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Desecration - Malgus Issue


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In the Desecration questline on Ossus Malgus has become severely under-skilled as a healer. He is not scaled properly and is healing for far too little health, and is instead more focused on fighting enemy NPCs. He is dying too frequently, often leading to a player having to repeat facing a standard Jedi master 3-5 times just to defeat their group.


Many players are complaining about this in general chat and I can confirm this issue myself. I have tried exiting the phase, changing his focus from healer to tank and back to healer and it makes no difference. Even as a tank he is underperforming. Perhaps part of the issue is his companion level is scaled down to 10 on a level 70 mission. Regardless it is extremely frustrating for a player trying to complete the beginning mission on Ossus and this has only become an issue since 7.0 rolled out.

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i had the exact same issue today doing that instance. i died more times then im willing to count. i tried malgus in different specs and he would die faster then me. he would jump in and use an AoE ground effect that would practically pull a third of the room and then we would both die cause of it. would be awesome if we had the option not to do this instance so we could continue on leveling.

i got desperate enough i pulled out another healer to keep me up and that didnt work either.

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  • Dev Post

Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

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I'm not trying to be a pain when I ask this but... I'm level 71. This is a story quest. How am I supposed to level to 80 when I'm not able to continue in the story, like, at all?

Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

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I'm not trying to be a pain when I ask this but... I'm level 71. This is a story quest. How am I supposed to level to 80 when I'm not able to continue in the story, like, at all?


Completely agree with this. I'm trying to level another character to 80 to enjoy the endgame....I currently can not beat this mission on my character. There should also be a option to skip all story up to the new expansion if we have previous beaten the story on another character. This is very irritating. Now I'm force to play as different character until this issue is fixed.

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I ran this mission the other day on my lightning sorc with Malgus, wasn't 80 yet (was trying to get to 80) and what I do every time is this:


1. Malgus defaults to heals when he joins me as a companion, I leave him at that and put him on passive.

2. Mobs on the other side of the archway cannot be attacked, so I enter the archway, aggro, and run back.

3. After those mobs aggro all those imperials who were standing around doing nothing, I make Malgus active.

4. Rinse and repeat: Next fight, I put him on passive, step through the archway, aggro the next crowd, run back.


At that point, the third set of mobs (running at you up the stairs) are too far away from the imperials at the entrance.

That's okay, however, because after that, the rest of the fight is manageable, even the end boss fight.


It seems just those first two clusters of mobs were difficult to deal with, so letting the computer play itself for a while with those first two sets of mobs works just fine, just add enough DPS at times to keep the fight progressing.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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This was my first time playing this mission so it was hard to tell what is working right and what isn't.


I found at least four frustratingly unexpected behaviors in this Master Medeen section.


1) Malgus underpowered as a companion relative to what my character is accustomed to.

2) Malgus has two, maybe three abilities that can aggro other groups from across the room. We're talking multiple large pulls at once with an underperforming companion.

3) Malgus wakes up my stuns, complicating crowd control.

4) The collapsed archways that Malgus won't attack through and I can't shoot through.



I didn't do it without a couple deaths, but I got through by switching to a second combat style temporarily and stealthing in behind Medeen. Then I disabled Malgus's AOE abilities by right-clicking on the green dot (repeat after death). That allowed me to switch back to my primary combat style, KO Medeen with a concussion round, and work the others without a full room pull by Malgus. I had him tanking.

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Completely agree with this. I'm trying to level another character to 80 to enjoy the endgame....I currently can not beat this mission on my character. There should also be a option to skip all story up to the new expansion if we have previous beaten the story on another character. This is very irritating. Now I'm force to play as different character until this issue is fixed.


Finally after countless deaths I completed this mission with my lvl 70 sith warrior. As well as pulling most of the trash back to the idle imperials near the entrance to the first chamber as recoended above I found hiding behind the statues in the final corridor a good way to beat the last two groups. You can just LOS them as they wont follow behind the statues and use aoe to slowly beat them down. In the final fight Malgus will heal enough to stay alive and keep you alive too as long as you kill the add as fast as possible when it spawns and lead the falling rock attacks away from Malus so he doesn't get too beat up. Hope that helps..

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Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


No offense, but this is literally the dumbest "work around" I have ever read in the history of MMO forums. You would be much better served to just say we know its a bug and are working on it. Its a story quest. It blocks progression. All I want to do is play your stupid game and I keep running into blatant scaling issues over and over again. This has been the most painful leveling experience I have ever attempted.

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Especially since the "suggestion" doesn't work. I went in at 80 with sucky Malgus and he still sucks. I was able to trade him out with a L50 companion and the instance still is massively unbalanced. Any elite I whirlwind immediately gets out and stun-locks the companion so the rest of the group then jumps in and kills me. I'm literally stuck in the story line because of of this one quest.


Just attempted it again with iLvl 320 gear, still with Level 50 Lana and still died 3 times on the second pull mobs. One death was with only an elite and a strong mob battling me and the companion. 10 seconds and death. This is ridiculous.

Edited by rndygiles
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I did this fight successfully on my scoundrel. It took a while, but here's how:


Blow the door. Shield yourself as best you can, -- with adrenals, Unity, whatever you've got -- then run into the room and keep running as far from the initial mobs as you can get. The object is to die in a corner near Master Medeen. Call the probe, then fight Medeen and his protectors (knight and watchman, as I recall).


Next, find the two devices you need to open the door to Master Adega. They're easy to spot, and you can get to them without aggroing any mobs. Open the door and head for Adega. There is a group of mobs you have to fight before him. I died in that fight and had to run back in. It was okay because once you run in and past the mobs in the first room through the door to Adega, they stop following.


Make your way to Adega (w/ watchman and knight). Once you beat them, the way is clear to Gnost-Dural, and that fight was actually fairly easy, much easier than fighting the Master Watchmen.


Hope this helps!

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I'm not trying to be a pain when I ask this but... I'm level 71. This is a story quest. How am I supposed to level to 80 when I'm not able to continue in the story, like, at all?

Got the same reply, not helpful at all. I'm a level 80 Sith Inquisitor and my gear is not great but should have been good enough to through the mission without incident. But no, Malgus is dying instantly, and I die afterward. This wasn't a problem prior to the patch when I played through this mission when I was a Sith Warrior. I'm dropping my subscription, I'm so done with all the issues and the lack of action being done.

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Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

I am 80 and no go ...

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Same boat, before patch got through it with my Sith Warrior, but now with my 80 lvl Inquisitor it is ridiculous, managed to slowly kill and die my way to Master Adega but Malgus is dead seconds into the fight, so is any Influence 50 companion I swap him with.
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Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


That's all a huge steaming pile of guano. I have no idea what that "dev team" is so busy with, but they can't find the F keys on their keyboards to type what exactly they don't give about their player base or player experience. This quest and Where Dreams Die should have been a hotfix. Yet here we are. Ave, workarounds, hurray!

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That's all a huge steaming pile of guano. I have no idea what that "dev team" is so busy with, but they can't find the F keys on their keyboards to type what exactly they don't give about their player base or player experience. This quest and Where Dreams Die should have been a hotfix. Yet here we are. Ave, workarounds, hurray!


There has got to be an answer to this. I have my lvl 80 Sith Juggernaut and he and Malgus or even any level 50 influence companion I try to fight Adega with gets smoked in 30 seconds or less. This is crazy. Not to mention, even with a level 80 character, you are downgraded to level 70 stats anyways.


This needs to be fixed!

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There has got to be an answer to this. I have my lvl 80 Sith Juggernaut and he and Malgus or even any level 50 influence companion I try to fight Adega with gets smoked in 30 seconds or less. This is crazy. Not to mention, even with a level 80 character, you are downgraded to level 70 stats anyways.


This needs to be fixed!


So I was finally able to get passed this stupid fight. The way I did it was to set Malgus to heal and then sneak around Adega into the hallway near the final fight. Target Adega and have Malgus go in and attack him (still as a healer). Then target Adega and DPS the ever living heck out of him with all you have. You may need to burn an emergency heal towards the end as Malgus almost always died for me with Adega around 30k HP left which means you need to have a well timed heal and then burn him for all you are worth. You will die. Hopefully you can kill him first though.

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I got stuck few days ago, but I did it today as Sith Warrior.

Simply put, put malgus on passive first and then drag every single group of enemies to the entrance to let the imperials join in the attack, disable malgus' passive mode and join the fight. Even for the the masters you can do this.

Completed the whole thing only dying once.

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Hi folks,


The bug you're reporting is a known issue:

  • Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.
    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


Sith Sorcerer, Tried this mission at level 80. Switched Malgus between tank and healer, still find the mission way too overpowered, where every mob just kills Malgus.

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I got stuck few days ago, but I did it today as Sith Warrior.

Simply put, put malgus on passive first and then drag every single group of enemies to the entrance to let the imperials join in the attack, disable malgus' passive mode and join the fight. Even for the the masters you can do this.

Completed the whole thing only dying once.


I tried to do this yesterday before I finally just bit the bullet and died a bunch. The problem I had yesterday, which I did not have the day before was nothing would move passed that first doorway, so the imperials near the entrance could not help me as of yesterday. I ended up just picking one or two off per fight and dying, then respawning and repeat. Finally got back to Adega and was able to get him dead after much trial and error with Malgus after about 8 tries.

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I tried to do this yesterday before I finally just bit the bullet and died a bunch. The problem I had yesterday, which I did not have the day before was nothing would move passed that first doorway, so the imperials near the entrance could not help me as of yesterday. I ended up just picking one or two off per fight and dying, then respawning and repeat. Finally got back to Adega and was able to get him dead after much trial and error with Malgus after about 8 tries.

Damn, at least it works. Seriously they need to fix their story related issues, got stuck on KOTET chapter 4's purifier droids a few more days ago, only got through it because of the recent patch. It really sucks when you get blocked from further progression in storylines just because of something like this.

Edited by TommyNg
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im so glad im not the only one having this issue. i feel like i'm going insane! before the update, i had played through this mission three times and it worked out just fine-- but this time i can't make any dent at all. i tried to lure the enemies past the door way but they get stuck and bug out. malgus doesn't heal me AT ALL, just kinda stands there or pulls in all the enemies in one big group so we both die within seconds. and when i pull in another companion at full influence, it's still not enough because of how many enemies and how strong they are.


ive also done the dying and running behind the targets move as well-- and if anything thats even worse than dying in the doorway.


this is extremely frustrating and disheartening, and has taken the fun out of this storyline completely now. im level 80 with 318 gear and i still cant do it. i guess i'll just have to accept that my sith warrior will stay on ossus forever :-(

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