strategically or operationally along front-line and contested sectors of space.

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Interesting topic.

Sith are always fighting for survival it seems. No matter the clas,

You trully are fighting a no man war. Fine with that no Ms Marvel or

American captain to save the day.


It just bothers me, you, the character achieved the impossible, fought

against dozens of powerfull enemies, some classes even held their own alone against the Emperor Aka most powerfull enemy.


And you still cannot win this war...

At least they made a group effort to defeat vitiate, cause otherwise how can you not win a war with that power

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Well, the writers can't write it as if one side is "winning" because how else are they going to make money?

Even though, the Canon (classic movie trilogy) tells us the Republic won, eventually, so there's that.


Also, none of the main plot in Onslaught and afterward is "canon". They contradict each other because the writers (were told to) write one story and refit it into two version of alternate universe. You just play one and pretend it's real.

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I had always assumed that the Republic wins, but it's possible that both sides end up quietly assimilating over the years. There ends up being no difference between an "imperial accent" and a Republic one, etc.


Yew of course the Republic wins. But we don't know when. The war could last for 500 years for all we know

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I had always assumed that the Republic wins, but it's possible that both sides end up quietly assimilating over the years. There ends up being no difference between an "imperial accent" and a Republic one, etc.


The balance of power flip-flops between the two major forces, like literary periods: Renaissance (Reasoning) > Baroque (Sensation) > Classism (Reasoning) > Romanticism (Sensation) > Realism (Reasoning) > Neoromanticism (Sensation). And every once in a while it bounces rapidly between the two, when there's a major conflict, which mirrors modern literature (1870 - 2022).


At least I like to think of it this way.

Edited by Nilatis
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Pub side Makeb, the Pubs get a Hutt alliance and no Isotope 5. Abandon Makeb and leave it to blow.


The glorious Sith Empire stabilizes Makeb's core, thereby saving the planet. The Empire gets the Isotope-5 and mines more. Isotope-5 powered warships give the Empire a considerable edge in naval actions.


While I have yet to play Onslaught Pub-side, the Empire gains exclusive access to Mek'sha, the Republic fleet is denied refueling rights and the Republic shipyard at Corellia is destroyed. I imagine these things re reversed on a Pub playthrough, with the Sith fleet at Corellia being dealt a defeat.


Coming to Manaan, an Imperial playthrough provides the Empire with access to some ability to mine kolto in quantities of military significance.


If we tally all this up for an Imp player, what we have is:

-- Imperial naval technological superiority;

-- Shortage of personnel; note the need to draft not just aliens, but females as well;

-- Logistical shortcomings in terms of medical care


For the Pubs:


-- Naval qualitative inferiority due to lack of Isotope-5. While we have no idea of how much more formidable an Isotope-5-powered warship is it is best to assume that it is considerably enhanced in terms of total energy for engines, weapons, and shielding.

-- Probably a boost in whatever prior levels of kolto the Selkath were providing as payment for aiding in repulsing or limiting the Imperial presence (I have read up a bit on the Pub-side Manaan story and the Selkath are in league with the Republic, but, of course, only to preserve their world's neutrality.


The Empire has the upper-hand tactically in naval combat thanks to Isotope-5. The Republic has a logistical edge with greater access to kolto, which could enable them to be more formidable on the ground. However, ground operations can only be launched if naval superiority has been achieved in the immediate area around the planetary target. In SW, a strong army needs a strong navy capable of contesting and seizing control of a system if the army is to have anything to do.


There are question marks: we have no idea of the Orders of Battle for the opposing navies or ground forces so we really can't weigh strategic and operational strengths and weaknesses. We likewise lack performance data for the craft used by both sides to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of individual warships. Without these data on the opposing navies, we can't say who has the upper hand strategically or operationally along front-line and contested sectors of space.


The isotope-5 biggest advantage was that the Republic did not know about it, hence they were used for the invasion of Corellia. But even if we settled with Imperial Onslaught.


-There were several casualties to bring down the shipyard.

-The isotope-5 powered Dreadnoughts were just a few, Malgus himself says so, its not the whole imperial fleet. And its main advantage is the factor of surprise (that the Republic did not know, now it does)

-After the defeat the Republic backups from many worlds, this is obvious as they were probably overreaching. However keep in mind one thing. The Republic population is magnitudes of times bigger than the Empire's. Actually Coruscant alone is probably all of the population of the empire.


-Last and not least, and i think this was the biggest blow to the empire and from there onwards for me at least the war "doesnt make sence", is the fact that the empire lost Ziost. It was its main population center. Is as if the republic loses Coruscant (but even then, the republic would still have countless systems), whereas Ziost was the Empire's main population center.


I am aware that Republic doesnt have conscripts, whereas almost all imperial population is conscripted but to be honest the population difference is beginning to be too big, even with droids. If you see on the Imperial Fleet its all about conscripting (the comms), whereas the republic is not conscripting, its just selling bonds.


Even on the narrative, and aftermath of Onslaught you see the Darth GIrl (i forgot the name, the red sith one), talking about how Malgus understood that the war with the Republic could not continue as it does, That the even on its defeat the Republic is still figthing to the teeth.


In Any case playing the empire now feels like playing Germany on 1944 against the allies. It used to feel as 1941 (obviously the enemy adapted)


Now if you play the Republic Onslaught...


-The 2 Fleets are saved obviously and replenish fuel to get to Corellia

-The Shipyard remains

-The Empire loses 1 Dreadnought as the planetary defenses remain active (tbh its quite the saving grace, that the overcommit of Malgus did not end in a bigger disaster. I guess bombing innocent civilians did pay off) (In the immediate it does pay off, but those "attrocities" just boost the ammount of people that want to get into the Republic Army, so in the long run, killing innocent civilians do not pay off as much)

-Legacy of the Sith is such a lame story that it didnt add anything. Selkath remain neutral at the end. But i clearly saw Republic superiority even when playing Imperial.


For me the biggest grip is not even resources, planets, military might, etc.. I've always thought about it.. Its the population... Ever since the empire lost Ziost, for me its a lost cause. WIth Ziost and droids it somehow made sence, as the Empire used super good tactics before the total war, with the Mandalorian blockade and all (although waging a war with the Republic for 28 years was not the smartest choice, the treaty was, breaking the treaty was not ! )


Just before the Eternal Empire, you get the feeling that after Makeb, the empire is somehow back on its feet. Although the Republic get the other Hutt's in their side .....


The Eternal Empire somehow "reset" everything, with the Outlander kind of as an arbiter, after the Eternal Fleet is gone and they are back at it again. Its hard not to feel the empire is severely lacking resources.


Aniways just my 2 cents... If Bioware doesnt want to make this a one sided affair, they need to fastly make the empire deal a big blow to the Republic... Better yet would be for the narrative that the Republic gets overconfident, overcommits for something like a Dromund Kaas invasion, and severely gets its *** kicked.


Btw i agree with the strong navy assestment, but the isotope -5 is not at all that much influent, not yet at least. Its only a handful of Dreadnaughts.... and as i said, if the Empire is lacking population, it would explain why they are not fielding isotope-5 on the dreadnaughts fast enough.... Also those ships are not making themselves.


Besides, two other things.. When the General talks with us in Onslaught and explain about the Isotope-5, you get to ask if we have something as cool, He says something like "its not ready yet". So the Republic has a secret weapon on research.


Also and finally, one of the principal reasons of the Empire's initial victory was that they were simply much smarter and better prepared. When you played on the initial levels of Republic i was baffled at how stupid their leadership were... Come to Onslaught and stuff... The General that is running military operations for the Republic, is a much much much more capable and intelligent leader than previous ones.


Tbh what feels "lame" are the Jedi .... i hate the Jedi on this game. (The Sith a bit less), to be honest the force users are stupid. Only your character seems adequate, with notable exceptions being.


The Master of the original JK story, Satele every now and then, Kira and Anri... Gnost Dural is terrible.


From the Sith, the best one so far, at least from a pragmatic point of view is Empress Acina, she is still alive in my Sith story... Vawroon is a weakling. Malgus is an egomanial, powerful but stupid. Also that Sith that controls the droids and the Red Sith girl i forget the name are passable. Rivix is also good.

Edited by HectorCasan
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Interesting topic.

Sith are always fighting for survival it seems. No matter the clas,

You trully are fighting a no man war. Fine with that no Ms Marvel or

American captain to save the day.


It just bothers me, you, the character achieved the impossible, fought

against dozens of powerfull enemies, some classes even held their own alone against the Emperor Aka most powerfull enemy.


And you still cannot win this war...

At least they made a group effort to defeat vitiate, cause otherwise how can you not win a war with that power


Hhm on earlier planets it was different, the Sith were figthing to crush the republic or subjugate the locals, whereas the republic had extremely lame leadership.


On Maketh you feel like the empire is losing but at least the empire is in capable hands with Darth Marr, you feel like there is a clear strategy in the isotope-5 and that Marr knows its limitations. He was excellent.


After Maketh, yeah the hutts align with the republic but they are probably costrained for a while with all of the Maketh Refugees... and poor leadership of the old Chancellor.


Whereas the empire got the isotope-5. (granted they even used/lost some figthing the Eternal Empire, those were the only dreadnaughts able to compete). And now are having problems fielding the new Dreadnaughts post EE fleet.


Comes Shadow of Revan and Ziost. I Think from there what helps the empire not be defeated in a matter of months is the Eternal Empire appereance...


But in the aftermath, did i miss anything on the Ziost story ??.. How many people were evacuated on Ziost?... Because somehow for me that blow was just too damn big to recover from....


Bad Bioware writting ?

Edited by HectorCasan
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Interesting topic.

Sith are always fighting for survival it seems. No matter the clas,

You trully are fighting a no man war. Fine with that no Ms Marvel or

American captain to save the day.


It just bothers me, you, the character achieved the impossible, fought

against dozens of powerfull enemies, some classes even held their own alone against the Emperor Aka most powerfull enemy.


And you still cannot win this war...

At least they made a group effort to defeat vitiate, cause otherwise how can you not win a war with that power


I actually think the opposite... For me since the beginning if you give time to the Republic, its a matter of time till they win.... The Empire had a bigger navy. It was a "blitzkrieg" of the sorts.


Once they give the republic time, its just a matter of economics. The Republic as a whole is a much bigger power economically.

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Well, the writers can't write it as if one side is "winning" because how else are they going to make money?

Even though, the Canon (classic movie trilogy) tells us the Republic won, eventually, so there's that.


Also, none of the main plot in Onslaught and afterward is "canon". They contradict each other because the writers (were told to) write one story and refit it into two version of alternate universe. You just play one and pretend it's real.


I think the Republic one is the cannon, i know the Outlander is the hero of Tython, don't remember where i readed it.


I just take both stories and then think that the actual truth is somewhat in the middle.


But even taking the Empire's Story... I don't see how they are not months away of losing the whole war. There just isnt the population anymore after Ziost.


Unless i am missing something entirely i dont know what is...


I even remember HK saying something like all imperials had like 97% of sith ancestry. So its not even like they have multiple unknown colonies.

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But even taking the Empire's Story... I don't see how they are not months away of losing the whole war..

Never underestimate the power of bad writing.


Authors put unsupportable and unbelievable "escape hatches" in their stories all the time to pivot the plot in a particular direction, usually to reach some plot point they have in mind. They call them "interesting twists" but don't' rise to the level of a believable interesting twist.


The writer and mentor Steven James, whose video seminars I've attended, speaks about writing a story in such a way that the outcome is both unexpected but ... totally believable, where the reader afterwards understands the outcome that happened as being the only possible logical outcome based on what happened earlier in the plot.


In the case of this game, no one can ever win the war or the game is essentially over.

Imagine playing this game for the last ten years with the Empire and Republic peacefully coexisting that entire time. Not much of a story if there's no struggle, no clash.


Perpetual struggle, advancement, setback, advancement. One side wins today, another wins tomorrow.

That's how it works.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Never underestimate the power of bad writing.


Authors put unsupportable and unbelievable "escape hatches" in their stories all the time to pivot the plot in a particular direction, usually to reach some plot point they have in mind. They call them "interesting twists" but don't' rise to the level of a believable interesting twist.


The writer and mentor Steven James, whose video seminars I've attended, speaks about writing a story in such a way that the outcome is both unexpected but ... totally believable, where the reader afterwards understands the outcome that happened as being the only possible logical outcome based on what happened earlier in the plot.


In the case of this game, no one can ever win the war or the game is essentially over.

Imagine playing this game for the last ten years with the Empire and Republic peacefully coexisting that entire time. Not much of a story if there's no struggle, no clash.


Perpetual struggle, advancement, setback, advancement. One side wins today, another wins tomorrow.

That's how it works.


Of course i know that for the game to continue, the war needs to progress from one side to the other from time to time. Im just saying, it is comming to be a bit too onesided. The Empire needs a big win, but mostly, the Republic needs a big big defeat to somehow both be on somehow equal levels.


As it stands right now... Feels like the Empire is months from losing the entire war.

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Of course i know that for the game to continue, the war needs to progress from one side to the other from time to time. Im just saying, it is comming to be a bit too onesided. The Empire needs a big win, but mostly, the Republic needs a big big defeat to somehow both be on somehow equal levels.


As it stands right now... Feels like the Empire is months from losing the entire war.


Which is why I'm saying just wait for the escape hatch, there's bound to be one, and implausible.

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With 7.0, I have played both sides but only once on the Empire side. But it feels like both sides could occur timeline-wise. Basically the Republic story happens first (kicking the Empire off of Manaan), followed by the Empire side (retaking and starting up mining again).


I would say they are equal at the moment.


The Empire has fewer ships but they are more powerful. They don't have the military manpower but are rebuilding and maybe the Sith will keep the keep cordial enough and work together to accomplish something (but I doubt it in the long run).


The Republic has ships but they are older (they mention they don't have their newer tech to combat the isotope 5 yet). They have manpower but Jedi are few and need to rebuild, but they have bickering between each other as well over the shape of what the order should look like.

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I think you forgot about official report about both factions and more after Iokath. Official report ofc



It clearly state that, military wise Empire under Acina's rule outnumbered Republic both in Navy and Army and is very well ruled. Even if Acina dies and Empire lose at Iokath, this does not change much to their superiority over Republic.

However if Republic and Malcom lose/die then that superiority is even bigger and a lot of planets announce bankrupcy and stops their productions on Copero advertisment during FP.


Furthermore differences can be bigger thorough our choices during JUS+

Faction that wins during battle of Corellia is in much better situation than before. Key victories and controls of 3 sectors Bormea and two others for A letter I think. Example of how we can make a difference in this war.

(Second battle of Coreliia, Meridian Complex)


I do agree that Republic has far, far more people than Empire. But it doesn't mean they all are soldiers, countless of Republic people are citizens and related. And as stated above in report, that even with that in mind, Empire has bigger military than Republic, then it means something. Even that Sith Order is better working, cooperative and organised than Jedi Order is also important.


As for, more like secret/small/not enough operations of Empire. Whole Onslaught, JUS, Dantooine, Manaan. Indeed it they are trying to do as much as possible, with as small force as possible. And dependind on us, it can happen or not. So this not means Empire is weak and can't make a proper force for invasions etc. But they are just thinking tactically etc. Unless it's needed or "safe" enough. As battle of Corellia. Gargantaun armada in final battle with "if possible" weaken Republic fleet.


I'd also like to see some bigger operations and invasion from Imp side, to see really some might from Empire like in Corellia and Meridian Complex.


Maybe soon we'll be able to see it.

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I think you forgot about official report about both factions and more after Iokath. Official report ofc



It clearly state that, military wise Empire under Acina's rule outnumbered Republic both in Navy and Army and is very well ruled. Even if Acina dies and Empire lose at Iokath, this does not change much to their superiority over Republic.

However if Republic and Malcom lose/die then that superiority is even bigger and a lot of planets announce bankrupcy and stops their productions on Copero advertisment during FP.


Furthermore differences can be bigger thorough our choices during JUS+

Faction that wins during battle of Corellia is in much better situation than before. Key victories and controls of 3 sectors Bormea and two others for A letter I think. Example of how we can make a difference in this war.

(Second battle of Coreliia, Meridian Complex)


I do agree that Republic has far, far more people than Empire. But it doesn't mean they all are soldiers, countless of Republic people are citizens and related. And as stated above in report, that even with that in mind, Empire has bigger military than Republic, then it means something. Even that Sith Order is better working, cooperative and organised than Jedi Order is also important.


As for, more like secret/small/not enough operations of Empire. Whole Onslaught, JUS, Dantooine, Manaan. Indeed it they are trying to do as much as possible, with as small force as possible. And dependind on us, it can happen or not. So this not means Empire is weak and can't make a proper force for invasions etc. But they are just thinking tactically etc. Unless it's needed or "safe" enough. As battle of Corellia. Gargantaun armada in final battle with "if possible" weaken Republic fleet.


I'd also like to see some bigger operations and invasion from Imp side, to see really some might from Empire like in Corellia and Meridian Complex.


Maybe soon we'll be able to see it.


Nice read. Although to be honest it needs to specify where is the Empire getting all this industrial capability from... Remember after all, its said that each Harrower Class destroyer is like a medium size planet 10 years GDP cost to make, on materials and all ....


Then, it really changes if the Corellian Shipyard is done or not.


But even then, for me the problem remains the population. Ok, lets say that the Empire's Navy and Army is bigger (yet somehow the Republic being so huge, its not bigger enough to say attack the core worlds and defeat the republic)... I still nonetheless think that the Republic's economy being way bigger, (at least has the potential to). Could get more and more ships.


Its been said the Republic's Valor class nowadays are being left for defensive positions. And you see them less and less on invasions. So perhaps im missing something. Dunno if it was that infigthing on with the old chancellor. Or perhaps the Eternal Empire just dealt a bigger blow to the Republic, being it is the most spread power.


Aniways, if someone solved the question for me of the Ziost holocaust, i would glady say the war still rages on. But for me at this point the Empire is down to few billions citizens. Something like 10 billions. Whereas the Republic if we include the alien species, has what? a quadrillion ?


Close the pop gap and i am fine... Perhaps the Siphoning shouldnt have happened on Ziost.. But on an important Republic Planet.

Edited by HectorCasan
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I think you forgot about official report about both factions and more after Iokath. Official report ofc



It clearly state that, military wise Empire under Acina's rule outnumbered Republic both in Navy and Army and is very well ruled. Even if Acina dies and Empire lose at Iokath, this does not change much to their superiority over Republic.

However if Republic and Malcom lose/die then that superiority is even bigger and a lot of planets announce bankrupcy and stops their productions on Copero advertisment during FP.


Furthermore differences can be bigger thorough our choices during JUS+

Faction that wins during battle of Corellia is in much better situation than before. Key victories and controls of 3 sectors Bormea and two others for A letter I think. Example of how we can make a difference in this war.

(Second battle of Coreliia, Meridian Complex)


I do agree that Republic has far, far more people than Empire. But it doesn't mean they all are soldiers, countless of Republic people are citizens and related. And as stated above in report, that even with that in mind, Empire has bigger military than Republic, then it means something. Even that Sith Order is better working, cooperative and organised than Jedi Order is also important.


As for, more like secret/small/not enough operations of Empire. Whole Onslaught, JUS, Dantooine, Manaan. Indeed it they are trying to do as much as possible, with as small force as possible. And dependind on us, it can happen or not. So this not means Empire is weak and can't make a proper force for invasions etc. But they are just thinking tactically etc. Unless it's needed or "safe" enough. As battle of Corellia. Gargantaun armada in final battle with "if possible" weaken Republic fleet.


I'd also like to see some bigger operations and invasion from Imp side, to see really some might from Empire like in Corellia and Meridian Complex.


Maybe soon we'll be able to see it.


Btw i think i was missing this "infighting between hardline supporters of former Chancellor Saresh and more moderate voices held up recovery efforts significantly"


Tbh we all know that if the Republic was ruled by someone strong (like Palpatine, lol), and had obligatory conscription. The war would end before a year....


Lawl democracy

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I think you forgot about official report about both factions and more after Iokath. Official report ofc



It clearly state that, military wise Empire under Acina's rule outnumbered Republic both in Navy and Army and is very well ruled. Even if Acina dies and Empire lose at Iokath, this does not change much to their superiority over Republic.

However if Republic and Malcom lose/die then that superiority is even bigger and a lot of planets announce bankrupcy and stops their productions on Copero advertisment during FP.


Furthermore differences can be bigger thorough our choices during JUS+

Faction that wins during battle of Corellia is in much better situation than before. Key victories and controls of 3 sectors Bormea and two others for A letter I think. Example of how we can make a difference in this war.

(Second battle of Coreliia, Meridian Complex)


I do agree that Republic has far, far more people than Empire. But it doesn't mean they all are soldiers, countless of Republic people are citizens and related. And as stated above in report, that even with that in mind, Empire has bigger military than Republic, then it means something. Even that Sith Order is better working, cooperative and organised than Jedi Order is also important.


As for, more like secret/small/not enough operations of Empire. Whole Onslaught, JUS, Dantooine, Manaan. Indeed it they are trying to do as much as possible, with as small force as possible. And dependind on us, it can happen or not. So this not means Empire is weak and can't make a proper force for invasions etc. But they are just thinking tactically etc. Unless it's needed or "safe" enough. As battle of Corellia. Gargantaun armada in final battle with "if possible" weaken Republic fleet.


I'd also like to see some bigger operations and invasion from Imp side, to see really some might from Empire like in Corellia and Meridian Complex.


Maybe soon we'll be able to see it.


We just got the battle of corellia, that was a Gargantuan Invasion... +100 ships was it? (Would have love to see them all in screen, counted about 20 lol....


I think we need the opposite... Gargantuan invasion from the Republic to the empire, and having its asses kicked. So the Republic has to fall back a bit.

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Agreed. At the end of Onslaught I was thinking about it. From JUS we were seeing only Republic on defensive and Empire on attacking side. I wanted to see reverse situation, when Empire is defending and Republic attacking. I don't know, maybe some secret Imperial Research Station with a lot of new tech that could give Empire an edge and Republic would send a massive force to attack it. Empire would have to defend, I mean station and we would have to defened until Imperial reinforcements would arrive. If succed then Empire has fatal blow in many aspects and Republic having an edge or vice versa, Empire and edge and Republic fatal blow.


And we got it. In Manaan, Empire honestly is defending in both stories and Republic is attacking. But that was so poorly done, so rushed and chaotic that it.. I have no words for it. I didn't felt anything there. Not even that our choices and hardwork did anything. And so I hope next Imp vs Rep will be again Rep as attacker, but better done...


I don't know what to answer to previous replies e.g Ziost Massacre. It seems It wasnt so important XD


Also, I'd like to see now Imperial new "stuff" with Iokath tech. Republic had Meridian Complex even if Republic lost on Iokath. But Empire even if won? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Also v2 I'd like to see some new tech in war. I think reviving/rebuilding old tech like Gauntet (which I'd like to see again, but a lot of people would complain), so something new.

Republic has to yet use these Null Cannons which was supposed to be counter weapon against Isotopr-5 and Silencers.

Empire needs something new as well.



And I want to get new flagship for Alliance fleet and want to see my fleet finally and doing something.

Maybe off topic, but if we'd see how large is Alliance fleet and it's supposed to be not few fighters and one transport ship, but quite large and powerful fleet, even more after 6.1 update then we could see and try to discuss e.g how truly large fleet on Corellia was from Empire. 100+ around ships.

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Agreed. At the end of Onslaught I was thinking about it. From JUS we were seeing only Republic on defensive and Empire on attacking side. I wanted to see reverse situation, when Empire is defending and Republic attacking. I don't know, maybe some secret Imperial Research Station with a lot of new tech that could give Empire an edge and Republic would send a massive force to attack it. Empire would have to defend, I mean station and we would have to defened until Imperial reinforcements would arrive. If succed then Empire has fatal blow in many aspects and Republic having an edge or vice versa, Empire and edge and Republic fatal blow.


And we got it. In Manaan, Empire honestly is defending in both stories and Republic is attacking. But that was so poorly done, so rushed and chaotic that it.. I have no words for it. I didn't felt anything there. Not even that our choices and hardwork did anything. And so I hope next Imp vs Rep will be again Rep as attacker, but better done...


I don't know what to answer to previous replies e.g Ziost Massacre. It seems It wasnt so important XD


Also, I'd like to see now Imperial new "stuff" with Iokath tech. Republic had Meridian Complex even if Republic lost on Iokath. But Empire even if won? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Also v2 I'd like to see some new tech in war. I think reviving/rebuilding old tech like Gauntet (which I'd like to see again, but a lot of people would complain), so something new.

Republic has to yet use these Null Cannons which was supposed to be counter weapon against Isotopr-5 and Silencers.

Empire needs something new as well.



And I want to get new flagship for Alliance fleet and want to see my fleet finally and doing something.

Maybe off topic, but if we'd see how large is Alliance fleet and it's supposed to be not few fighters and one transport ship, but quite large and powerful fleet, even more after 6.1 update then we could see and try to discuss e.g how truly large fleet on Corellia was from Empire. 100+ around ships.


Well i do hate that Ziost massacre is so downplayed. I think that planet accounted for about at the very least 20-30% of the entire empire population. And i did not see any shuttles, if there was an evacuation, it was minor.


Then about the new Flagship for the republic fleet?... NO... i love my Valor Classes (i guess i have to be the only one, but i love those fat weirdly shaped ships a lot).... Now if we could "empower them" like those isotope-5 dreadnaughts. But maybe withsome different technology... that would be cool..

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I mean, ye. Imperials get Harrower ship with "something" and Republic would get Valor with finally working Null Cannons. I don't think Republic has anything else of that kind now.


Ive read another report saying the Isotope-5 was also used to some other stuff... Also probably used most to fight the Eternal Fleet and lost them. And seeing there were only a handful with those... even if every ship on the attack of corellia had it (100 ships), and lets say 80 ships remain?...


80-200 ships are HARDLY that huge of a difference, specially when you take into account the extreme population shortage on the Empire.


I really think the problem most people do not address (which i think it should be addressed btw...), and thats why for me the Empire's lore is kinda failing...


Is that most people seem to not realize how frikking huge the Republic is .... Before the battle of Yavin, it was said to have 1.200.000 systems... so lets say at least it has half now.. 600.000 ??


For the empire to be able to compete with that, on my math it needs at the very minimum 30.000-40.000 planets.... (similar to the separatists at the very least on the clone wars, although there the maths were off as there were clones and droids).


The absolute MINIMUM ammount of planets the Empire needs to control to not be entirely on "Full defense mode", is at the very least 20.000 planets, with good resources...

Edited by HectorCasan
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